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Poland law and business related talk. Share and exchange your insight knowledge! (page 3)

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Eviction process from an apartment in Poland
USD shooting up so high for PLN  2  3
× The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  72  73  74  75
2237 - Well, even chimpanzees develop Alzheimer's....

LawMatt32 - 18 Oct 2010 Alien - 24 Sep 2023
Climate change/environmental businesses or NGOs in Poland  2  3
Uber in Poland - illegal
28 - Recruitment for Uber driver in Poland in Kenya

Lawprestige - 3 Dec 2015 Crnogorac3 - 2 Sep 2023
Not able to pay credit card loan from Polish bank.
Urgently need somewhere in Poland to stay - short-term government assistance?
17 - @gumishu I noticed now. LOL...

LawO_W - 11 Oct 2014 atlantic - 1 Sep 2023
Help with custom Poland plates
Buying a vehicle in GERMANY, Importing it into Poland. ALSO - Import question on personal vehicle.
3 - Worse scenario to buy a car and end up buying what you dont like....

Lawmaul3d - 25 Aug 2023 Cargo pants - 27 Aug 2023
Complicated story child birth surname issue
Debt in Poland - inheritance after relative death?
Can I turn my residency as a universal student to work only?
Is it possible to change visit visa to student or work permit in Poland?
Appeal in a Polish court -- can appeal document be submitted directly by defendant?
The best job in the World - Polish farmer.  2
50 - As long as you can understand me, everything is fine....

Lawenkidu - 19 Oct 2010 Alien - 25 Jul 2023
How to pay Polish fines when you are not in Poland
Police in Poland call me 3 days after i report an lost of Phone in a Bar
Work permit + national visa in Poland for India citizen  2  3  4
91 - Someone please tell me . What national visa form to fill for work permit?...

Lawuser1234 - 17 Jul 2013 user1234 - 13 Jul 2023
If I change my job in Poland without obtaining a new work permit, will this affect my residence visa
Polish Citizenship and Passport; "The child shall acquire Polish citizenship at birth when...)"
Poland's National D visa Form Correction
10 - Singh __/\__ SSA,,lol write to the Uzad and they will correct it....

LawSubodhsharma12 - 4 Jun 2018 Cargo pants - 18 Jun 2023
Lost/Stolen Number Plate
Can a tenant change locks to house without giving access to the landlord  2
Bus ticket fine in Poland (Warsaw) - what if I don't pay the fine?  2
How does Poland decide that you're a resident for tax purposes?
Parking fine with UK licence
3 - No, we didn't. It was this place next to lake malta in poznan - ...

Lawtester123 - 4 Jun 2023 tester123 - 5 Jun 2023
Polish Graduate Working in Poland with GERMAN VISA?
Child Maintenance Poland/ Ireland
UK National marrying a Pole, confusion on Visa information
Waiting for karta niebieska... (blue card) - can I change my job in Poland?
Poland economy is slowing down - how does it affect you?  2  3  4
Rejecting inheritance on behalf of my daughter
Lawyer - Inheritance
Noisy children outside  2
40 - @Milo, I was merely responding to what others already posted....

LawNonas - 11 Apr 2023 Lyzko - 26 Apr 2023
Expats retiring in Poland - overseas pension funds
I need advice on Polish courts. Divorce case.
Are banks from Poland safe?  2
42 - Stop these infantile lies. ):):)...

Lawskubus - 11 Oct 2010 pawian - 29 Mar 2023
Citizenship by Descent--3 great-grandparents born in Poland?
Poland's going forward while Britain is still trying to wake up  2  3
I have Temporary Resident Permit of Poland. Can I travel out of Poland without visa?
Do Poland's taxes apply to foreign pensions?
Dependant Visa for my wife (going first time to Poland)  2
Buying from with Money Protection?
Single certificate from Poland
I am pregnant but the father is now ghosting me
Unmarried father - child born in Poland
11 - OK thank you for your message....

LawFheoeie - 2 Feb 2023 Fheoeie - 2 Feb 2023
Common practice when test driving a car from the sellers perspective
Parental responsibility removal in Poland
20 - How do you know she's done this? Come back to where? What country do you live...

LawJames mallone - 19 Jun 2015 Atch - 28 Jan 2023
Karta Polaka - is it possible to obtain by a Polish-American citizen?
Polish Husband Left me for another Woman / Abandoning his Wife
6 - Time to go back to Korea and marry a Korean...

Lawssibal - 1 Oct 2017 traveler1 - 22 Jan 2023
Testaments (Wills) in Poland - leave people specific things or only percentages/fractions?
Obtaining Poland's citizenship through decent
Used vehicle bought in Poland - is it possible to unregister it from abroad?
Cajun from Louisiana state seeking refuge/new life in Poland? Wishing to become Polish (is it possible?)  2
Wish to start an Indian Store in Poland  2
Food business in Poland - questions about license-permit food / alcohol certificate...
I applied for Poland's national visa for 2 times and I got refused without convincing reasons
Polish work visa refused - what should i do next?
Polish Citizenship by Descent Question - Polish Citizenship Acts  2
Bring Dependent Parent to Poland

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