The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Tips and advice for learners of the Polish language. Covers grammar and other language questions. (page 2)

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Is Polish easy to learn?
10 - Naturally....

LanguageAnia Polka Dot - 13 Mar 2023 Lyzko - 3 Apr 2023
Polish pet names
20 - Hi Boa, enjoy your meal....

LanguageBMAN2000 - 21 Oct 2014 Alien - 19 Mar 2023
How well do Polish people understand Slovak?  2  3
What does the phrase 'mój drogi' mean?
mężczyzny vs mężczyznę? language help please!
Need help translating old Gwardia Warszawa articles
2 - Hey, please drop me an email, I'll take a look at these articles and see what we can do...

LanguageVaresin73 - 1 Jan 2023 LonelyPoland - 10 Feb 2023
Is the term 'Polak' derogatory??  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
254 - I think that you can be pardoned for that one :-) But JR Jim cannot....

Languagetornado2007 - 23 Jul 2007 Miloslaw - 2 Feb 2023
Test to determine proficiency of Polish?
Having a really hard time with Polish cases  2
How to pronounce "y" in Polish?
28 - Hi, I read on a blog that it is worth doing speech organ exercises. Apparently, it helps in...

Languagekepler - 17 Jul 2012 Ania Polka Dot - 6 Jan 2023
Some German loan-words in Polish language
New Years wishes in Polish?
Busha and JaJa  2  3  4  5
Polish post office vocabulary
Brocki Spelling of Polish Surname
22 - Well, finally:-)...

LanguageGutless - 8 Aug 2022 Lyzko - 8 Nov 2022
Is There A Name For This Dialect?
Niewiara - meaning
The meaning of some Polish Diminutives
Helping Non Polish Student studying in Public School  2
32 - Actually, you know more than I do. Like where I live....

Languagephils_79 - 25 Sep 2022 Novichok - 28 Sep 2022
Polish Proverbs (American style?)
The "end piece" of a loaf of bread in Polish  2  3
80 - Dupka? mozesz se wsadzic do..... It is of course piętka- the best piece of fresh bread....

LanguageMoogleSensei - 13 Aug 2013 Alien - 17 Aug 2022
Is there a Polish way of saying 'USA' on forms?
A software which converts Polish text to audio?
8 - Simple use free Polish syntezator głosu

Languageolgaevans - 9 Apr 2011 Molotinho - 31 Jul 2022
Is there an equivalent for the name 'Wayne' in Polish?
11 - Hah! Wożniak it is then...

Languagecurious1923 - 30 Jul 2022 curious1923 - 30 Jul 2022
How to overcome the difficulties on learning Polish consonants ?
Polish grammar made easy
23 - Oh, please! Don't spare wolacz purely on my account:-)...

LanguageSeanus - 22 Nov 2008 Lyzko - 21 Jul 2022
Can you use lubisz and lubicie interchangeably?
9 - It is wonderful you are so vividly interested in Polish matters. Respect! :):)...

Languagexxsniperwolfxx - 25 Jun 2022 pawian - 20 Jul 2022
Does rz and sz have the same pronounciation?
7 - Ya got me that time, Alien!...

LanguageTanjiroKamado - 23 Jun 2022 Lyzko - 25 Jun 2022
Best books to self-study Polish?
A study on how bilingual Polish-English speakers think  2  3
86 - The good ones?...

Languagelenka565677777 - 6 Jun 2022 jon357 - 13 Jun 2022
Etymology of pan /pani
Polish people: did you struggle learning English - differences between both languages  2  3
Polish from Russian
Polish Accusative / Genitive case
20 - Tak, siódmy przypadek wolacz!...

LanguageNightglade - 8 Mar 2011 Lyzko - 7 May 2022
Help with Polish handwriting translation, please.
Polish flashcards?
Whats the difference between naprawdę?, doprawdy?, and ach tak?
Is This the Correct Way to Say 'bro, wake up, it's the 90's'?
Polish baby talk
16 - My niece says amci (c with an accent)...

LanguagePolonius3 - 7 Mar 2011 Yola132 - 13 Mar 2022
Is anyone playing Polish wordle - słowle?
3 - never played that but there is a Polish word game called literaki on

Languagemafketis - 18 Feb 2022 gumishu - 21 Feb 2022
About usage of the special Polish letters: ą ć ę ł ń ó ś ż ź
28 - Excellent observation....

LanguageFlameX - 17 Aug 2007 Lyzko - 12 Feb 2022
Found this in stuff my folks left; appears to be a "drinking" song;
6 - Why?? :): That`s good. Occassinal weeping when moved makes you healthier....

Languagegwrobel - 10 Feb 2022 pawian - 12 Feb 2022
Slavic languages words similarities with Polish  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
Declension of town names in prepositional phrases in Polish
A few words -"widzisz" and "mokro"... Curious about usage
twoj wasz
popełnić (extended usage)?
Abbreviations for days in Polish
Nice Polish words to say to a girl  2  3  4  5
Imci Pana meaning
Polish slang phrases - most popular.  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21
Spelling "aunt" in Polish  2  3  4  5
142 - Ha,ha, sorry Prof. służy and good....

Languagerommy - 28 Apr 2007 Alien - 4 Jan 2022
Polish gravestone translation  2
45 - Born 10 August 1884, died 12 March 1915, requests a Hail Mary....

Languagesarahxj82 - 30 Nov 2016 jon357 - 16 Dec 2021
Polish texts/stories with audio and English translation?
10 - Thank you !...

Languageoron - 20 Feb 2011 shoshana13 - 28 Nov 2021
Polish Phrases Meaning Old Soul?
14 - Thanks...

Languageladyplant123 - 6 Nov 2021 Lyzko - 9 Nov 2021
Grammar - difference between "jaki" and "co" in Polish language  2
Oj bidaku !
22 - Sort of, yes....

LanguageTheAnaconda - 30 Oct 2021 jon357 - 1 Nov 2021
What does Janina translate into in English?
27 - Ya that is what I think they felt it should be. They looked on a list I think...

LanguageAnielaMaria - 11 Mar 2018 AnielaMaria - 27 Oct 2021
POLISH 18 - 30 years old know MUCH BETTER ENGLISH language than their own native language!  2  3  4

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