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Is there an equivalent for the name 'Wayne' in Polish?

30 Jul 2022 #1
NT, all in subject
Veles - | 200
30 Jul 2022 #2
As far as I know, there isn't.
pawian 221 | 24284
30 Jul 2022 #3
Yes, there is, even two.
If way means droga - Drogowski
If way means sposób - Sposobowicz.
OP curious1923
30 Jul 2022 #4
From what I know, 'Wayne' means 'wagon builder or driver', as in the old style covered wagon with horses. I'm pretty sure 'Wayne' doesn't mean 'way' as in 'path' or 'direction'.
Cojestdocholery 2 | 1058
30 Jul 2022 #5
From what I know, 'Wayne' means 'wagon builder or driver',

Woźnica not that common.
pawian 221 | 24284
30 Jul 2022 #6

Or Woźnicki.
cms neuf 1 | 1673
30 Jul 2022 #7
Wozniak and lots of variants on that
Alien 22 | 5228
30 Jul 2022 #8
Wożniak is quite common.
OP curious1923
30 Jul 2022 #9
I like Woźnica, but if I use that will I get a lot of strange looks and have to spell it all the time?
pawian 221 | 24284
30 Jul 2022 #10
will I get a lot of strange looks

Yes, people will consider you a horse cart driver. Similar to this guy:

OP curious1923
30 Jul 2022 #11
Hah! Wożniak it is then

Home / Language / Is there an equivalent for the name 'Wayne' in Polish?

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