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Bilingual Polish-English books with audio for listening and reading learning method

Alien 22 | 5228
5 Feb 2024 #61
if you can't?

can't what? pee or pay. In the case of peeing, the urologist, if I didn't have any change, I would just leave.
Novichok 5 | 7804
5 Feb 2024 #62
I would just leave.

...and go behind the bushes? What if there are no bushes?

Oops...that was a stupid just do it the American Democrat way...right on the sidewalk...You know...freedom of expression...
Alien 22 | 5228
5 Feb 2024 #63
and go behind the bushes

it wouldn't be necessary because I would have left after, in Germany paying is voluntary, probably to avoid polluting the sidewalks.
The exceptions are motorway inns or some restaurants.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
5 Feb 2024 #64
Rich, what you meant was that in your opinion, English was all that was needed in the Netherlands!
Aren't you the slightest bit curious about your global neighbors, dude?

Perhaps some teen trauma zapped your natural curiosity concerning our fellow beings
and turned you into some gung ho jingoist.
mafketis 37 | 10789
5 Feb 2024 #65
English was all that was needed in the Netherlands!

For short visits certainly true. Apparently it ticks off the Dutch when foreigners are in the country for years and can't speak the local language (same goes for Scandinavia) Though they fail to see how they facilitate this attitude.

Aren't you the slightest bit curious about your global neighbors

He's a narcissist, they have no natural curiosity. It is what it is. Why continue to yap at him (giving him attention which he is interested in)?
Lyzko 42 | 9479
5 Feb 2024 #66
Amen, Maf. Spot on with that last comment.
Naturally, for short aka guided day trips, one might argue that language itself is not a necessity!
Anything more longer than several days, a week, a month?? At some local lingo's a necessity.
Novichok 5 | 7804
6 Feb 2024 #67
Aren't you the slightest bit curious about your global neighbors, dude?


My "global neighbors" can go to hell along with the illegal scum pouring in at the rate of 3 million a year.

Would you want me to repost my death wish list?
mafketis 37 | 10789
6 Feb 2024 #68
want me to repost

no one cares
jon357 73 | 22653
6 Feb 2024 #69
for short aka guided day trips

For a weekend away you don't need it, especially in a capital. It's nice to be able to say please and thank you in any language or to be able to order a beer or a coffee though.

I'm going soon for a long weekend in a country whose language isn't a commonly known one and where there's not much infrastructure. So I'll at least figure out how to buy a beer.
Alien 22 | 5228
6 Feb 2024 #70
I'm going soon for a long weekend in a country whose language isn't a commonly known one and where there's not much infrastructure

Don't tell me you're going to russia?
jon357 73 | 22653
6 Feb 2024 #71
Indeed I won't tell that. Moscow could be good for a holiday but that won't happen. It's dangerous for westerners now and in any case, hopefully it'll be under a metre of radioactive glass soon with rampaging zombies.

For the next trip, nothing booked but have an idea to go to a particular country that Crow probably wouldn't visit...
Novichok 5 | 7804
6 Feb 2024 #72
no one cares

Who asked you, azhole?

hopefully it'll be under a meter of radioactive glass

Hopefully, with all azfucking pervs included...

Learn how to spell "meter", EngliSShman...
jon357 73 | 22653
6 Feb 2024 #73
Therefore including yourself.
mafketis 37 | 10789
6 Feb 2024 #74
Who asked you

You did by posting your crap.

No one cares.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
6 Feb 2024 #75
Amen, Maf.

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