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UK, Ireland

The UK, Ireland, and Scotland have become a new home for many Poles. Track local news, life, and events!

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Registering marriage/new passport nightmare
Are the Polish in the UK actually rude or bitter?  2
"Strange " English language..  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
Better being female in UK or Poland?  2
33 - Way too subtle...In his case, a 2 by 4 is a better tool...Want one? I have two......

UK, IrelandSpartacus - 11 Nov 2012 Novichok - 30 Jun 2024
Polish immigrants in the UK - victims or criminals?!  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
Looking for reliable Polish lawyer in UK
Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
English/British rudeness - what do Polish people think about it?  2  3  4
Inheritance Law in Poland and debts - how does it affect a British child?
27 - The kids are 14 and 11...... does age make a difference?...

UK, IrelandradioKWG - 2 Apr 2013 savdee - 27 Mar 2024
Corned beef & Cabbage are typically Irish?  2  3  4
98 - Did that figuratively go over your head shorty. Hahaha...

UK, IrelandPolonius3 - 30 Sep 2010 johnny reb - 23 Mar 2024
Polish engineer and family found dead in village.
26 - Birds of a feather. There is. There's one key factor that is u usual. ...

UK, Irelandjon357 - 19 Jan 2024 jon357 - 21 Jan 2024
My bad experiences with Polish neighbours in UK (not meant to offend)  2  3  4  5  6
173 - It's New Year's Eve.....ofc they are playing music. Is it Disco Polo? How do you know that...

UK, Irelandryouga - 20 Jul 2015 rozumiemnic - 31 Dec 2023
English girl meeting boyfriend's Polish friends
Applying for Karta Polaka in the UK - worrying about the Polish language
5 - Karta Olaka for Dmitrii.🤭...

UK, Irelandallianz59 - 15 Nov 2015 Alien - 23 Nov 2023
Insuring & driving a car on French plates from UK to Poland
7 - Amasing. And very practical. No need to arrange new plates when buying a car. On the other...

UK, IrelandPeeWee Cheshire - 1 Sep 2013 pawian - 14 Nov 2023
Would life in the UK be very hard for a 17 yr old Polish girl? Advice needed please  2
33 - It was the right decision. Good for the UK and good for Poland. It was a shock...

UK, Irelandnatalia_sabicki - 18 Jul 2014 jon357 - 11 Nov 2023
What is the best way to meet a Polish girl in London for a serious relationship?
28 - @Belefon Try adoreo - quite a lot of polish women...

UK, IrelandWyn - 3 Jul 2012 Bazinga - 15 Oct 2023
London is Poland's 24th largest city  2  3
Raising Bilingual Children - How are you teaching your children? Your experiences?  2  3
74 - I sincerely regret that I should have given him more as the bag was worth way more to...

UK, IrelandTrixity - 16 Sep 2011 Cargo pants - 21 Sep 2023
The "Paracetamol Myth" - Polish people hesitate to visit UK doctors.  2
Voting in October Elections from the UK
Buying an export car from UK (VAT-free) and importing it into Poland  2
35 - I don't think anyone imports right-hand drive cars to Poland anymore....

UK, IrelandSteveramsfan - 5 Sep 2013 Alien - 17 Aug 2023
Poles living in the United Kingdom - give us a shout
11 - It is a person you are talking to. Is it a too difficult term for you??? :):):) ...

UK, IrelandJonahboy - 24 Oct 2012 pawian - 6 Aug 2023
Should I worry going to Ireland as a Pole?  2
Polish Visa from London Embassy
Not Gay: Making Friends With Polish Men In The UK.
17 - To do what? I will remind you - the topic of the thread is making friends with Polish...

UK, Irelandpolishhunter - 15 Aug 2010 Bobko - 26 Jul 2023
Poland will be wealthier than Britain by 2030  2
What can I say/do about my Polish neighbours in the UK?  2  3
Why Poles will never belong in England  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
283 - How dim are you. Where you home schooled ? My cousin traced my family roots way back before...

UK, IrelandENGLISHMAN - 30 Jul 2011 johnny reb - 8 May 2023
How to renew Polish passport while in the UK?
4 - Thanks, said embassy by mistake....

UK, IrelandAmboGuy - 25 Apr 2023 Lenka - 25 Apr 2023
Moving to Poland from UK  2
Polish lorry driver arrested for smuggling 9 million cigarettes  2  3
What English food would you serve a Pole?  2  3
How do the Polish and People with Polish Ancestry feel about British Royality  2  3
Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15
437 - Are you saying don't believe my lying eyes?? You sound like Biden. So, I'm right then....

UK, IrelandNataliee - 26 Feb 2010 Joker - 27 Nov 2022
It's nearly impossible to get a Polish Passport appointment at the London Konsulat
Asking for some help with research for a short film project
4 - I couldn`t. I don`t know Italian....

UK, IrelandFBR2000 - 12 Oct 2022 pawian - 19 Oct 2022
Commuting from Kraków to London?
Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland?  2  3  4  5
150 - True Obrenovic....

UK, IrelandBeaconsfield2590 - 5 Jan 2020 Crow - 9 Sep 2022
Five Polish Students Died along the Somerset Coast in 1994 - what happened?
13 - Do we know who put the cross there?...

UK, Irelandnwsomerset - 30 Jul 2013 Allyc62 - 25 Aug 2022
When are the Polish going to stop extorting money from UK businesses
Posting mail from Poland to the UK
From Hertfordshire, UK to ÅšlÄ…skie, Poland - Are we crazy?  2
Bilingual Polish Primary School in London
18 - @mo257 Bad luck mate. You won't find a non catholic Polish school in London or anywhere in the...

UK, IrelandSchoolteacher - 8 Mar 2011 Miloslaw - 18 Jun 2022
A Polish national getting a UK Passport
Help needed in registering a surname change in Poland
8 - Yes it is possible. You'd have to do it separately there if you wanted to have...

UK, IrelandJessCooper - 5 Feb 2022 jon357 - 15 Jun 2022
Double Taxation coming back between Poland & UK?
6 - If you are tax resident in Poland - here more than 183 days - then you have to pay...

UK, Irelandhypa3000 - 5 Oct 2018 cms neuf - 25 May 2022
Ireland and Poland - ways of struggling for independence  2
Polish Ophthalmologist in UK
28 - I am not polish but i rather go to any other nation doctor, dentist or mechanic than english as...

UK, Irelandhudsonhicks - 23 Nov 2012 Hujwdupeangelcam - 7 Mar 2022
Racist who hurled abuse at Eastern Europeans shouting 'This is England'
Polish People are Welcome in Scotland  2
41 - They are and, in my experience, despite my Polish ancestry, the Slowaks are even better....

UK, IrelandSzkocji - 28 Aug 2019 Miloslaw - 19 Feb 2022
Language students in Reading, UK, any groups/classes I can join? Set a group up?
Time for Polish Leaving England
15 - Who didn`t move out in time, soon would swim out...

UK, IrelandMiss Misiuk - 20 Jul 2016 Crow - 13 Jan 2022
Moving To Poland - Cost Of Living compared to the UK  2  3
65 -

UK, Irelandsportbilly - 9 Nov 2021 Atch - 16 Nov 2021
Britain's moral collapse?  2  3  4
Polish drink-driving murderer sentenced to 5.5 years in prison  2  3  4
Advice needed on a Polish funeral/customs in the UK
Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15
447 - No, I wasn`t. Don`t press me - I won`t say a word....

UK, Irelandlittlebeezz - 20 Jul 2007 pawian - 28 Jun 2021
Polish vs Irish stereotypes from a Polish girl in Ireland
Agnieszka Pomaska, beautiful Polish politician  2
43 - Each term of Parliament hosts amazing women. Years ago it was Anna Grodzka....

UK, IrelandEnglishman - 17 Jan 2014 pawian - 29 May 2021

Home / UK, Ireland

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