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Poland law and business related talk. Share and exchange your insight knowledge! (page 3)

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UK National marrying a Pole, confusion on Visa information
Waiting for karta niebieska... (blue card) - can I change my job in Poland?
Poland economy is slowing down - how does it affect you?  2  3  4
Rejecting inheritance on behalf of my daughter
Lawyer - Inheritance
Noisy children outside  2
40 - @Milo, I was merely responding to what others already posted....

LawNonas - 11 Apr 2023 Lyzko - 26 Apr 2023
Expats retiring in Poland - overseas pension funds
I need advice on Polish courts. Divorce case.
Are banks from Poland safe?  2
42 - Stop these infantile lies. ):):)...

Lawskubus - 11 Oct 2010 pawian - 29 Mar 2023
Citizenship by Descent--3 great-grandparents born in Poland?
Poland's going forward while Britain is still trying to wake up  2  3
I have Temporary Resident Permit of Poland. Can I travel out of Poland without visa?
Do Poland's taxes apply to foreign pensions?
Dependant Visa for my wife (going first time to Poland)  2
Buying from with Money Protection?
Single certificate from Poland
I am pregnant but the father is now ghosting me
Unmarried father - child born in Poland
11 - OK thank you for your message....

LawFheoeie - 2 Feb 2023 Fheoeie - 2 Feb 2023
Common practice when test driving a car from the sellers perspective
Parental responsibility removal in Poland
20 - How do you know she's done this? Come back to where? What country do you live...

LawJames mallone - 19 Jun 2015 Atch - 28 Jan 2023
Karta Polaka - is it possible to obtain by a Polish-American citizen?
Polish Husband Left me for another Woman / Abandoning his Wife
6 - Time to go back to Korea and marry a Korean...

Lawssibal - 1 Oct 2017 traveler1 - 22 Jan 2023
Testaments (Wills) in Poland - leave people specific things or only percentages/fractions?
Obtaining Poland's citizenship through decent
Used vehicle bought in Poland - is it possible to unregister it from abroad?
Cajun from Louisiana state seeking refuge/new life in Poland? Wishing to become Polish (is it possible?)  2
Wish to start an Indian Store in Poland  2
Food business in Poland - questions about license-permit food / alcohol certificate...
I applied for Poland's national visa for 2 times and I got refused without convincing reasons
Polish work visa refused - what should i do next?
Poland - Temporary Residence card - Karta pobytu - required documents  2  3  4  5
Polish Citizenship by Descent Question - Polish Citizenship Acts  2
Bring Dependent Parent to Poland
A parent born in Poland. Obtaining a Polish birth certificate?  2
Need help on how to cancel a company in Poland.
Can i still exchange my driving license after fail in practical exam
9 - DiD you get your driving licence?...

LawChantal - 23 Nov 2011 vamsi - 7 Oct 2022
Currency rates: $ € ₤ zŁ. The interrelationship.
Importing my American boyfriend to Poland: residency, marriage, work, etc.
16 - Think it was only a figure of speech there, Alien....

Lawbezbiura - 3 Dec 2012 Lyzko - 25 Sep 2022
If I buy a flat in Poland, do I get residence permit?
Why is Poland importing so much coal?  2  3
How to pay automatic camera speeding ticket if I was on not a Polish car
Trading Standards body for bad dental work in Poland?
9 - @Kennyorr What do you mean with "full set of implants"?...

LawInWroclaw - 2 Dec 2013 Alien - 2 Sep 2022
Regarding Entering Poland - residency and travelling to other Schengen countries
ZUS taking tax and insurance from my UK pension
Visa to Poland? Invitation by a Polish student?
Polish citizenship by descent - Great-grandfather left after the 1920 citizenship law but before 1921 census?
How do I request a birth certificate from the USC in Poland for my mother who was born there?
Obtaining Polish Citizenship from Poland-born Father
Hiring a Polish Worker - Pros and Cons  2  3  4
Polish tax situation when working for a British company.
Gift tax in Poland
Classic car registration in Poland
Polish Zloty rates 2011
Taking my girlfriend as accompanying with myself to Poland
I'm from Nigeria, but want to be a Poland Citizen  2
How to register a foreign Non-EU car in Poland?
Divorce in Poland - birth certificate issue?
What is NIP number?
15 - 7331362746...

Lawramzan khan - 31 Dec 2009 Ruslan - 9 Jun 2022
Where to Apply for Citizenship Confirmation within Poland?
EU citizen, inviting a non-EU fiancée and wanting to get married, best course of action?

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