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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

Lyzko  44 | 9711
18 Sep 2023   #2191
@Rich, your logic is identical to those NRA-types who conveniently claim "Guns don't kill people. People kill people!" ad nauseum...
My response has always been, "If the people didn't have the guns, likely nobody would get killed!"

A vicious-looking German Shepherd or the mere threat of a firearm usually does the trick just as well. Folks'll sure get scared, but probably no one will die in the process.
Novichok  4 | 8411
18 Sep 2023   #2192
"If the people didn't have the guns, likely nobody would get killed!"

To which my response is: If Moon was yellow cheese, we could all have it for breakfast.

the mere threat of a firearm usually does the trick just as well.

You are full of crap. In a home invation situation with the lights out, the perp will not see what you have in your hand.

If he realizes that it is a gun, he will now act in his own self-defense and shoot you because he doesn't know that you only mean to scare him.

Bottom line: In my house, I have an absolute right to be left alone and feel safe. Period. Anyone who breaks in will be stopped with the only tool that I can use, my gun.

What is your plan? Based on weasel words? If, probably, usually...

My life is not a probability game I am willing to play with some drugged-up a-hole with the outcome being under his control.

Final point for now: I know that you are a Jew, not an Israeli. Two different worlds...
Lyzko  44 | 9711
18 Sep 2023   #2193
You're looking for easy answers to difficult problems. If that Bowers fella hadn't had a high-powered firearm inside the synagogue, people might well have gotten injured, but most likely not murdered en masse!
Novichok  4 | 8411
18 Sep 2023   #2194
You're looking for easy answers to difficult problems.

I am not looking for any answers. I already have all the answers I need and the tools to increase the probability of an outcome I prefer.

It's you who is lost in space somewhere, trying to reconcile the American reality of 1 million home invasions each year with your Jewish pacifism that served so well (that was sarcasm) in WW2.

One and the final time: What is your response to an invasion of your home by a couple of drugged-up morons?
Lyzko  44 | 9711
18 Sep 2023   #2195
Most Jews weren't pacifists.
Alien  25 | 6359
18 Sep 2023   #2196
Jews weren't pacifists.

I guess that's not true. The Jews won the first war against the Arabs, previously they were pacifists.
Ironside  50 | 12928
18 Sep 2023   #2197
The Jews won the first war against the Arabs, previously they were pacifists.

Dude where do you take your info from? German press?
That embarassing how many time you got it all wrong!
Novichok  4 | 8411
18 Sep 2023   #2198
Hey, Lyzko, What is your response to an invasion of your home by a couple of drugged-up morons?
Alien  25 | 6359
18 Sep 2023   #2199
how many time you got it all wrong!

Oh, well, so explain everything to me in a way that everyone understands.
Ironside  50 | 12928
18 Sep 2023   #2200
Is it not a common knowlegde that Jews in Isreal weren't pacifist at all? Not all of them anyways, not those who fought Arabs off?

How Jews got their state becasue of the Zionist movment and to win independence, Zionists waged a guerrilla war against the British. They were no pacfists!

Those zionist settlers.
Novichok  4 | 8411
18 Sep 2023   #2201
Is it not a common knowlegde that Jews in Isreal weren't pacifist at all?

That was Darwin at his very best: Pacifists die first.

Israelis learn the lesson and that is why Israel is still on the map. Hit them first. Putin learned that lesson, too.

Hey, Lyzko... What is your response to an invasion of your home by a couple of drugged-up morons?

Calling a rabi or the police while your wife is being raped?
Alien  25 | 6359
18 Sep 2023   #2202
Zionists waged a guerrilla war against the British. They were no pacfists!

Can this be called a war, or rather a planned operation to remove Jews from Europe to Israel?
Novichok  4 | 8411
19 Sep 2023   #2203
Hey, Euros and the Jewish guy...Can you please tell me what will be your response to an invasion of your home by a couple of drugged-up morons?

Is it really so hard to say: I will fall on my knees and beg for my life...?
Ironside  50 | 12928
19 Sep 2023   #2204
Can this be called a war,

Blowing up Hotel with British soldiers in it can be called a war. Why?
What are you about? You are twisting like a precel ....
Alien  25 | 6359
19 Sep 2023   #2205
Blowing up Hotel with British soldiers in it can be called a war.

By today's standards, it would be a terrorist attack.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
19 Sep 2023   #2206
A loud, ultra-sensitive alarm at the front door or gate will scare off the most hardened home invader(s), trust me!

It might make 'em deaf, but not dead:-)

Guns in the home simply hearken back to the days of the Old West, the last frontier to be developed or civilized in comparison to Boston, Baltimore or New York. The Northeast eventually developed whereas much of the Deep South and the Far West remain uncultivated, culturally, a wasteland. Most here in States are either still fighting the Civil War south of the Mason-Dixon line, or they're much like those Bundy folks out West.

Rather sad, when one stops and thinks about it. I've been surrounded by such people all my life and can readily understand why so, so many fellow citizens left the country when Trump became president.
Novichok  4 | 8411
19 Sep 2023   #2207
A loud, ultra-sensitive alarm at the front door or gate will scare off the most hardened home invader(s), trust me!

When did you install yours? Where did you buy it?
Lyzko  44 | 9711
19 Sep 2023   #2208
Home Depot. Familiar with 'em?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
19 Sep 2023   #2209
In fact I am going there to buy some bulbs,what is that called,as I would like to check it out.Is it in the house alarm isle???
pawian  226 | 27364
19 Sep 2023   #2210
Mocking it and yapping it to post some obvious issues AS If I wasn't aware of it is insulting to me.

But you perform the same operation on others here, so why such a hypocrite, darling??? You don`t like the same dish served to you?? So improve and you won`t get it.
Novichok  4 | 8411
20 Sep 2023   #2211
Hey, Lyzko, assume that after calling 911 they will send two cops with guns. If you call 811 they will send two social workers without guns.

Other than suicidal gun-hating morons, who and why would ever call 811? Which one would you call after that ear-damaging alarm destroys your hearing? 811 or 911?
Novichok  4 | 8411
20 Sep 2023   #2212
The beauty of a gun at home is that it gives the owner options: fight or beg.

No gun, no options. I don't like begging.
Alien  25 | 6359
20 Sep 2023   #2213
fight or beg.

Naturally, you can still accidentally shoot yourself, for example while cleaning your gun.
Novichok  4 | 8411
20 Sep 2023   #2214
accidentally shoot yourself

Sure. I can also take a short flight to the sidewalk when I clean my windows. Or confuse 30 with 80 and kill a couple of kids crossing the street.

I never clean my guns. They are self-cleaning when bullets go down the barrel.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
21 Sep 2023   #2215
Trouble is, Rich, that far too many folks reach first for their gun, shoot first, and ask questions later.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
21 Sep 2023   #2216
reach first for their gun

Nothing wrong in that Lyzko.

shoot first,

Why not?better first then second or might be never.

ask questions later

What questions??He/She is in my house at 2 AM,the person I dont know and he is looking in the drawers or whatever or even eating from my refrigerator and most likely will have something hidden in his hoodie/loose jacket...there are no questions just 3 accurate shots,but when he is facing you in a surprise,never on his back.

LOL will be funny to ask him lol"Identify yourself sir"lol
Lyzko  44 | 9711
21 Sep 2023   #2217
Things rarely are as they seem, Cargo pants!
One if the many problems in the US is that traditionally, folks throughout most of the country tend to take things solely at face value.

Americans as a whole are still uncomfortable with reflection, rumination, contemplation, mistakenly confusing any sort of thoughtful, heaven forbid intellectual, consideration as pure mental masturbation, period.

If we all thought more and felt less, acted more and reacted with reduced knee-jerk action, we'd be a lot better off.

One of the reasons so many people are petrified, and justifiably so, about being judged by a "jury of their peers", is that most of the peers are morons who rush to judgement, only to find out the accused died in vain.
Novichok  4 | 8411
21 Sep 2023   #2218
and ask questions later.

What questions would you ask, Lyzko?

What questions?

Good question, Cargo.
Alien  25 | 6359
22 Sep 2023   #2219
What questions

To be, or not to be - that is the question.
Novichok  4 | 8411
22 Sep 2023   #2220
Lyzko: Mr. Intruder, I see that you broke my front door, killed my dog, and now you are in my bedroom. Would you kindly explain what your intentions are since this will determine if I will live or die? I don't mind dying as long as my carpet is not stained. While you are trying to decide, how about a cup of coffee?

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