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The "end piece" of a loaf of bread in Polish

Polonius3 980 | 12277
10 Jun 2017 #61

In Polish a kromka is any slice of bread, not necessarily the end piece.
NoToForeigners 6 | 948
10 Jun 2017 #62
In Polish end piece of bread is "piętka"(a heel) and "kromka" is a slice of bread however in Poznań "kromka" is exactly end piece of bread. Usual "kromka" becomes "pajda" in Poznań. :)
Janina761 - | 1
21 Jul 2017 #63
My polish grandparents called it the tutz, guessing the spelling. Also the heel.
29 Jul 2017 #64
Thank you, barbk! I couldn't remember what my Slovak baba and mom called the heel piece and you are right! It was krunka! I can now sleep well tonight. :)
14 May 2020 #65
7 years later. My mother and grandmother called it the same thing. Klumpka or klumka. Who knows what other lies I've been living with? :)
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
15 May 2020 #66
My family called it the "Dupka" and even my kids, who don't really speak Polish, still call it that.
11 Jul 2021 #68
Our family said a word that sounded like 'skrot-ka'
pawian 221 | 24284
12 Jul 2021 #70

Yes. Piętka. Little Heel in Engish.
pawian 221 | 24284
12 Jul 2021 #72
No, my darling. :):) Heel is pięta in Polish, while piętka is Little Heel. I am amazed you forgot your mother tongue so thoroughly, :(:(:(:(
Alien 22 | 5225
13 Jul 2021 #73
And what is "pajda chleba"? Is it a big slice or a part of a loef.
pawian 221 | 24284
13 Jul 2021 #74
Is it a big slice

Yes, it is a thick slice cut from the loaf of country bread which is big and round.
Susan Juzyk
21 Aug 2021 #75
We always called end of bread chalepka or something like that?? I still call it that??
pawian 221 | 24284
21 Aug 2021 #76

Actually, the proper word is przylepka, :)
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
21 Aug 2021 #77
Nah, dupka is best!
mafketis 37 | 10789
21 Aug 2021 #78
dupka is best!

Excuse me, I must retire to my fainting couch

17 Aug 2022 #79
Strictly by ear (from my mother) crunka; the end piece nobody liked. And, strictly by ear (from my father) I (and my siblings) we were all "dupa kids". crun-ka
Alien 22 | 5225
17 Aug 2022 #80
Dupka? mozesz se wsadzic do..... It is of course piętka- the best piece of fresh bread.

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