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History has always been an important element of life in Poland. Share your reflections on Poland's past. (page 5)

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Why Poles love Russia  2  3  4
Polish Easter Tradition is also pagan!  2
47 - Not only people, also people and animals:...

Historypagan - 21 Apr 2014 pawian - 23 Apr 2021
Polish attitudes towards ex-Soviet republics joining NATO  2  3  4
How far did Kashubia extend?
Polish nobility - what is the status of princes and aristocrats in modern Poland?  2
Poland or Germany: Which country rebuilt more of its architecture?
5 - Thanks, pawian....

HistoryIaki - 4 Apr 2021 Lyzko - 4 Apr 2021
Poland's borders throughout history
The Bar Mleczny / Milk Bar (memories)
Will Poland rebuild classical buildings?
Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side?  2  3
What Hitler really thought about Poles? Hitler's letter to Himmler 1944  2  3  4
111 - I was being facetious....

HistoryPennBoy - 19 Sep 2012 Lyzko - 27 Feb 2021
× Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15
Any good sources on Kashubian history/culture?
Vilamovian language - now that's something interesting
24 - Good to know. Trust Lusatian too is alive and well:-)...

HistoryMcCoy - 28 Aug 2010 Lyzko - 27 Jan 2021
Pre-war or today's Poland?  2
Secrets of Polish Freemasons at the National Museum, Warsaw
Sin of omission against Poland (Uprising ignored by Britannica)
Polish visas granted after 1989
East Prussia - German Poles who lived in pre-second world war in this area
We Remember: Cold War Warrior and True Pole Michał Franciszek Goleniewski
Poles in the Crusades to the Holy Land  2  3
75 - Oh, blessed be wise Polish Pan Kralj....

HistoryFilios1 - 20 Oct 2010 Crow - 22 Dec 2020
× Should David Irving, Holocaust denier, be allowed to run tours to Poland?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
'Battle of Britain' won thanks to Polish aces !!  2  3  4  5  6
How a Slovak poet described Poland four centuries ago
Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13
369 - Price of history. 3 to 4 years ago I spoke here on this forum that would in...

Historysamsungkorea - 8 Feb 2012 Crow - 18 Nov 2020
A Story about a rich Jewish family of Belarus arround 1917.
Question about Warsaw Ghetto (shared building?) and Monument
German treatment of Poles (Russian partition) during WW1?
American volunteers in Polish-Soviet War
An Israeli Song that its origin is Polish - Please, help to identify it!
Battle of Vienna - history movie about Poland / Commemoration  2
Polish treasures in Sweden?
18 - #Raeiuova Got a link for that claim? Can be in Swedish or English...

Historypassivus - 22 Jul 2019 Mr Grunwald - 26 Aug 2020
Old Polish Flag
Battle of Warsaw - One hundred years ago
Project to set up weaving factories in Lodz in the 1880's
'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland  2  3  4  5  6  7
"Poland Syndrome" should be renamed  2
Polish Museums and Selective Forgetting
Finding locations of old Photos - Lublin, Lodz, or Pabianice?
Eligiusz Niewiadomski assassinated the first Polish President
Pomerania -a Polish land since the creation of Poland and the German invaders.  2
Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them?  2  3
History of computer markets and piracy in Poland
Life in Poland in 1800-1900
18 - YEs, those pics bear the stamp/logo NAC....

Historyserabi - 5 Aug 2011 pawian - 24 Jun 2020
Origin and meaning of Polish city names?
Lusatia allied with Poland?
2nd Polish Corps Monte Cassino Commemorative Cross - can numbers be attributed?
× What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)?  2  3  4  5  6  7
Book Recommendations about WWII and Poland (in Polish)?
What proportion of the Polish population collaborated with the Nazis?  2  3  4  5
125 - Do you think they will be the best to deal with it coz it is them who strongly support...

HistoryKingAthelstan - 1 Oct 2011 pawian - 3 Apr 2020
What are Poland's pagan roots?  2  3
What was the general Polish opinion of Germany/Germans between 1920-39?
75th anniversay of Dr Janusz Korczak's death - a true Polish hero
Good fences make good neighbors.
Where to buy old militaria in Poland?
Saint Virgin Mary Queen of Poland crushes the Red Army  2  3
capitulation of Warsaw Uprising
16 - German newsreel showing capitulation.

Historysofijufka - 2 Oct 2013 pawian - 23 Feb 2020
Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland)  2  3  4  5  6
154 - Well I never knew that. It's a free market so you can do what you like...

HistoryCrow - 11 Sep 2010 cms neuf - 16 Feb 2020

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