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Meaning of I-go , II-go , III-go ???

mhurwicz  10 | 20
3 Jan 2020   #1
On my father's 1938 graduation certificate from the University of Warsaw ([][/url]) words such as this occur:

I-go kursu były

I understand that this means

the first course was

But what is


I take it that it's an abbreviation? Thanks!
mafketis  38 | 10868
3 Jan 2020   #2
But what is


It's a grammatical ending for adjectives (genitive singular for masculine and neuter nouns), the full form is -(i)ego

Think of it as meaning 'of'

II-go (drugiego) of the second
III-go (trzeciego) of the third

I understand that this means

the first course was

Actually it doesn't..... it means "of the first course were" which doesn't make much sense without more context...

Home / Language / Meaning of I-go , II-go , III-go ???

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