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Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!

tornado2007  11 | 2270
23 Jul 2007   #61
Not as low as OLA has been lately!!
Puzzler  9 | 1088
23 Jul 2007   #62
re: Not as low as OLA has been lately!!

- True, but Decorator's remark remains low all the same.

Forgive me, tornado, but what does it matter if one kind of rubbish is better than another?
szarlotka  8 | 2205
23 Jul 2007   #63
- That's low, Decorator

Not really - just Brit humour in response to a blinkered view on us I think Puzzler. Your other post was the key to this discussion. What does propel some of my countrymen to disgrace themselves and our country in alcohol fuelled stupidity? I wish I knew the answer to that one. We can no longer hind behind the 'it's a minority' argument as the minority appears to be becoming more significant as time goes on.
23 Jul 2007   #64
Its time Polish people stood up and say enough is more foreign ownership of polish land.

yeah then maybe raise a right hand and shout "SIEG HEIL" is that what you mean?
tornado2007  11 | 2270
23 Jul 2007   #65
Its British humor, instead of slagging her off we offer up some good old humor to the situation :)
Decorator  4 | 291
23 Jul 2007   #66
Good i'm glad you feel that way.. ;-)
23 Jul 2007   #67
I meant non poles

you hate foreigners, it's clear and I hate people you, you God damn nazi
tornado2007  11 | 2270
23 Jul 2007   #68
Good point Justyna, i find it rather ironic that a Pole should have such views on foreigners and wanting them out of their country. I don't understand the problem that the polish sometimes have with the UK, USA etc, i'm sorry if i ruffle a few feathers here but do i smell jealousy??
23 Jul 2007   #69
I don't give a damn for your comments lef. Patriotism burned your brains out.

do i smell jealousy??

no you probably smell his stinky pants full of sh*t
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
23 Jul 2007   #70
We can no longer hind behind the 'it's a minority' argument as the minority appears to be becoming more significant as time goes on.

The minority of Brits, the majority of Brit visitors. If we believe what we see and read.
23 Jul 2007   #71
Sorry all you good people out there but I just can't stand nazis no matter where they're from.
tornado2007  11 | 2270
23 Jul 2007   #72
no you probably smell his stinky pants full of sh*t

hahaha thats one of the funniest things i've heard you say, lol, nice one :)
23 Jul 2007   #73
nice one :)

thank you
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Jul 2007   #74
The minority of Brits, the majority of Brit visitors.

i really dont believe its anywhere near the majority of british visitors... its just the ones who make the most noise that stand out and are noticed...

and you know what justyna... your attitude of positivity and awareness is the one that i see in my polish friends over here and thats why i like poland as much as i do... thank you for bringing a voice of reason and understanding to contrast those on here who obviously have no idea
Decorator  4 | 291
23 Jul 2007   #75
I lived and worked in Holland for 4 years, and i had 4 years to ponder over why when many Brits go abroad they behaved in such a dreadful way and to this day i still can't tell you.. But the Dutch aren't much different when they go abroad either or Swedes.

But having said that they really are only a minority.. i'm going on vacation soon, i will promise to be on my best behaviour in Cuba.. scouts honour..
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Jul 2007   #76

lucky man :)
Decorator  4 | 291
23 Jul 2007   #77
I know Bubba, i'm staying on a small island off Cuba for 10 days then i'm travelling to Havava for 4 days.. i'm going to totally chill out..take a few books and sit in the sun.. then 2 weeks after i get back i fly off to live in Vancouver...i'm going to be unbearable to my friends before..ha.. Hard life isn't it.. ;-)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Jul 2007   #78
yeah... life can be really tuff at times... i sympathise with your predicament and trust you will make it safely through these trying times... be strong my brother
23 Jul 2007   #79
thank you for bringing a voice of reason and understanding to contrast those on here who obviously have no idea

you're welcome BubbaWoo. I did it with pleasure. I know people like "lef" are not the voice of Poland and never will be (I hope anyway). It's sad that after all these hurrible times our nation went through in the past, we have to face retards like him screeming loud nazi crap.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
23 Jul 2007   #80
i really dont believe its anywhere near the majority of british visitors... its just the ones who make the most noise that stand out and are noticed...

When the Brits were dancing in the town fountain the papers had an issue with it. When I spoke to some people who were there,......... in all honesty they couldn't give a sh*t.

When people are laughing, joking, having fun and not causing damage. Who cares, not me.
23 Jul 2007   #81
When people are laughing, joking, having fun and not causing damage. Who cares, not me.

absolutely right, I'm proud of you Wroclaw.
tornado2007  11 | 2270
23 Jul 2007   #82
If somebody was naive enough they could believe that Poland is a country where the people are, up their own backsides, imperialists, nazi's, jealous, bitter and many other things due to the posts of a few lame excuses for people.

It's good that there are people on here who counteract this content so keep it up Justyna and other supporting Poles :)
23 Jul 2007   #83
keep it up

I will for sure anytime I see people like "lef" giving us a bad name.

Besides, welcome all British and other people from all over the world to Poland and if you guys like our folk and country and you feel like staying here you're also welcome to buy any property you wish as long as you can afford it. I would do it too in England or wherever else if I could.
Puzzler  9 | 1088
23 Jul 2007   #84
re: Not really - just Brit humour

- Really?

Well, if Deco really was just kiddin' and I didnt get the joke, then disgrace on me.

As for the question of why some Brits act outrageously abroad, first of all, its because they become automatically more noticeable than others, due to the prevalent conviction in many countries that the Brits are the classiest best-mannered people in the world and therefore arent upposed to act ourageously. Others have permission to act outrageously abroad - steal, get into brawls, scream at the top volume in public places, etc., but not the Brits. The other factor, it seems, is indeed a suppresson of the British, especially English, national character in Britain, due to so-called multiculturalism (which boils down to the much recommended (by TV ads, etc.) in-breeding with the Thirld World, especially African folks and allowing their values, such as dependance on the state, to dominate in Britain). And the Brit elites, alas, dont seem to be in real touch with the real British people. Only creeps of the Daily Mail ilk or the British National Party, whose political agenda is actually also the aforementioned multiculturalism, pretend they are for the Brit people.

These seem to be, roughly, some of the main factors contributing to the phenomenon in question.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Jul 2007   #85
Poland is a country where the people are, up their own backsides, imperialists, nazi's, jealous, bitter and many other things due to the posts of a few lame excuses for people.

this is a pretty accurate description of a lot of people in poland...
szarlotka  8 | 2205
23 Jul 2007   #86
The line between high jinks and antisocial behaviour is a fine one. Probably the width of one beer too many. What really hacks me off is that some of the people who cross that line should know better. In many cases they are not uneducated dumbos but professional males who act like loonies when away with their mates. Best solution would be to photograph them and stick the images on a web site where their wives could see them.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
23 Jul 2007   #87
I think no matter what, you are always going to get an element that spoil it for the majority....simple really...
Decorator  4 | 291
23 Jul 2007   #88
if Deco really was just kiddin' and I didnt get the joke, then disgrace on me.

Yes shame on you puzzler, of course i was joking !! :-)
Amathyst  19 | 2700
23 Jul 2007   #89
In many cases they are not uneducated dumbos but professional males who act like loonies when away with their mates. Best solution would be to photograph them and stick the images on a web site where their wives could see them.

lol, now that would put a stop to "jollies away with the boys"
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Jul 2007   #90
In many cases they are not uneducated dumbos but professional males who act like loonies when away with their mates

you know what... its not just when they are away... these fekwits cause as much mayhem in british cities every weekend... its not just when they are away...

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