After brexit but not after the transition period - I can say with some confidence it was far far easier for my Polish friends to register to stay in the uk after brexit (5 minutes on an app) vs me registering to stay in Poland (nobody in the council offices knowing what is required, endless bullshit translations of irrelevant documents).
So I have my bit of paper now to say I was a EU resident before transition ended. No card as yet because they haven't decided on what they will look like. The process took 6 weeks and would've been longer if I didn't have my wonderful inlaws helping me!
Due to my working arrangements and the utter uselessness of hmrc, there is an ongoing saga with regards to my health care and taxes out here which i would be amazed if it's sorted in less than another 2 months.
Prior to Brexit I was registered at my rented address with the local Urzad Miasto and I have my PITs to prove that I've been working here legally and paying tax so I'm hoping that will be sufficient to make an application for the card
Brexit was the dirty trick played on the UK by English nationalists and stupid voters who allowed to be brainwashed by the tricksters.
Why not British nationalists if the case concerns whole Great Britain and not only England???
Simple. There is no such thing as a British nationalist because there is no such thing as a British nation. There is the English nation and its colonies and ethnic minorities. Of the English colonies they lost the more distant ones, they kept the close ones they acquired the earliest and they probably will not lose them again, only the Irish managed to regain most of their island. Scotland has no chance of leaving the Union. They have too many white settlers from England and Scottish Volksdeutsche to win a referendum. There is no point in mentioning Wales at all.
Exactly 5 years ago Brexit became a fact. Today, Brits are not so happy about it. Only 30% fully support Brexit while 55% believe it was a mistake. Also, 55% Brits would like to join the EU.
Nevertheless, 99% of people don't notice any difference, and it's enabling us to nationalise various utilities and infrastructure that the Tories had sold to French, German and American 'investors' who just treated that infrastructure as a cash cow not bothering to follow the conditions of the sale.
I don't see us rejoining any time soon; there would have to be major changes in the EU, and a move away from being a Euro superstate with military pretensions and a foreign policy.
don't see us rejoining any time soon; there would have to be major changes in the EU
Trying to rejoin soon would be a very big mistake as the EU would try to punish the country and probably impose impossible conditions like accepting the horrible euro pseudo-currency and/or joining Schengen....
I think the UK and the EU were never a very good fit... the UK was too big to benefit the way much smaller Ireland could and too out of step with prevailing European approaches to governance...
It is a shame that the UK mostly was a pretty passive member as it was (and is) the only major western European country that doesn't reach for a massive pile of new regulations every time a dog lifts its leg to pеe....
They are confused. Brexit issues and the EU issues are secondary if you have a liberal ruling elite which is F up everything for you. The rich can manage under most circumstances, but the rest, the middle class in particular not so much.
But they are against it because their situation has worsened
It hasn't. The economy is doing better than our closest rivals in Europe, and despite 14 years of Tory misrule, wev've finally got a decent government for the next 10 or 15 years.
probably impose impossible conditions like accepting the horrible euro pseudo-currency and/or joining Schengen
The only circumstances that would lead Britain to rejoin are huge structural and conceptual changes in the EU and them asking with a far better deal than before.
During my latest visits I noticed that the crowned commander in chief is of male gender, instead of female like for decades before. I consider it a huge disappointment. Women must rule!!!!