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Why indian origin woman as Miss America and never Polish origin?

Harrys Moma
19 Sep 2013   #1
I wonder why?
Nile  1 | 154
19 Sep 2013   #2
Obama mistook her for an Al Queida follower.
OP Harrys Moma
19 Sep 2013   #3
or maybe polish women too white:)
Nile  1 | 154
19 Sep 2013   #4
Too white for what?
Tlum  12 | 253
19 Sep 2013   #5
My respect to Nobel Prize was killed when Al Gore (and then Obama) received the Nobel Peace Prize. The Oscars and Miss America are a joke too. It's just a complete waste of time to even discuss it ;).
McDouche  6 | 282
20 Sep 2013   #6
What's wrong with having a woman of Indian descent as Miss America? Have you seen her? She's gorgeous.

OP, Nile, and Tlum, stop being basement dwelling racist virgins and go outside for once.

Photos of the beautiful new Miss America.
Tlum  12 | 253
20 Sep 2013   #7
What's wrong with having a woman of Indian descent as Miss America?

Nothing. It's just meaningless who wins because whoever wins is decided in advance by the current political or social needs as determined by the 'highest priests' of this world.

For example, it was not a coincidence that the Polish woman, Aneta Kreglicka, was announced Miss World in 1989. It was a political decision, nothing else. In 1989 / 90 Poland and Europe started the new era. To celebrate it, Poland was awarded the prize.

In other words, all these contests for the masses are just that - reality shows that have the winner before the 'official' or 'public' voting. There's nothing exciting about them at all if you realize you are being duped ;)
McDouche  6 | 282
20 Sep 2013   #8
Miss World in 1989. It was a political decision,

Well I agree there since after looking her up, I don't see how her looks could've made her win.

No proof that this current Miss America was politically decided though. She's hot and she's a breath of fresh air.
Tlum  12 | 253
20 Sep 2013   #9
It's about 'no to racism, political correctness, and globalization' at this time (and in the years to come, probably). I won't be surprised in a few years a drag queen or a 'third gender' will win the prize.

I didn't watch the show but I'm sure there were girls with a better physical appearance (ie. when I see her body fat near the arms and breast area I assume she's not a frequent gym goer). Don't get me wrong - she is very nice, but not stunning (A. Kreglicka was not stunning either).
jon357  72 | 22778
20 Sep 2013   #10
the current political or social needs as determined by the 'highest priests' of this world.

If anything, determined by Julia Wotsit who runs it on the grounds of marketing and finding a woman who isn't too trashy or likely to go off the rails thereby bringing bad publicity. Our world does not have 'highest priests'. The show's biggest audience by the way is India.

I won't be surprised in a few years a drag queen or a 'third gender' will win the prize.

That would be nice - some Thai Kathoeys are beautiful.
pierogi2000  4 | 226
20 Sep 2013   #11
and she's a breath of fresh air.

Why? Because she's "different"? You are so brain washed it's comical
kaz200972  2 | 229
20 Sep 2013   #12
The reason she won is because the judges thought she was the prettiest girl!! She is beautiful by any standards.

Don't get me wrong - she is very nice, but not stunning

Not fat she just looks like a real person not a barbie doll! You don't have to be anorexic to be pretty!
Nile  1 | 154
20 Sep 2013   #13
, Nile, and Tlum, stop being basement dwelling racist virgins and go outside for once.

GO OUTSIDE? Are you mad? That would be rather difficult for a virgin. Hiding in a basement it is what we are good at. Would you care to sent us some willing and beautiful women to the basement to cure our racism?
Crow  154 | 9207
20 Sep 2013   #14
Poles in America seams to be good only for the jokes and as cannon fodders
Polson  5 | 1767
20 Sep 2013   #15
I say, we need more pics. How could we honestly (really) make up our minds on which miss was the sex...most beautiful when we have nothing to compare?
Nile  1 | 154
20 Sep 2013   #16
Poles in America seams to be good only for the jokes and as cannon fodders

It seems to me that is not a very nice thing to say to anyone. I think you should apologize for that remark.
TheOther  6 | 3596
20 Sep 2013   #17
Poles in America seams to be good only for the jokes

Except for some PolAms in the greater Chicago area, hardly anyone in the US ever talks about Poland or Poles...
Crow  154 | 9207
20 Sep 2013   #18
It seems to me that is not a very nice thing to say to anyone. I think you should apologize for that remark.

i am sorry if we didn`t understand each other. Remark isn`t my opinion about Poles in America but, critics of how are Poles positioned in USA. At least, that`s my opinion based not only on informations from media but also from a family history.

/and that is opinion of a Serbian which family has long history. 130 years ago family moved from Serbian Krajina (Lika) to the USA (Alaska) and Canada (Vancouver) and latter was concentrated in Utah, USA. Then, due to WWI my grandfather, 18 years old, came as volunteer in Serbian army- back then ally of the USA and fought on break of the Salonika front (Greece) taking part in pursue of the Austrian disordered and retreating troops all the way to the Vienna. He latter settled in Serbian Northern province of Voivodina./

So, i very very (VERY) well know what i talking about.

Except for some PolAms in the greater Chicago area, hardly anyone in the US ever talks about Poland or Poles...

yes. What i know there are at least 1 mil Poles and 300.000 Serbs plus other Slavs.

Due to their great number and high level or organization, Slavs are in Chicago serious factor, in any sense.
McDouche  6 | 282
20 Sep 2013   #19
I didn't watch the show but I'm sure there were girls with a better physical appearance

Huh? Are you mad? She's not fat at all. She's normal. Like someone else said, anorexic is not pretty!

(A. Kreglicka was not stunning either).

I agree with you there.
Tlum  12 | 253
21 Sep 2013   #20
I just assumed someoene like Miss America would be extraordinary.

You still don't get my point. These days the words don't actually mean what they are supposed to mean and most people don't even realize that:

- Miss World is not the most beautiful woman.
- Nobel Peace Prize winner hates peace.
- Expert in finance cannot count to 100.
- A devouted believer doesn't believe in God.
- Exemplary husband or wife masturbate in public.
- Healthy eating proponent is obese.
- Raising debt ceiling is nor raising debt.
- The most popular man is in fact a woman.

Btw. I was some years off with my assumption above:

A transgender student at Marina High School in Huntington Beach made history Friday evening by becoming the school's Homecoming Queen.
pierogi2000  4 | 226
21 Sep 2013   #21
Tlum , the age of political correctness.
f stop  24 | 2493
21 Sep 2013   #22
I saw this cartoon and could not decide where to post it, so here it goes: /whitebabies.png
pierogi2000  4 | 226
21 Sep 2013   #23
Interesting but did native Indians call their nation "America"?
jon357  72 | 22778
21 Sep 2013   #24
I saw this cartoon and could not decide where to post it, so here it goes:

It's very true - I thought of posting that one as well.

Interesting but did native Indians call their nation "America"?

Did the Pol-Ams?
f stop  24 | 2493
21 Sep 2013   #25
Interesting but did native Indians call their nation "America"?

;) you really don't want to see the point, do you..
pierogi2000  4 | 226
21 Sep 2013   #26
Natives let their country be over run by outsiders and now they are forced to live miserable lives Inland?

Modern day London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin etc?
BBman  - | 343
22 Sep 2013   #27
Why an indian won? Your answer, in 2 words is: political correctness.
local_fela  17 | 172
22 Sep 2013   #28
Miss world, universe, or miss whatever, all of them would have to go through the bed of those predators before winning!
Tlum  12 | 253
28 Sep 2013   #29
And to prove my point, today's Miss World TOP 3 are:

1. The Phillipines ('Yellow' race).
2. France ('White' race).
3. Ghana ('Black' race).

Yet another coincidence? No. It was supposed to be like that before the show started. I'm just trying to tell people not to get excited about such events for the masses because what they see is a pre-manufactured news.

BY THE WAY. Someone might have think -- ok, but there's also the 'Hispanic' race? Not to worry:

4. Spain.
5. Brazil.

And I'm not 'racist' - I just don't like being fooled by the 'high priests' who try to manipulate the reality. Next year's news: TOP 3 Miss World will be: Hispanic, Yellow, White, Black (in random order).
p3undone  7 | 1098
28 Sep 2013   #30
Tlum,I couldn't agree more.Just as they are castigated,if they espouse views that don't fit in with the agenda of the "High priests".

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