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Christmas Phrases translations

DannyJay 1 | 1
23 Dec 2023 #1
Hello, can anyone help me with these holiday translations from Polish to English? I received a Polish Christmas card and I have no idea what it says. Forgive me for not including the correct marks with the letters. I can't figure out how to do that on here. Thank you.

Z narodzenia Pana dzien dzis wesoly

Wesotych Swiat Bozego Nardozenia

"Uboga, cicha Stajenka licha, Pefna Niebieskiej Chwafy . . ."

Zdrowych i spokojnych Swiat Bozego Nardodzenia, a takze wielu btogostawienstw od Dzieciatku Jezus w Nowym Roku . . .
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
23 Dec 2023 #2
Z narodzenia Pana dzien dzis wesoly

Today is a joyful day for the birth of the Lord.

Wesotych Swiat Bozego Nardozenia

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Uboga, cicha Stajenka licha, Pefna Niebieskiej Chwafy

A poor, silent, poor stable girl, full of Heavenly Glory

Zdrowych i spokojnych Swiat Bozego Nardodzenia, a takze wielu btogostawienstw od Dzieciatku Jezus w Nowym Roku

Have a healthy and peaceful Christmas and many blessings from Baby Jesus in the New Year.

Hope this helps!
OP DannyJay 1 | 1
23 Dec 2023 #3
Thank you very much.
pawian 221 | 24284
24 Dec 2023 #4
A poor, silent, poor stable

Next time, after using Goggle Translate, try to look through the result and polish it, coz this double poor sounds a bit.... poor. :):):):)


Not in the original.
Torq 7 | 1152
24 Dec 2023 #5
poor stable girl

Say what?
Alien 22 | 5228
24 Dec 2023 #6
Happy New Year.

This is not in the original either.

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