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Origin and meaning of Polish city names?

10 Jun 2020 #1
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I'm wondering about the origin of the names Warszawa, Kraków, Lublin, Rzeszow, Katowice, Gdynia, Elk, Suwałki and Toruń. Can anyone please help?
Ziemowit 14 | 4046
10 Jun 2020 #2
Warszawa is a name createdon the name of a person, in this case the person was Wars or Warsz, hence the originalname of the location --> Warsz-owa (possession of Wars, village of Wars).

Kraków is a very old name, first recorded in 965, but it certainly existed long before that year.

Toruń is a re-polonized German name (Thorn) which in turn was a germanized Polish name (Tarnina or Tarnow)
pawian 221 | 24284
21 Jun 2020 #3
Warszawa, Kraków, Lublin, Rzeszow, Katowice, Gdynia, Elk, Suwałki and Toruń.

Kraków comes from Krak, a legendary ruler who started the settlement.

Gdynia comes from the root word gъd which means wet, swampy.

Katowice probably comes from Kat, the first settler or owner of a smithy.

Lublin comes from the male first name Lubla which in turn originates from Lubomir.

Rzeszów comes from the male first name Rech, Rzesz or Rzetysław.

Suwałki is a Lithuanian word which means a wet, swampy place.

Ełk probably comes from the name of a local river - Łyk.

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