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Polish attitudes towards ex-Soviet republics joining NATO

Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
3 May 2019   #61
Countries "liberated" by the USA usually adopt a pro American attitude.

Which of your two legs would you like to part with for that "pro American attitude"? Do you realize how stupid that post of yours is? BTW, I am assuming that you still have both legs and that you like them very much.

they buy American technology and products,

There are no American technology products except Apple phones made in China. Those the chicks all over the world will buy anyway even if they had to sell a kidney. One moron broad tried to sell both to get the latest model.

The people most certainly don't. They end up hating the us even more.

So that we can dump even more money on them to earn their love.

The Chinese so the same but are far more sly.

With our money we ship to them in those containers on the way back to be re-filled with what we should be making here, at home.

Guys, let's not have the mod shut down our thread.

As soon as you say NATO, you are discussing the morons, that would be the US and the US taxpayers, who keep it alive.

Polish attitudes mean squat.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2115
3 May 2019   #62
I would say only radical nationalists oppose the idea of Ukrainian co-operation. Especially when the debate is about immigration, then Ukrainians are a good option.

Poland as a nation will survive any large contact with Ruthinian populations. Intermixing isn't really a barrier and Poles tend to be sympathetic to their eastern conflict I think. Every Pole knows probably in what situation Poland would be without NATO/EU
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 May 2019   #63
So that we can dump even more money on them to earn their love.

Doesn't work. The US military gave away thousands upon thousands I'm talking even 5 6 figures to sheik's, tribal leaders, and just random dudes to earn their support.

Yet who's in charge of Iraq now? A dude who was a leader of the Mahdi army that fought against the US and caused thousands of deaths of US soldiers.

The US came in expecting to take **** over, spread 'democracy,' threaten Iran, get rid of terrorists since apparently Saddam was helping Al-Qaeda etc. Yet what happened? ISIS, which was defeated mainly thanks to Iran and Russia, and now Shia's with Iran backing are running the country. US lost a trillion dollars in Iraq. They even had to destroy their own hummers and tanks they left for the Iraqi army when ISIS captured them lol.

I see it as poetic justice.
4 May 2019   #64
Who ever said that nationalism was good for Poland or that Poland never did anything bad with it is a village idiot like those ones participating in Jedwabne and other pogroms (there were at least three during the war) as well as probably a lover of Pilsudski who had concentration camps set up for Ukrainians (hence later why Bandera hated the Polish and took his revenge).

I see a lot of perversion of history here on this forum and ignorance. I am Polish born and even I am not that retarded or brainwashed like some of these british expats posting on here.

"Clown country elects a literal clown president. Imagine my surprise...."

You mean like the USA with Donald Trump? That guy is much more of a clown certainly on twitter tyan any of Ukraine's politicians. Oh wait he isnt one. I really think Masa should run on a populist platform like Trump's. He would probably win.

"Can't you be proud of your country without denigrating and fighting others?"

Many Polish people cant. They hate everyone including themselves. Most of them act jelous, petty and often forget their own language or want nothing to do with even each other when emigrating or living abroad.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
4 May 2019   #65
Emigration is not going camping for a couple of weeks. It's to replace country A with country B. Completely.
The single best way to fuc* up your second marriage is to keep the photos of your first wife. That was an analogy, not marital advice.

Poland kept me a prisoner and a slave making just enough to commute to work and have lunch in a company cafeteria. After those two items, there was nothing left. Like to buy underwear and socks.

My Polish masters collaborated with the occupier. Today, they use it as an excuse. And nobody was tried. Not even the criminals running UB.

That put a damper on my sense of pride.
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
4 May 2019   #66
Poland kept me a prisoner and a slave

But who enslaved Poland? did you ever look at the dates Between Yalta and Hiroshima, do you feel you might of fared better in a free Poland that had benefited from the marshall plan as the Germans did?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
4 May 2019   #67
But who enslaved Poland?

Polish collaborators. And they loved it along with their sklepy za zoltymi firankami, Mercedes cars, vacations in Bulgaria, and many other things. Soviets made sure Poland was in their orbit but they did not tell their Polish collaborators to keep me from travelling abroad. That was their idea because the collaborators were travelling all over the world without any restrictions. I just lied and that is how I was allowed out of the prison called Poland.
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
4 May 2019   #68
Polish collaborators.

No rich you missed my point, who put Poland into the Soviet sphere of influence. and how different things may have been for you if that had not happened.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 May 2019   #69
I just lied and that is how I was allowed out of the prison called Poland.

Lied to who?
pawian  219 | 24592
4 May 2019   #70
And in what language? :):)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
4 May 2019   #71
In Polish to the Polish collaborators that I would be back from Holland in three months. On that basis, I got that beautiful green paszport sluzbowy valid only for Europe. It wasn't exactly what I wanted but it was enough to be gone forever.

who put Poland into the Soviet sphere of influence.

I don't care about who did what and when except who kept me from leaving Poland then the way you can leave Poland now. It was the Polish collaborators, not the Soviets or the Americans.
mafketis  38 | 10868
4 May 2019   #72
vacations in Bulgaria

Not even remotely restricted to the inner (or outer) party which, again, you would know if you were really Polish....
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
4 May 2019   #73
who kept me from leaving Poland

Hah and for me it was who stopped me from entering Poland.

Time they got some, especially the SB snake that grassed on my family in the UK.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
4 May 2019   #74
Yeah, for me, the old Polish Commies were just as bad as German Nazis or Russian Commies.
Probably worse, because they were traitors too.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
4 May 2019   #75
Not even remotely restricted to the inner (or outer) party which, again, you would know if you were really Polish....

I am not claiming that Bulgaria was off limits to the peasants if they had the money. Same prison, different block. Even in Auschwitz, prisoners were free to move around, I guess.

I already told you that I am a paid Russian troll. In fact, I love Russia so much that I watched our May 9, 2018, victory parade yesterday again. The sound of that clock at 10:01 - I never have enough of that. And those Mig-31, 3000 kph planes! So cool!

The difference between us is that I get paid but you are posting for free. So, who is stupid here?
pawian  219 | 24592
4 May 2019   #76
I love Russia so much that I watched our May 9, 2018, victory parade yesterday again

Again it is a bit inconsistent. You love modern Russia which officially and directly links itself to the heritage of the Soviet Union, yet you complain about communism. :)
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
4 May 2019   #77
The difference between us is that I get paid but you are posting for free. So, who is stupid here?

Enough Rich,even I am starting to believe you push it too far mate.
pawian  219 | 24592
4 May 2019   #78
I love Russia so much that I watched our May 9, 2018, victory parade yesterday again.

So, probably you also love comrade Stalin, like many Russians. :):)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
5 May 2019   #79
What's there not to love? He turned a weak and backward country into a superpower. You do remember who detonated the biggest, 100 megaton, nuclear bomb ever, who was first in space, and who makes the best assault rifle in the world? To us, Russians, those are the milestones our national pride is based on. Mig-25 and Mig-31 are the top three fastest fighter planes as of today - with the US F-15 in between. Without Stalin, none of this would be a reality.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
5 May 2019   #80
He turned a weak and backward country into a superpower.

Depends on the definition of superpower!

It's still weak and backwards...take away the revenues from their fossils and they will start to struggle to fund their mighty military.
That's the reason they lost the Cold War in the first place.

Putin is a smartie, I give you that....but that is also the reason why I blame him for Russia not leading the way it needs to. He had the support, the power and the time to modernize put it on economically sound end that dependence on their gas and oil. He should know better!

But today Russia looks as corrupt and backwards as before...and he is back to the old games, using conflicts to strengthen his wavering power at home, including blowing the nationalist trumpet, declaring any other opinion as hostile and traiterous, jailing journos and dissenter.

He is a disappointment! No megaton nuclear bomb or the best assault rifle will change that...they lost despite of that 1989 and Russia is losing again.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
5 May 2019   #81
You are joking...
So, 7 billion plus earth devouring creatures is not enough... Let's make some more. Is this you, Mr. Pope?
Can you envision the disaster that would befall the retirement plans if, one day, cancer was just poof gone.
Do you have any idea how much it costs to lift a 200-pound weight into space like Mars? How about spending a tiny fraction of it on free, on-demand abortions leftists love so much?
Crow  154 | 9207
24 Mar 2021   #82
At this moment, if serious state, Poland have a duty to go out of NATO. Deeply anti-Slavic, anti-democratic and anti-progressive values of NATO aren`t values of Poland.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
24 Mar 2021   #83

You can always spot a troll when they dig up an old thread to make a point......there are.quite a few of them on PF.
Crow  154 | 9207
24 Mar 2021   #84
So, you Milo say that Poland needs to stay in NATO?

You hate Poland?
jon357  72 | 22778
24 Mar 2021   #85
Poland have a duty to go out of NATO

Why? There's overwhelming support for NATO here.
Crow  154 | 9207
24 Mar 2021   #86
And I didn`t heard they have monument to Gavrilo Princip.

What is wrong with a country that is self-chauvinistic?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
15 Apr 2021   #87
I've read Ukraine demands now NATO membership or they will look for Nukes....
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
15 Apr 2021   #88
They won't get NATO membership any time soon.
As for nukes, I thought rhey had some left over from Soviet times.
pawian  219 | 24592
15 Apr 2021   #89
they will look for Nukes....

Too late, unfortunately. They got rid of them in 1990s. They were naive when they believed not only the Kremlin but also the West which vowed the protection of Ukraine`s independence and integrity.
Novichok  4 | 7630
16 Apr 2021   #90
but also the West which vowed the protection...

...and lied to them as it lies every single day to its own gullible citizens. Smart people like me treat pre-election promises as fabrications and lies, not contracts. Cynicism rulez.

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