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Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more?

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
7 Sep 2019   #301
Well, Poland had been the most loved country in Europe a one time, especially by Germans.:)


By the way BB do you recall what percentage of the pre-war territory German lost to Poland?

I dunno the numbers....the german borders have been always very fluid! :)
7 Sep 2019   #302
I think Poles look up to Scandinavians if modern architecture is a thing to go by. :P I wouldn't if I was a Pole though, remember the Swedish "excursion" to Poland when they attacked? Stop defacing your cities, commies did enough already! Apart from Wroclaw, Torun and Krakow the others have been turning into Katowice - a bland, modernist city. Warsaw out of old town doesn't feel Polish at all in architecture! Look at how Lwow looks today, it has preserved most of its old buildings, for sure, but even the new districts feel Slavic, not international/Scnadinavian-like. They plant many trees, etc. Maybe Poland should get Lwow back.
Ironside  50 | 12312
7 Sep 2019   #303
I dunno the numbers....the german borders have been always very fluid! :)

I have checked he numbers for you. It is about 25%. The reason I asked is simple. To compare losses.
Poland lost to Soviets about 48% of pre-war territory. Numbers are important - now we can talk rather than chat about all issues. :)

in large numbers till 1939 out of country?

Not really. Most of the migration happened between 1870 - 1914. Then after 1945. There is no 11 millions Polish in the USA. Those are people with Polish ancestors that somewhat are aware of t he fact. Anyway what that has to do with anything?

Emigration, immigration those are separate issues. We are talking about serfs who risked their limbs and oft lives to ESCAPE, then cross the border in hope of becoming serfs but in Poland. Do I need it spell it for you in a big letters?

Being a serf in Poland was so attractive to serfs in Russia that they took a big risks to go for it. Meaning being a serf suck but being a serf in Russia suck big time times 100.

By the way what about compensation to Poland form Russia for all that s..t? You have plenty of gold mines time to pay up!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
7 Sep 2019   #304
I have checked he numbers for you. It [Germany] is about 25% [smaller].

Poland lost to Soviets about 48% of pre-war territory.

That doesn't mean Poland is 48% smaller today. Poland is 23,65% smaller today as compared to the year 1937.

This means that both countries, Germany and Poland, are each approximately one-fourth smaller than they were in 1937. [I assume Iron has calculated Germany's size in the year 1937, before adjoining Austria to the Reich.]

So, isn't it yet another reason to open up a bottle of champagne and drink to the eternal Polish-German friendship?
Vlad1234  16 | 883
7 Sep 2019   #305
By the way what about compensation to Poland form Russia for all that s..t? You have plenty of gold mines time to pay up!

We have plenty of gold mines in Canada, but officially they belong to "The Crown".
Regarding Russia, I wander what account to Poland could they issue for devastation of Russia by Poland in 1611 and occupation of Smolensk during hundreds of years...
Ironside  50 | 12312
7 Sep 2019   #306
wander what account to Poland could they issue for devastation of Russia by Poland in 1611

Dude I don't know if you are ignorantly or you just playing dumb but lets go for it. Let calculate everything and see who is to pay up big time. I assure you it wouldn't be Poland. Anyway I was talking only about WWII loses as they attacked Poland while breaking pact of no-aggression and without declaration of war, not to mention ethnic cleansing, robbery, destruction and genocide all done by the Soviets gov.

You can pay from Canada, I don't mind gold is gold.
As for Smolensk, that is the commonwealth city, has been for centuries. Russia starts east from Smolensk. Phew Soviets' dumbed down their people big time. In white Russia it was a common knowledge.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
7 Sep 2019   #307
So, isn't it yet another reason to open up a bottle of champagne and drink to the eternal Polish-German friendship?

We should unify...drunk! :)
Lyzko  41 | 9545
7 Sep 2019   #308
Sto lat, B.B!

Na zdrowie, GenossenLOL
Vlad1234  16 | 883
7 Sep 2019   #310
You can pay from Canada, I don't mind gold is gold.

Why do you think that I personally have to pay something? What relation do I have to historical Polish problems?
Ironside  50 | 12312
7 Sep 2019   #311
Why do you think that I personally have to pay something?

Personally or with Canada's gold I don't care which. As for why - because you side not only with Russia but also with Soviets for some F up reason. You need to be aware there is no roses without thorns.


I don't drink, not really, just a sip now and then. We can have an apple juice or some mead (13% of alcohol). Alternatively a glass of beer or two.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
7 Sep 2019   #312
you side not only with Russia but also with Soviets

Regarding history - I like historic objectivity. I equally recognize brutality of Russian empire, Stalin and Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth. As well as majority of other countries at certain point of history.
Ironside  50 | 12312
8 Sep 2019   #313
- I like historic objectivity.

It is a pity then that you don't know much about it.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
8 Sep 2019   #314
Is it true that Putin paid around 1 billion USD to relatives of Katyn victims or not?
ShawnH  8 | 1488
8 Sep 2019   #316
I would like to see the receipt for that one.
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Sep 2019   #317
Is it true that Putin paid around 1 billion USD to relatives of Katyn victims or not?

No, it isn`t.

I would like to see the receipt for that one.

Shawn, welcome back.
Tacitus  2 | 1241
8 Sep 2019   #318
Putin has in fact tried to downplay the atrocity by claiming that they were retaliation for previous imaginary massacres against Russians... .
Ironside  50 | 12312
8 Sep 2019   #319
Is it true that Putin paid around 1 billion USD to relatives of Katyn victims or not?

Absolutely. In the same world of the alterative dimension where Russia is a cool country not worse that any other, Putin is not only a great stateman with High moral standards but also a good-looking man.
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Sep 2019   #320
Do you admire Putin`s chest like most Russians? What do you think about his horse?

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
9 Sep 2019   #321
And what do you think about his handwatch? Patek Philippe?
Lyzko  41 | 9545
9 Sep 2019   #322
All part of Russian machismo, along with those polar-bear club guys who go skinny dipping buck naked in fifteen below in the dead of winter, do shots of Stolichnaya STRAIGHT, no chaser one after the other, stuff like that:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
9 Sep 2019   #323
Patek Philippe?

Overrated. Many use the same Valjoux movements that a $1k Tag Heuer has. Rolex has by far the best movements and it is arguably the only movement that cannot be perfectly replicated and same with the bezel rotations. Although respect to Patek for being founded by a Pole.

And I hope I look as good as Putin does as his age, he's in better shape than the vast majority of people his age.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
10 Sep 2019   #324
The problem with Rolex is that but for "Rolex" 99% wouldn't know it's a Rolex.
Just curious: how does one casually and gracefully work into a conversation that his watch is a 20 grand Rolex?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
11 Sep 2019   #325
Most rolexes dont cost 20k. Only the chrono and precious metal ones cost that much in which case theyre easily recognizeable as a rolex.

But yes youre right theres a $100 seiko that aside from the face logo has the same design as a $10k datejust. The vast majority of people couldnt tell the subtle differences from far away but a collector definetely could.

Also most people who purchase watches like that buy them for the longevity, to pass down, for the precious metals or stones, and many as an investment. One of my friends has a watch collection easily worth half a mil. Yet youd
Lenka  5 | 3471
11 Sep 2019   #326
I would say they buy them for their ego. If they can afford it they buy new ones and don't use just one for the rest of their lives even if they could
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
11 Sep 2019   #327
Its not about ego for most watch collectors. For some murzyn who buys a rolex and cartier and puts a ton of diamonds in it, yes. For most people its a fashion statement or simply a hobby. Some people collect cars others stamps others watches. When a guy wear a suit regularly a nice watch and nice tie is how fashion or good taste is expressed. I buy watches because i like them like omegas, tag heuer, alpina, oris etc which are considered the lower end of luxury swiss watches but if i had the disposable income to buy a 50k 18k yachmaster or gmt ii i totally would. And itll retain its value for decades. Hopefully one day i can buy it and then pass it onto my son or grandson on a special occasion.
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
23 Oct 2020   #328
what do you think about his handwatch? Patek Philippe?

A grail watch that. but dont like the nautilus, world time is nice.
pawian  219 | 24592
24 Oct 2020   #329
Putin is not only a great stateman with High moral standards but also a good-looking man.

When are you going to settle down in Russia for good???
Crow  154 | 9207
25 Oct 2020   #330
This reminds me

During communism we Serbs had a joke. It was from time when Tito clashed with Stalin, in 1948 year.

It goes.... Father asks his son- whom do you support, Tito or Stalin?
Son answer- Stalin. Tito betrayed true communism.
Then father says- But you then must go to Soviets.
Son replied- Of course I will.
After ten years father gets postcard from Siberia from his son- Father, I got just what I need.

Home / History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more?

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