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Polish Swear Words

11 Oct 2007 #481
Ciota, Pedal - wich basically means fag.

a fag??? haha, nice, seems like i cant speak polish though
ah yeah, for gay can be. but u can use also for someone who isnt homosexual
zibo - | 55
11 Oct 2007 #482
but u can use also for someone who isnt homosexual

sure, its more fun to call a "nonhomosexual" person a fag, they get so angry.
11 Oct 2007 #483
haha, yeah
maybe they just have some complexes :P
i red that everyone has some homosexual genes but didnt find mine yet
Babi 4 | 42
11 Oct 2007 #484
Or call a Homophobe it

Right, You said to ask if I needed anymore help lol

Zobaczysz kurwa, kamasze z ciebie tylko zostan

Does this even make sense?
I see Kurwa which means wh*re/b*tch/sh*t
but the rest is beyond me.
zibo - | 55
11 Oct 2007 #485
Not really. Kurwa is used when someone gets angry, or even use it every 2 words. It doesnt really mean anything in this sentence.

kamasze z ciebie tylko zostana - means he will beat you or do something so badly that only boots will stay and the rest will be gone. Kamasze means army boots btw.
Babi 4 | 42
11 Oct 2007 #486
ahhhhhh Ok,

thanks Zibo x
osiol 55 | 3921
11 Oct 2007 #487

Kurwa is also found in Hungarian, where I believe it is a much ruder word.
So as not to upset the nice young Hungarian lady at work, the K-word has been banned.

W kurczaka jebanego!

Will any chickens get hurt in this sentence?
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599
11 Oct 2007 #488
Kurwa is also found in Hungarian

And Romanian :)
osiol 55 | 3921
11 Oct 2007 #489
And Romanian

A word seeking world domination?

My favourite rude polish word of the moment is zjebany.
Or is it two words? - z jebany.
I don't know. I just like the sound of it.
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599
11 Oct 2007 #490
A word seeking world domination?

Quite possibly.

My favourite rude polish word

I blush at the very thought of them :)
zibo - | 55
11 Oct 2007 #491
russian as well

and Czech i belive
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599
11 Oct 2007 #492
It is trying to take over the World!!!

zibo - | 55
11 Oct 2007 #493
I blush at the very thought of them :)

why? it makes you uncomfortable?
osiol 55 | 3921
11 Oct 2007 #494
A workmate recently picked up the word pizda.
He has fallen in love with this word.
He now has trouble ordering round, cheesy topping covered bready products without swearing in Polish.
This is strange because he never showed any interest in anything foreign before.

It is trying to take over the World!!!

Let's hazard a guess at some presence in Slovenian too.
Any more?
zibo - | 55
11 Oct 2007 #495
every "straight" man is in love with pizda :)
11 Oct 2007 #496
is it strange that I liked the word too: just not the meaning, even if there IS a funny/horrifying little rhyme using it...
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599
11 Oct 2007 #497
why? it makes you uncomfortable?

Not really. I was jesting. But a Polish male friend has taught me 3 sentences recently and then I discovered all 3 were rude. He's a really good teacher though so I picked them up quickly. I'm pretty wary when he teaches me anything now...even though he insists that was just a joke...some joke :)
osiol 55 | 3921
11 Oct 2007 #498
there IS a funny/horrifying little rhyme using it

Enlighten us please.
urszula 1 | 253
11 Oct 2007 #499
every "straight" man is in love with pizda :)

And a lesbian.... :)
11 Oct 2007 #500
Enlighten us please.

might be here already for all I know : anway! I've only heard it, and remember how to say it, I have no IDEA how to type it!
14 Oct 2007 #501
**** all **** my is huge I wish someone would lik it
20 Oct 2007 #502
does anyone know what the word "hunyukker" means? I think it's Polish for something like a dumb peasant... maybe?

Just found out.....

Essentially a Northern version of a Redneck.

Can be either urban blue-collar or rural. Can be from any area of North America north of the 42nd Parallel, but especially concentrated in the Dakotas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, the lower peninsula of Michigan (Yoopers are a separate breed altogether), and Upstate New York. Especially fond of 1970's & 80's arena rock music. Wisconsin hunyucks are particularly rabid fans of the Green Bay Packers (not all Packer fans are hunyucks, but all Wisconsin hunyucks are Packer fans, with the exception of those living in the St. Croix River Valley, who own reversible jackets with Packers on one side, and Minnesota Vikings on the other). Primary consumers of Calvin Peeing and "Ditch the *****, Let's Go Snowmobiling" stickers in the northern tier of states. Older hunyucks are responsible for the majority of polka music produced in the United States.
osiol 55 | 3921
20 Oct 2007 #503
wpierdalaj - eat / drink (an order, not a particularly polite one)
20 Oct 2007 #504
horrifying little rhyme using it...

[pizda that is]
this was repeated to a polish guy at work today [by a friend, not moi, I only encouraged... and told it...!] to a lot of surprised laughter :) hehe
24 Oct 2007 #505
defoh dupa smatigy yok guvno

what does that mean?

i can pick out ass and ****, but what would the sentance mean?
sledz 23 | 2247
24 Oct 2007 #506
skurwysyn - son of a biaatch
z_darius 14 | 3960
24 Oct 2007 #507
I wonder if there is somewhere a Ploish equivalent of:
osiol 55 | 3921
29 Oct 2007 #508
ser z kozła

Did I hear a Lithuanian use the word today, or was that my imagination.
z_darius 14 | 3960
31 Oct 2007 #509
Did I hear a Lithuanian use the word today, or was that my imagination.

The word is ancient, and according to Polish etymologists, of Slavonic origin, and it is not derived from Latin "curvus"

Latvian 'kurva'
Lithuanian 'kurva'
Serbocroatian 'kurva'
moonmustang 2 | 46
31 Oct 2007 #510
is there a polish translation for the word - crap?

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