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Differences in Polish and English idioms

Strzelec35 23 | 834
30 Mar 2021 #61
maybe. But isnt that word more sexual? Lets say you want to tell some guy "I dont want to talk to you right now because there is no sense getting heated or lose energy right now"
Lenka 5 | 3526
30 Mar 2021 #62
"I dont wanna get hyped up"

Nie chcę się nakręcać/nakręcić.


Pobudzać if anything but no, it's not used like that
Strzelec35 23 | 834
30 Mar 2021 #63
ok nakręcać is exactly what I was looking for.
edek uk
18 May 2022 #64
One does not dream in colour, think of any dream you've had, can you actually place a colour on anything?
pawian 221 | 24284
6 Jan 2024 #66
Don't use my name

In Polish we say: don`t wipe your mugs (faces) with .........

A good example of the usage:
J Kaczynski said: don`t wipe your trecherous mugs with my late brother`s name!

johnny reb 47 | 7288
7 Jan 2024 #67
In Polish we say: don`t wipe your mugs (faces) with .........

In Jamaica we say: "Don't use my name with yours", only using patois. :-)
pawian 221 | 24284
7 Jan 2024 #68
In Jamaica we say:

Novi said they have a high intentional homicide rate in Jamaica. Be careful.
PS. Unless you are one of those thugs who do it.
Alien 22 | 5228
7 Jan 2024 #69
don`t wipe your trecherous mugs with my late brother`s name!

This phrase only confirms the low intellectual level of the person who uses it.

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