The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Tips and advice for learners of the Polish language. Covers grammar and other language questions. (page 4)

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"Hilarious" Mistakes? (Esp. Across Polish and other Slavic Languages)  2  3
Polish versions for English words? !  2
Determining the gender of some nouns in Polish.
Use of swoj
How should "Polish" be written? Maybe Polski?
27 - OK, if you say so... :)...

Languagemoseleyphotos - 4 Jan 2012 pawian - 5 Sep 2020
Does being surrounded by Slovak language help in learning Polish?
Indirect/direct speech in English and Polish.
Family members in Polish
8 - Typical Polish attitude to Risings. haha...

LanguageSonorous - 1 Oct 2013 pawian - 23 Jul 2020
Polish verbs are confusing/I get many results when I look them up in an online dictionary  2
76 - Yes, but never heard them used for dogs....

LanguagePolonius3 - 28 Apr 2008 pawian - 8 Jul 2020
Lyrics to Polish song Hoopai Shupai
Trying to interpret a letter from Poland
3 - Thank you very much for that info!...

LanguageNinaM - 15 May 2020 NinaM - 16 May 2020
Polish Pet Names For A Lover?
26 - Call her ropuszka and she will love you forever...

Languagetempaccount - 15 Dec 2009 Spike31 - 17 Apr 2020
Can I buy the Polish language certificate B1?
Polish names without a nickname (or less frequently shortened)  2  3
Poszłam or poszedłem
"There will always be a Poland" in Polish
Can accidentally using the wrong gender form cause offence?
Instrumental case in the Polish language. Am I understanding it right?  2  3
Learning Polish but not focusing on the grammar, good idea?  2
Future conditional (converting some sentences into conditional form with "gdyby")
Nice and easy sentences for Polish future in laws?
News In Easy Polish (sample websites)?
11 - Yes, but the OP mentioned the government so I also provided state sites....

Languageavemg - 18 Dec 2010 pawian - 18 Mar 2020
What were the first Polish words and phrases you have learned?  2  3
The most important phrases when traveling to Poland
24 - Is it a real life anecdote or just invented?...

Languagealteris - 26 Apr 2011 pawian - 17 Mar 2020
Stenka and stęka - on alleged non-existence of nasal vowels in spoke Polish
Nice Polish phrases to say to men  2  3
76 - But they can`t help being addressed so if they look like that:...

Languageanglikgirl - 13 Sep 2007 pawian - 16 Mar 2020
Polish Sweet Phrases About Home
10 - There are also less sweet ones: It is a bad bird which shyts in its own nest....

Languagedieseluk - 4 Mar 2016 pawian - 16 Mar 2020
Funny/strange/deviant words in the Polish language  2
Diminutive name of Medard?
6 - Wow, an extremely rare name. I have never met Medard....

Languagezajas - 22 Dec 2013 pawian - 13 Mar 2020
Diminutive Words for Breads, Loaves, etc
Sentence usage/placements of unstressed vs stressed pronouns Się/Siebie, Mi/Mię, Cię/Ci, Go/Jego, Mu/Jemu,
19 - Yep, makes sense....

LanguageForumUser - 8 Mar 2020 Lyzko - 11 Mar 2020
Etymology of sztuka
Verbal nouns and past-tense adjectives from imperfective & perfective verbs..when to use which aspect?  2
Special Polish Prayers / (Funeral too) that stand out
All-nighters / traction session / legions / levels - Synonyms needed
4 - Some people are very sensitive....

Languagepuszekokruszek - 14 Oct 2013 pawian - 23 Feb 2020
Spelling / pronunciation of Polish words and phrases
Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus - a religious greeting?  2
RUDE word form conjugation + communicating on facebook in Polish
Your favourite Polish proverb?
Translation of the word "małpka" into English
10 - Well, some guys can swallow such a 100 ml bottle in one nip. :):) Not bad,...

LanguageZiemowit - 6 Feb 2020 pawian - 7 Feb 2020
Polish vs English tongue twisters
Slow Talk in Polish TV
Slang term for "pants" in Polish? Gacie.  2
Origin of / reason for spelling /tɕi/ as <ci> in the Polish language
11 - Swietna idea. Dobranoc:-)...

LanguageLucDre - 13 Jan 2020 Lyzko - 14 Jan 2020
Meaning of I-go , II-go , III-go ???
Polish equivalent or translation for "still waters run deep"
2 - Cicha woda brzegi rwie....

LanguageGKrajenta - 6 Jan 2017 Chemikiem - 6 Jan 2017

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