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Polish Swear Words

z_darius 14 | 3960
31 Oct 2007 #511
it's $hit, but it's not used in the same context as the English "oh $hit". Poles usually will say "O kurwa", and a varitey of others.
Thea_skaar - | 1
5 Nov 2007 #512
Can someone tell me how to spell or explain how to pronounce "samki morde polaku" or how ever you say "shut up polak" please!!!

i now it is rude wont use it agains polish people its just to show my friend that i can speek polish because he can and i am jealous
5 Nov 2007 #513
i now it is rude wont use it agains polish people its just to show my friend that i can speek polish because he can and i am jealous

perhaps another phrase would be more appropriate then;)
osiol 55 | 3921
5 Nov 2007 #514
Cicho! might suffice, or perhaps
zamknij sie prosze. Although it's shut up, at least there's a please.
You could add (Ja) mowie po polsku.
sledz 23 | 2247
5 Nov 2007 #515
chuj - dick
dupek - *******
dziwka - *****
spierdalaj - **** off
osiol 55 | 3921
5 Nov 2007 #516
Kurwa chuju jebany - excuse me sir, you seem to have annoyed me somewhat and I wish to make this known to you.
sledz 23 | 2247
5 Nov 2007 #517
Trzymaj się swojego fiuta, Ty zasrańcu
5 Nov 2007 #518
sledz, you are really good man!!!!!!!!
sledz 23 | 2247
5 Nov 2007 #519
Dziekuje, How come when someone learns a new language the swear are
always the first ones you learn?...LOL
5 Nov 2007 #520
swear are

no, I have seen you learning more than that. I think it is great. I actually didn't know this one myslef;P
I am personally working of British way of swearing and show it off to my posh friend here. I don't think she is too impressed, but she is too polite to say anything.;P

It is a lot of fun, becaus it has some 'meat" to it and when I go to England I need to prepare, since the Canadian swearing is like baby talk;(
sledz 23 | 2247
5 Nov 2007 #521
I have seen you learning more than that. I think it is great.

Well I`ve been trying to learn its hard sometimes, I have a few friends here that
have been helping me too.

I am personally working of British way of swearing

when I go to England I need to prepare,

Give the wankers and tossers some shite, tell them bloody bastards to
Sod off:)
osiol 55 | 3921
5 Nov 2007 #522
How come when someone learns a new language the swear are
always the first ones you learn?...

For some people, they're the words you hear most of.

Give the wankers and tossers some shite, tell them bloody bastards to
Sod off:)

sledz 23 | 2247
5 Nov 2007 #523
Thats true for me anyways:)


Oh frogot about that one......Hey Miranda come
5 Nov 2007 #524

you meant Botox?
osiol 55 | 3921
5 Nov 2007 #525
I've never used that one as a swear word.
5 Nov 2007 #526
gosh, you are so serious tonight
osiol 55 | 3921
5 Nov 2007 #527
I thought I was wearing my serious face avatar.
I was about to say something about botox and faces, but (strangely for this thread) decided to censor myself.
Hueg - | 320
5 Nov 2007 #528
British way of swearing

Generally the worst word you can say to a Brit is 4 letters long and begins with w.

Teatime teaser. Yes it ends with k and at 65.
5 Nov 2007 #529
i have no idea that's that...
5 Nov 2007 #530
Generally the worst word you can say to a Brit is 4 letters long and begins with w.Teatime teaser. Yes it ends with k and at 65.

you are driving me crazy Hueg man. What is is? I need to know.
osiol 55 | 3921
5 Nov 2007 #531
W**k is not as dirty a word as the word job, to paraphrase General Melchitt.
5 Nov 2007 #532
can you PM this to me please????
Hueg - | 320
5 Nov 2007 #533

I always thought it was Crevice.
5 Nov 2007 #534

Babi 4 | 42
6 Nov 2007 #535
you are driving me crazy Hueg man. What is is? I need to know.

it is work???
6 Nov 2007 #536
when someone learns a new language the swear are
always the first ones you learn?

i didnt lol and still dont know hardly any swear words only one i know is fuk off in polish :)
szarlotka 8 | 2205
6 Nov 2007 #537
How come when someone learns a new language the swear are
always the first ones you learn?...LOL

I must be strange then.... first word I always master is beer !
z_darius 14 | 3960
6 Nov 2007 #538
How come when someone learns a new language the swear are
always the first ones you learn?

It's actually a known psychological phenomenon. Swear words do cause some excitement and therefore they are more memorable. The same with other words we learn in unusual circumstances. It is a sort of contextual reinforcement.
Hueg - | 320
6 Nov 2007 #539
I must be strange then.... first word I always master is beer

Wasn't that because after that Warsaw incident your accountant insisted upon it?
cubic 2 | 63
6 Nov 2007 #540
I must be strange then.... first word I always master is beer !

A useful first sentence is "Sack the juggler!" -- so that you can heckle the bar staff when they drop a glass!

What would that be in Polish...?

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