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Polish Swear Words

away guy 10 | 343
24 May 2007 #361
speer dole , kurwa much, colera , ananas...
sapphire 22 | 1241
24 May 2007 #362

what does that mean in Polish? In Spanish it means banana!
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503
24 May 2007 #363
what is pineapple in spanish?
sapphire 22 | 1241
24 May 2007 #364
maybe you mean szmata?

means rag or worthless person

doesnt it also mean 'slut'?

what is pineapple in spanish?

Pina - prounounced peenya... but I can see why you are asking as you would think it would be ananas
sapphire 22 | 1241
24 May 2007 #367
pina colada.. exactamente... salud.
FISZ 24 | 2116
24 May 2007 #368
ahhh I can use a Pinapple drink right aboot now
unicornes 1 | 99
24 May 2007 #369
There are better words to teach foreigners, don't you think?

yesss i tried to teach my ex bf 'zbeszczeszczona' but he never managed to pronounce it:D and he asked me once, what does 'jebęty' mean:P someone told him, it means 'overworked':P and of course 'kocham cię', it s the only phrase he remembers;)
24 May 2007 #370
whats the polish slang for marijuana or weed

I found it on page 13....weed = Baku
IRIE forum!!!!
You guys are awesome!!!
unicornes 1 | 99
26 May 2007 #371
hats the polish slang for marijuana or weed

trawa, [pronounce like; trava ;p] gandzia [u read it like; ganja, maybe it s also in english i dotn know], marycha. . why do u need it?^^
29 May 2007 #372
Hmm...I don't think 'zbeszczeszczona' is so difficult to pronouce. What does it mean?
30 May 2007 #373
kurwa means fuckin hell as well...depends what u wanna say init
sapphire 22 | 1241
30 May 2007 #374
maybe you mean szmata?

doesnt this mean slut as well????
southern 73 | 7059
30 May 2007 #375
kurwa means

Kurwa is a word that has penetrated in many other languages.
8 Jun 2007 #376

siusiac (shoo shoo)- meaning pee! does this help
20 Jun 2007 #377
what does this mean in polish its like the sound in english sima dupa stera clapa or sumit?
Michael_31 - | 8
25 Jun 2007 #378
One thing is true for sure. The first words anyone learns in a new language are the swear words and curses !
Lady in red
25 Jun 2007 #379
I only learnt English swear words when I started work. I only knew Polish ones before then.

Mind you, I did learn English when I went to school at 5 but the Nun's did NOT swear, ever.
chase5 2 | 17
25 Jun 2007 #380
hmm i cant spell this properly but i know what it sounds like... what is translation equivalent for... kudava ya bana(??) dupe much...or kudava this like god d**n??
sledz 23 | 2247
25 Jun 2007 #381
kudava much

do you mean...Kurwa masz?
chase5 2 | 17
25 Jun 2007 #382
tea who you yeah bunny

your a ******* d**k

do you mean...Kurwa masz?

maybe?? i know this k word could mean b**ch or f**kdepending on how u use it or at least i was told

sounds like... coo da va in english if that helps
sledz 23 | 2247
25 Jun 2007 #383
know this k word could mean b**ch or f**kdepending on how u use it or at least

or w***e also
26 Jun 2007 #384
im a cipa
krysia 23 | 3058
26 Jun 2007 #385
You look like one too
Goonie 8 | 242
26 Jun 2007 #386
skurwysyn is by far the dirtiest imho...

literally means a son of a bit@h LOL

it sounds so dirty
Jane Done - | 24
28 Jun 2007 #387
Well...I have found some website about swearwords so maybe it will be ,,usefull'' for some of us .
magnum 1 | 16
30 Jun 2007 #388
could any one tell me how to say these words in polish, muff diving, dick head, bonner, hot *****, wet pusst, big *****, wee *****, smelly *****, if you cant find them, then FCK THEM, LOL
3 Jul 2007 #389
How to say 'you are ****' please in Polish, for my colleague. As we always say this to each other in the office as a tongue in cheek insult. I want to make him feel at home by saying it in his own language.

Ahh, well the letters have been censored. I mean the word hit with an s at the start.
Eurola 4 | 1898
3 Jul 2007 #390
I mean the word hit with an s at the start.

S**T = gówno
So, you can say "jesteś gównem".
Young kids are often called " gówniarze", because it was not too long since s$$ted in their diapers.

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