Hi folks..just a quick query..are Polish banks safe to deal with?..in other words, if i open a saving account is my money safe?..is there any possibility of the bank going bust and if it did is there any safety mechanism in place by the Polish government to guarantee customers savings??..thanks for any info on this matter
Are banks from Poland safe?
hague1cmaeron 14 | 1366
11 Oct 2010 #2
Let me answer it this way, I am not sure where you are from but my guess would be that Poland's banks are safer. They did not need any bailing out like some of the other better known banking institutions around the world during the crisis.
I've just noticed that you're from Ireland, in this case they are most definitely safer!
I've just noticed that you're from Ireland, in this case they are most definitely safer!
no banks are safe !
thanks hague1cmaeron..i'm from the worst hit nation by the banking crisis IRELAND..the way things are in here now i feel that no savings are safe in any Irish bank and i'm considering moving the few quid i have to a Polish bank.
11 Oct 2010 #5
No banks safe? Maybe. But we have moved on from the days in the early-mid 1990s when:
- bank tellers' fingers would be green from counting all the fake (color photocopied) 1million/100PLN banknotes;
- you could time-arbitrage your bank account with the help of a fast car and/or a couple of mates. It worked like this:
1000: A deposits 100K in branch X of bank Y.
1100: Account details and new balance have now been updated across the country.
1115: A withdraws 100K from branch X of bank Y. The locally stored balance of account has been changed...
1125: ... but the change hasn't yet propagated across the system. A has driven the 10km flat out to branch Z of bank Y where the balance still shows 100K in credit, and withdraws the sum!
(Source: the manager at Gorzów's BPH branch many years ago, who I taught English to, then knew socially. The first example above happened to him, I witnessed it; don't know about the second, though)
OP: Don't worry about safety. That said, be prepared for quite a bit of unnecessary correspondence any time you want so much as an address changing ...
- bank tellers' fingers would be green from counting all the fake (color photocopied) 1million/100PLN banknotes;
- you could time-arbitrage your bank account with the help of a fast car and/or a couple of mates. It worked like this:
1000: A deposits 100K in branch X of bank Y.
1100: Account details and new balance have now been updated across the country.
1115: A withdraws 100K from branch X of bank Y. The locally stored balance of account has been changed...
1125: ... but the change hasn't yet propagated across the system. A has driven the 10km flat out to branch Z of bank Y where the balance still shows 100K in credit, and withdraws the sum!
(Source: the manager at Gorzów's BPH branch many years ago, who I taught English to, then knew socially. The first example above happened to him, I witnessed it; don't know about the second, though)
OP: Don't worry about safety. That said, be prepared for quite a bit of unnecessary correspondence any time you want so much as an address changing ...
stay with the big ones bank pekao ing you ll b ok
are polish banks safe?
most banks in Poland are not Polish
most banks in Poland are not Polish
ohhh??..who owns them????
Wroclaw Boy
11 Oct 2010 #9
yep the Irish, used to own one major bank anyway.
ohhh??..who owns them????
the dutch, irish, germans and a couple of others.
i use deutsche bank
the Irish, used to own one major bank anyway
Oh you'll be perfectly safe then.
yep the Irish, used to own one major bank anyway.
I have some money in Polish banks, and as I understand up to a certain limit the cash is guaranteed.
ALL deposits up to equivalent of euro 50k in banks in PL are safe under BFG insurance scheme.
Spanish banking giant Banco Santander to buy Allied Irish Banks' 70% stake in Bank Zachodni WBK - - Poland's 5th biggest bank[/url].
if i open a saving account is my money safe?
I would say yes, your money is safe in a bank in Poland.
No, Polish bank are not safe. Bank elswhere, idiots.
Polish bank are not safe.
Why do you say that?
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
11 Oct 2010 #18
No, Polish bank are not safe. Bank elswhere, idiots.
PKO is as safe as houses - there's absolutely no way that the Polish government would let it collapse.
Why do you say that?
A stupid question requires a stupid answer.
Are you aware of what is happening in Ireland regarding banks?
If I were in Ireland I would also wonder if my money was really that safe.

If I were in Ireland I would also wonder if my money was really that safe.

Marek11111 9 | 807
11 Oct 2010 #21
Polish banks and any other banks are not safe, the safest place you can put your money is gold and silver coins otherwise you will lose all your money to financial terrorists
( wall street and their friends around the world )
( wall street and their friends around the world )
Sean, think about it, why would you keep your hard earned money in a bank? For the interest rate that just floats above the infaltion rate and does not guarantee that your money will be there when you need it? Come on, you work too hard for that. Invest it. Where? That is the golden question. I would say property. That's what I do, but I might be wrong. Just to play along, think where would be a good invesment in property? Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk? Certainly, but flats might be too expensive for us po' folks. Lublin, Bialystok, Kielce? Perhaps not. Think some more. Try thinking about a place where there is a possibility that property is not outrageous, has the possibility of rising(crucial), foreign investment is likely, and you can afford it. Think of the places that the Germans did not want to bomb during the last war. Buy property there now.
why would you keep your hard earned money in a bank? For the interest rate that just floats above the infaltion rate and does not guarantee that your money will be there when you need it? Come on, you work too hard for that.
I agree, absolutely but I don't know the OP situation, he just asked a question.
Invest it. Where? That is the golden question. I would say property. That's what I do, but I might be wrong. Just to play along, think where would be a good invesment in property?
I can understand why an Irish person living in Ireland would avoid buying property like the plague. It's nothing short of a catastrophe.
Think of the places that the Germans did not want to bomb during the last war.
Germany! :)
11 Oct 2010 #24
Think of the places that the Germans did not want to bomb during the last war. Buy property there now.
Been there, done that. It worked very well back in 2006 but mortgage credit just ain't cheap any more (LIBOR or WIBOR comparatively low right now but marża is obscenely high compared to 2/3 years ago) and the kind of rises in house prices you saw up to 2008 aren't going to repeat in a hurry, if ever.
Bottom line - will your rental income cover the mortgage? As long as it does, you're pretty safe BUT the property booms both in PL and elsewhere have been predicated on above-inflationary jumps in the price per m2. Take that away and it's still attractive - but a lot less so.
1jola - if I may ask - did you buy outright or take a mortgage - and if so, in PLN or foreign currency?
Are you aware of what is happening in Ireland regarding banks?
If I were in Ireland I would also wonder if my money was really that safe.
If I were in Ireland I would also wonder if my money was really that safe.
Why do people (not only Irish but also Americans) ***** so much about banks?They didn't do it when taking subprime mortgages, so why now?I can only understand those who did not enjoy ride on property market and now have to bail the banks out with their tax money.(which in my opinion should be allowed to fail).But the rest got what they deserve.
Buy property there now.
There is a bubble on Polish property market and I would wait till prices retreat about 30%.
I was not talking about a money making machine. There is no such thing, legally, or without connections. In comparison, keeping money in a bank is senseless.
No, I saved my money and bought outright in PLN. I am conservative, as you might have seen from my posts. In any case, I would rather take a loan at the current 6% than keep money in the bank. No bank is safe. Swiss rates might be better and more stable but I stay with PLN. Not to beat around the bush, take a trip to Torun, walk around the old town, check the prices, or you might have a better idea. I'm no expert.
As my mother used to say, life is long. Ponder on that.
No, I saved my money and bought outright in PLN. I am conservative, as you might have seen from my posts. In any case, I would rather take a loan at the current 6% than keep money in the bank. No bank is safe. Swiss rates might be better and more stable but I stay with PLN. Not to beat around the bush, take a trip to Torun, walk around the old town, check the prices, or you might have a better idea. I'm no expert.
As my mother used to say, life is long. Ponder on that.
so why now?
You just answered your own question quite well:
now have to bail the banks out with their tax money.
I don't know where youz are all getting these ideas, a guy is just asking about banks in Poland. Apart from that we don't know if he wants to keep it in a bank for the interest rate or if he rode the property market wave.
All I know is he asked a question and just glancing at his threads he intends to move here, so it's probably a precautionary question.
Are the banks in Poland safe? In my opinion I think they are.
I was looking for an artical I read about the way dividends and deposits can't be taken out of Poland. I can't remember the ins and outs of it but basically if as an example, Millennium bank in other countries go bust, they can't send money from a Polish branch to "save it". Again I am unsure of the details and I don't want to misinform btu perhaps someone else knows?
Firstly, thanks to everyone for all the replies..and just to sort out a few facts..i'm not and never have been into property development..the money i'm considering investing is what my wife and i have saved over the past few years..we both work in the civil service in Ireland, but as mere mortals (we both work in front line services but are in the lower paid bracket), we are growing more and more concerned with the banking crisis in Ireland and our faith in our banks is virtually non existent, not to mention the fact that we have absolutely no faith in the Irish government..they (the government) have guaranteed all funds in Irish banks up to the value of 100k euro on any individual account but week after week they are propping up the banks with ordinary tax payers money as if they had a bottomless pot of funds.
Secondly, the amount of money we are talking about is nowhere near 100k euro (i wish)..all we want to do is put our money somewhere safe and if possible let it make a little interest..we're not interested in making vast amounts of money, all we want is to protect our hard earned savings
Unfortunately because of all the replies received i'm unsure what to do..deposit all into a bank or consider investing in property?.. which i know nothing about!!
And yes i would love to move to Poland but unfortunately we cant because we have a mortgage to pay here..i have played with the idea of handing the keys of our home back to the bank and walking away from here but it's impossible to do as no matter what country i move to the bank can track me down and still make me pay for my borrowings, so i'm stuck here for another while :-(
Secondly, the amount of money we are talking about is nowhere near 100k euro (i wish)..all we want to do is put our money somewhere safe and if possible let it make a little interest..we're not interested in making vast amounts of money, all we want is to protect our hard earned savings
Unfortunately because of all the replies received i'm unsure what to do..deposit all into a bank or consider investing in property?.. which i know nothing about!!
And yes i would love to move to Poland but unfortunately we cant because we have a mortgage to pay here..i have played with the idea of handing the keys of our home back to the bank and walking away from here but it's impossible to do as no matter what country i move to the bank can track me down and still make me pay for my borrowings, so i'm stuck here for another while :-(
Regarding banks in Poland, it is true that most of them are under polish banking insurance (BFG) up to 50000 eur, but there is/was exception = Polbank which is in fact branch of Greek bank. They are insured in Hellenic Deposit & Investment Guarantee Fund (HDIGF). The risk is that if this branch fails (though nothing points to that) you will have to go to Athens to get your money back. Considering situation of Greece it seems risky business that is why Polbank has some competetive offers btw... As far as I know it is only exception.
Another bit of warning is that some bank products which are called "deposit structure" in fact are not deposits but investement structures so they aren't insured. They offer better interests but of course with greater risk.
The best thing is to keep your money away from things you don't know nothing about ;)
Regarding banks in Poland, it is true that most of them are under polish banking insurance (BFG) up to 50000 eur, but there is/was exception = Polbank which is in fact branch of Greek bank. They are insured in Hellenic Deposit & Investment Guarantee Fund (HDIGF). The risk is that if this branch fails (though nothing points to that) you will have to go to Athens to get your money back. Considering situation of Greece it seems risky business that is why Polbank has some competetive offers btw... As far as I know it is only exception.
Another bit of warning is that some bank products which are called "deposit structure" in fact are not deposits but investement structures so they aren't insured. They offer better interests but of course with greater risk.
Unfortunately because of all the replies received i'm unsure what to do..deposit all into a bank or consider investing in property?.. which i know nothing about!!
The best thing is to keep your money away from things you don't know nothing about ;)
Malopolanin 3 | 132
12 Oct 2010 #30
The amount of deposits not exceeding the PLN equivalent of EUR 50 000 is guaranteed in its entirety.
The amount of deposits not exceeding the PLN equivalent of EUR 50 000 is guaranteed in its entirety.