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Poland law and business related talk. Share and exchange your insight knowledge! (page 4)

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A parent born in Poland. Obtaining a Polish birth certificate?  2
Need help on how to cancel a company in Poland.
Can i still exchange my driving license after fail in practical exam
9 - DiD you get your driving licence?...

LawChantal - 23 Nov 2011 vamsi - 7 Oct 2022
Importing my American boyfriend to Poland: residency, marriage, work, etc.
16 - Think it was only a figure of speech there, Alien....

Lawbezbiura - 3 Dec 2012 Lyzko - 25 Sep 2022
If I buy a flat in Poland, do I get residence permit?
Why is Poland importing so much coal?  2  3
How to pay automatic camera speeding ticket if I was on not a Polish car
Trading Standards body for bad dental work in Poland?
9 - @Kennyorr What do you mean with "full set of implants"?...

LawInWroclaw - 2 Dec 2013 Alien - 2 Sep 2022
Regarding Entering Poland - residency and travelling to other Schengen countries
ZUS taking tax and insurance from my UK pension
Visa to Poland? Invitation by a Polish student?
Polish citizenship by descent - Great-grandfather left after the 1920 citizenship law but before 1921 census?
How do I request a birth certificate from the USC in Poland for my mother who was born there?
Obtaining Polish Citizenship from Poland-born Father
Hiring a Polish Worker - Pros and Cons  2  3  4
Polish tax situation when working for a British company.
Gift tax in Poland
Taking my girlfriend as accompanying with myself to Poland
I'm from Nigeria, but want to be a Poland Citizen  2
How to register a foreign Non-EU car in Poland?
Divorce in Poland - birth certificate issue?
What is NIP number?
15 - 7331362746...

Lawramzan khan - 31 Dec 2009 Ruslan - 9 Jun 2022
Where to Apply for Citizenship Confirmation within Poland?
EU citizen, inviting a non-EU fiancée and wanting to get married, best course of action?
Buying and registering a car as a non-resident Polish citizen
4 - Leasing is big in Poland and I can strongly recommend it....

LawCrypto4life - 29 May 2022 jon357 - 30 May 2022
Marital abandonment laws in Poland
Can I Legally Adopt My Girlfriend's Child?
Opening a Polish Bank Account by a foreigner in Poland. Recommendations.  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Plans for starting a company in Poland / cost, types, registration
Health Insurance Requirements for Poland Residency
37 - The cheapest, usually sold in bulk in downmarket newsagents' shops....

Lawpoziomka - 16 Jul 2009 jon357 - 3 May 2022
Is it illegal in Poland / Schengen zone to transport refugees inside?
Family debt in Poland
3 - Thanks Lenka....

LawCanada2022 - 2 May 2022 Canada2022 - 2 May 2022
How to check if a company in Poland is active or not? or if it has any debts outstanding?
16 - @Lenka Tm trade spolka akcyjna...

Lawandrewtalbot - 15 Apr 2013 War balaty - 26 Apr 2022
Advice on partners access to his child in Poland 🙏🏻
Buying a USED CAR in Poland, my personal experiences and TRAPS to avoid !!  2  3  4  5
Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31
× Help regarding Poland's National 'D' Visa Appointment at Mumbai Consulate!  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24
Compensation claim/Litigation/No win-no fee lawyer
Polish Army WWII and citizenship
Cops in Poland
7 - lol what a come back "tney dont but theyll to you" like some sort of a threat form a...

Lawdupajedna - 20 Feb 2022 dupajednafuku - 21 Feb 2022
How to get my passed mother's money from the bank?
Bus fine and visa application
3 - No, issues with bus tickets don't have any effect whatsoever....

LawMniam - 12 Feb 2022 jon357 - 13 Feb 2022
Starting small local shop in Poland - the steps?
4 - No worry - we are professionals. Believe me....

Lawcldagy - 6 Feb 2022 pawian - 6 Feb 2022
I have an Israeli Driving License. What do I have to do to get a Polish driving license?
Do you need a permit to have a snow plow on your truck in Poland
Anybody used "CK LAW OFFICE KANCELARIA ADWOKACKA" for passport services?
Lost my Driving Licence
Claiming Zachowek from Australia
Shipping a car from USA to Poland  2  3
Refused Poland's citizenship from Polish president, what to do now?  2
Emigrating to Poland - residency options advice needed
Where to obtain license plate in Poland? How long it takes?
24 - @Ndayizeye Check this link and translate - all in details explained: ...

Lawryanb - 23 May 2013 Looker - 17 Dec 2021
Getting Dual Citizenship without father...?
The famous Polish brands for 'Lingeries' and 'Bags'?
Applying for short term visa to Germany while waiting for the decision - possible or not?
Citizenship - grandmother who came to UK in 1914
Poland's residence permit lost abroad?
Taxes working remotely B2B, Poland

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