The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Tips and advice for learners of the Polish language. Covers grammar and other language questions. (page 3)

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Polish opinions on foreign languages?  2
54 - Many thanks....

LanguageZlatko - 3 Jul 2020 Lyzko - 6 Sep 2021
"Ego" as an ending in Polish Names?
19 - My grandfather (buried in 1927) has that suffix after his name on his tombstone. I was told that in...

LanguageNannerlh60 - 29 Mar 2012 Joey Bagadonuts - 26 Aug 2021
Can you transcribe this name?
6 - Maybe Zygmuntus? My wild guess is Tsarewicz...

LanguageDellaC - 18 Aug 2021 Looker - 18 Aug 2021
English translation of cuteczka?
Are czegos and coś interchangable?
12 - But you can say: nie widze czegos....

Languagetroyboyblue - 30 Jul 2021 Alien - 31 Jul 2021
Websites with Audio translation... plus phonetic spelling (pronunciation)?
I would like to make a collection of beautiful and/or funny polish quotes
Nickname for a small boy
First Year Polish Second Edition Revised and Expanded - Oscar E. Swan (White Cover)
13 - @Lyzko ...

Languagedevilslayer - 8 Nov 2017 Bishop11 - 17 Jul 2021
The shame! I can't pronounce my Polish wife's name (Ola)  2  3
69 - Yep, I met an Ola in Rzeszow and thought she said Hola, but it made it easy for...

Languagejasondmzk - 16 Feb 2012 Joker - 16 Jul 2021
Endearment, friendship, etc. in Polish  2
Your perception of the Polish accent  2  3  4  5
145 - James Gandolfino was NOT an old-money W.A.S.P.!...

LanguageArkady - 26 Aug 2007 Lyzko - 26 Jun 2021
Help translating historical passage in Polish
11 - The 'osocznicy' explained:

Languagewjh - 1 Dec 2016 Ziemowit - 23 Jun 2021
'much better' expression in Polish?
Mixed English Grammar Thread  2  3  4  5  6  7
Puns and language games in Polish adverts
Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52
1558 - Clarity needn't be infantile, Lenka....

Languagejoland - 11 Apr 2009 Lyzko - 29 May 2021
Looking for help with Polish handwriting
Polish sayings  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
236 - I forgot to mention, in modern Iberian Spanish zorra is also used like suka (b|tch)...

Languagescouser - 12 Oct 2006 mafketis - 22 May 2021
What are the hard aspects of Polish according to its learners? - home essay
21 - I'm rather confused at this point, sorry to say....

Languagehunspike - 18 Mar 2015 Lyzko - 21 May 2021
Etymology of the word "brat" - in Poland and other Slavic countries
Can you recognise the famous quotes from Polish films?
Cases in Polish. czas, czasu, czasowi, czasy, czasom, etc
5 - W porównianiu z tym czasem, jest.. = In comparison with that time.....

Languagenyphri22 - 8 May 2021 Lyzko - 8 May 2021
English sentences into Polish (want to test my knowledge)
Z in usage with a verb...
20 - -:) Yes....

LanguageJS08K - 23 Jan 2010 Lyzko - 2 May 2021
[SEX] Polish sentences/expressions  2
23 - Thanks, Lenka....

Languagechaza - 9 Jan 2010 Lyzko - 2 May 2021
Anglos don't distinguish kasza from Kasia?
22 - I'm not the pope! I say czule... I just don't hear the difference most of the time....

LanguagePolonius3 - 30 Dec 2009 mafketis - 1 May 2021
Etymologia łuny
Polish Phrase from Grandma - Pic kawe?
5 - Taki maluczki (malutki) bobas- so litle baby....

LanguageIbkis30 - 25 Jan 2014 Alien - 29 Apr 2021
Polish terms for age demographic? ("Baby Boomer", "Generations X/Y/Z", "Millennials", "Post-Millennials",etc?)
What are the best Polish - English Dictionary and Learning Books?
Words with subtle differences in Polish language (or are they complete synonyms?)
8 - Makes sense to me too....

Languageexonie - 8 Jan 2012 Lyzko - 22 Apr 2021
Is this true about Polish pronunciation of English (that some words sound identical?)  2
In search of Mówimy po polsku audio files
6 - I have that disc but need disc3 13 - 19 ok...

Languagejohnstol - 5 Oct 2016 oldmacdonald - 18 Apr 2021
Declension of diminutives in the Polish language
8 - If we had borrowed it from English, the dimunitive of ham would be hamka....

LanguageLeo 037james - 13 Apr 2021 pawian - 13 Apr 2021
Family Polish Language Games
What is your biggest problem with Polish language?  2  3  4  5  6
rzeczownik (noun) // Right, Recht?
8 - In German, "Laib" is the cognate/calque of "loaf":-)...

LanguageThomasK - 15 Mar 2021 Lyzko - 15 Mar 2021
Who actually says "Ale decha!" in Poland?
Am I the only person that can't sing in Polish at all?  2
Information on Polish textbook Hurra Po Polsku  2
33 - Yes, you're right though....

LanguageSzczerbaty - 15 Aug 2014 Lyzko - 31 Jan 2021
Postcard from Wolyn.. translation if possible..
19 - Good that you got the translation, nice to see a happy ending :) Have a look at...

Languagetadoz - 22 Jan 2021 Chemikiem - 26 Jan 2021
Polish language would look better written in Cyrillic Script?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
Uniquely Polish Historic Script?
10 - Interesting, jon. Thanks....

LanguagePartPolishMutt - 13 Jul 2013 Lyzko - 24 Jan 2021
I am looking for help to identify a song track which I believe is Polish.
25 - @ScotKevin, you're welcome, I'm glad I could help in such a sentimental matter :)...

Languagemariaterisa - 8 May 2013 Paulina - 19 Jan 2021
Meaning of "B.P." and "b." in a Polish death notice
5 - You are welcome....

Languagemhurwicz - 9 Aug 2020 pawian - 9 Jan 2021
Rozumiesz - I have a question on Polish language.
Burak or redneck?  2
Do Poles prefer US American or UK English language?  2  3  4  5
Free Polish books online?
7 - also spanish ebooks...

LanguageHoneybee - 8 Nov 2010 Wojciech Wilczynski - 29 Oct 2020
I really need to know the rest of this phrase - Jezu Kochanie...?
Maria, what is the Polish form?
× IS "MURZYN" word RACIST?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23
Fun with Polish ambiguous language  2  3
It is not possible to translate names into English or Polish!  2
Which preposition for 'at'?  2
Ideas of messianism of Adam Mickiewicz - more info needed
"Hilarious" Mistakes? (Esp. Across Polish and other Slavic Languages)  2  3

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