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Not able to pay credit card loan from Polish bank.

7 Nov 2018 #1
Hello! I took 20000zl credit from Polish bank. I do not live in Poland anymore and I am Non-EU citizen. I do not have any property in Poland or EU. I genuinly can not repay the loan after serious mental disease and therefore unemployed for last 8 months. What does the polish law say for foreigners who can not pay back bank credit card loan? I do have mental illness certificate and unemployed certificate. As it is private bank will it hamper my Schnegen visa application in future? Need legal guidance. Thanks!
mafketis 38 | 10775
7 Nov 2018 #2
As it is private bank will it hamper my Schnegen visa application in future?

I certainly hope so! Why do you want to return to Schengen, anyway? To run up more debts that you have no intention of paying?
Ziemowit 14 | 4035
7 Nov 2018 #3
You won't obtain a Schengen visa when unemployed, indebted and mentally ill. Which Polish bank was so stupid to give you a loan?
johnny reb 46 | 7365
7 Nov 2018 #4
What does the polish law say for foreigners

Tell us what country you are a citizen in so we could possibly give you better answers.
It most likely how the country that you are a citizen of handles such a dilemma.
Are you responsible for yourself or do you have someone who is your power of attorney ?
1 Sep 2023 #5
I borrowed 40000zl in the bank,and paid atleast 6 months.But right now its been more than 5 months since my last payment.I having a financial problem now and dont know how to repay the unpaid dues.All i can do is start paying the monthly dues but not the unpaid balance.I am a non Eu citizen.What are the consequences regarding to this.Thanks
Atch 21 | 4106
1 Sep 2023 #6
You need to talk to the bank and arrange some kind of payment plan. Make an appointment to see somebody.

Home / Law / Not able to pay credit card loan from Polish bank.

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