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Polish Swear Words

sapphire 22 | 1241
28 Mar 2007 #331
I guess it's 'zboczony' - that means 'deviant', 'pervert'

how do you pronounce this word?
28 Mar 2007 #332
sapphire 22 | 1241
28 Mar 2007 #333
thanks, will try that out later
29 Mar 2007 #334
i was wondering if anybody could help me with this...
i've been to this restaurant a couple of times and i hear polish waiters jokin with eachother and the phrase 'fou-fou' comes up quite often. any ideas? or is it a completely diff language all together?

ArturSzastak 3 | 593
29 Mar 2007 #335
thanks, will try that out later

Haha. Who you have in mind......? Surely not me?!?!
sapphire 22 | 1241
30 Mar 2007 #336
quote=ArturSzastak] Who you have in mind......? Surely not me?!?! [/quote]
if you like Arthur..I always thought you looked kinda kinky in that hat :)
5 Apr 2007 #337
My great-grandmother would always say, yashishmadia...spelled how it sounds...

Anyone know the correct spelling and what it means?
ArturSzastak 3 | 593
5 Apr 2007 #338

Ok you've got me. This is one I haven't even heard of :(

HAHHAHAHA. I have the last reply to every one of the recent topics :)

:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
away guy 10 | 343
6 Apr 2007 #339
koorva much , speardola , cholera , chippa , Bird ,spadaai ,
szkotja2007 27 | 1498
6 Apr 2007 #340

Thats a new one for me - even if the spelling is wrong.
sledz 23 | 2247
6 Apr 2007 #341
Bird= ptak

głupia geś
szkotja2007 27 | 1498
6 Apr 2007 #342
Bird= ptak

Yes, but as a Polish swear word ?
Bartolome 2 | 1083
6 Apr 2007 #343
Bird= ptak

Yeah, it may mean 'a pr!ck', heheh
18 Apr 2007 #344
zebiitcha gruby valaconya
23 Apr 2007 #345
can anyone tell me what baku means?
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139
23 Apr 2007 #346
It's the capital of Azerbaijan...
glowa 1 | 291
23 Apr 2007 #347
can anyone tell me what baku means?

a slang word, it means weed, pot (or however it's spelled) - you know, happy smoking
Kiosk Master
28 Apr 2007 #348
yashishmadia sounds like Jezus Maria, which would translate to Mary and Josef. Its not really a swear word, but most likely your great-grandmother never sworn in her life, the old generation never did, this was as hard core as they got.

Have a great day
3 May 2007 #349
i have a polish friend who calls me

smarta or something like that, please can anyone help me and explain to me what it means in english
shopgirl 6 | 928
3 May 2007 #350
smarta or something like that

"smarka" is "snotty brat"

Were you being naughty? :)
3 May 2007 #351
thank you
yes we was, he call me his dziwak what does that mean
shopgirl 6 | 928
3 May 2007 #352
dziwak what does that mean

I think that would be like "wierdo" in English, but it might have a more subtle meaning.
3 May 2007 #353
does anyone know what schimata means
witek 1 | 587
3 May 2007 #354

maybe you mean szmata?

means rag or worthless person
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503
3 May 2007 #355
guess this guy really likes you taz :-P
3 May 2007 #356
how can you tell with little comments like that.
he doesn't talk much and then when his mates are around he plays up to them....
i'm confused with him.....

no dubra
shopgirl 6 | 928
3 May 2007 #357
I think BubbaWoo is probably joking with you...

But then again, guys can be like that sometimes, especially around their friends.
Pay attention to how he says might get some clues there :)
3 May 2007 #358

That would be right on your translations :)
22 May 2007 #359
catch in ski tea who you yeah bunny
24 May 2007 #360
i was told by the old polish women next door (i live in north philly) that CHADNYA (spelling?) is the n word.... are they right?

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