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Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!

Puzzler  9 | 1088
23 Jul 2007   #91
re: this is a pretty accurate description of a lot of people in poland...

- Dear me, bubba. Really you have encountered 'a lot of people in poland'(sic) who are allegedly 'imperialists, nazi's, jealous, bitter and many other things due to the posts of a few lame excuses for people' (whatever it all means)?

Any real-world examples of those alleged Polish vices?

re: Yes shame on you puzzler, of course i was joking !! :-)

- Meow!!!
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Jul 2007   #92
Any real-world examples of those alleged Polish vices?

spend some time in poland P, other than as a tourist... open your eyes and you will see...
tornado2007  11 | 2270
23 Jul 2007   #93
puzzler i'm not really sure on your position on this issue are you agreeing with people like Lef and Ola or are you of a different opinion?
Puzzler  9 | 1088
23 Jul 2007   #94
Hmmm, szarlotka, Amethyst, and others arent you too hard on your own people? Some of the Poles also tend to be hard on other Poles. Yeah, one of the main reasons for the decline of European nations is the fact that members of the nations don't like each other, are harsh on each other.

I'd say that yes, scold some Brits who act outrageously abroad, but dont exaggerate about it.

Some time ago the Italian riot cops beat up in an utterly beastly manner the Manchester fans. It was extremely brutal and without any apparent reason. It seemed like an act of vendetta for the 1980s unfortunate occurence at one of the Euro stadiums. I would not say - as I heard some Brits say - that the Italian cops were right in this case.
szarlotka  8 | 2205
23 Jul 2007   #95
Hmmm, szarlotka, Amethyst, and others arent you too hard on your own people?

I'm hard on a minority of them Puzzler. And I defend the majority.
Puzzler  9 | 1088
23 Jul 2007   #96
re: spend some time in poland P, other than as a tourist... open your eyes and you will see...

- Bubba, why don't you tell me? Don't you have those facts in question?
Amathyst  19 | 2700
23 Jul 2007   #97
Hmmm, szarlotka, Amethyst, and others arent you too hard on your own people? Some of the Poles also tend to be hard on other Poles. Yeah, one of the main reasons for the decline of European nations is the fact that members of the nations don't like each other, are harsh on each other.

Its difficult for you to understand, if I go to another country where it has had problems with British people, then Im going to feel the backlash from that, I have said if you read my posts that its just an element not a majority of English that cause problems....but still its still causing problems for the rest of us who just want to enjoy some beautiful cities around the world.
tornado2007  11 | 2270
23 Jul 2007   #98
we've now gone from British to English, The Scotch and the Irish party just as hard!!!!! with feet in both camps (English, Scottish) i do know
Amathyst  19 | 2700
23 Jul 2007   #99
Puzzler, Last year when I was in Krakow, I was sat having a lovely evening drink with a friend on the old town square, where people were sat with their familes, then the singing of crude songs started by some scousers, you know we did, we got up and left because it wasn't pleasant to hear or see. So you see if an English person doesnt want to be subjected to this kind of behaviour, then god only knows how the locals feel about it. Its disrespectful.
Puzzler  9 | 1088
23 Jul 2007   #100
re: puzzler i'm not really sure on your position on this issue are you agreeing with people like Lef and Ola or are you of a different opinion

- I definitely disagree with ola, and I am not sure if I share some of lef's assertons, but I defnitely refuse to agree with the asserton that Poland is full of imperialists, nazis and the like. for Gods sake guys. Especially you bubba, who have been living in the country for a while and ought to know better.

But you seem to speak from a minority (I don't mean here a national minority, but, say, cultural one ) perspective, don't you bubba?
tornado2007  11 | 2270
23 Jul 2007   #101
ok i understand your position, but please don't blame me for somebody taking my words and using them out of the context that they were meant.

You can clearly see when i first wrote them, why i used them and in what context :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Jul 2007   #102
Don't you have those facts in question?

yes mate... i met this guy leszek last week... he was bitter jelous and very confused...

satisfied now that i have named names...?
Amathyst  19 | 2700
23 Jul 2007   #103
yes mate... i met this guy leszek last week... he was bitter jelous and very confused...

Not good enough, what did his parents do for a living.....
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Jul 2007   #104
his mum was a peasent as was his father... and he ate bigos for breakfast...

any more stupid questions P... dang, youre starting to sound like lef...
Puzzler  9 | 1088
23 Jul 2007   #105
re: ok i understand your position, but please don't blame me for somebody taking my words and using them out of the context that they were meant.

- Have I misrepresented your words? If so, if you didnt really mean that Poland is full of imperialists, nazis, etc., then accept my apology, man.

Also, no, I don't single out the English, or anybody else, for that matter. I actually like and understand you guys, perhaps better than many others do.
tornado2007  11 | 2270
23 Jul 2007   #106
it's ok, misunderstandings can happen when you only see the words and maybe read them quickly, i was saying that maybe this is the impression people could get of the polish if they read posts by people like Ola and Lef.
Daisy  3 | 1211
23 Jul 2007   #107
This kind of hatred isn't helping anyone..I've just found out two of my Polish neighbours were attacked and stabbed last Sunday evening, one of them remains in hospital, all they did was go out for a drink and were walking home
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Jul 2007   #108
where did this happen D?
tornado2007  11 | 2270
23 Jul 2007   #109
this attack was in which country??? and do you know it was racially motived or just a random attack, mugging etc??

Best wishes to your friends, i hope they make a full recovery
Daisy  3 | 1211
23 Jul 2007   #110
It was in Somerset, it wasn't a mugging, there are a few BNP around here, don't know anymore.
Puzzler  9 | 1088
23 Jul 2007   #111
re: any more stupid questions P... dang, youre starting to sound like lef...

- Well, Im afraid you - again - haven't proved your point.

Shouldnt you be able to back your assertons with evidence, and not with insults, such as 'stupid questions,' etc. ?

What does it mean I start sounding like lef? Is that good or bad? Why?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Jul 2007   #112
too much cider... and small town mentality

- Well, Im afraid you - again - haven't proved your point.

lef is a fool and you are starting to look this way too... i answered your question twice.... what the fuk do you want me to tell you...?
Daisy  3 | 1211
23 Jul 2007   #113
too much cider... and small town mentality

yeah absolutely, what AA Gill referred to as Agriyobs, upset the locals that one did.

A girl where I work, once said that her boyfriend was only a little bit rascist, apparently that's OK, she doesn't speak to me now and I'm not losing any sleep over it
tornado2007  11 | 2270
23 Jul 2007   #114
Small town mentality some people here need to grow up, it doesn't matter where you live you can be a racist if you live in London which is not small or somewhere like wellington, UK, which is very small.

I'm sorry that your friends were attacked but don't start pointing fingers at disgruntled locals who are BNP supporters, there just easy targets.
Ranj  21 | 947
23 Jul 2007   #115
Polish people are sick to death on being exploited

By making this statement, you are suggesting that everyone in Poland has a "victim" mentality. I for one do not believe this to be true, but of course I don't live in Poland, so I cannot say for sure.....reading the following article from the Warsaw Voice, I see a majority of Poles are beginning to welcome the changes brought on by being members of the EU (which, as stated somewhere else in this thread, is a give and take relationship with other members). Just my 2 cents....


Eurobarometr survey shows Poles happy with EU membership
Warsaw, Poland July 23, 2007

Eurobarometr, a survey by the European Commission Representation in Poland, shows a signficant improvement in Polish public sentiment towards Polish membership in the EU and increased support for European integration.

The improvement of public feeling in Poland is seen mainly when it comes to the assessment of Polish economy and the situation on the labour market. Almost half of Poles (45%) positively assess the state of the Polish economy.
szarlotka  8 | 2205
23 Jul 2007   #116
Warning to British people visiting Poland!!

There are Polish people there and not all of them speak English. Also be careful about the 'butter' they put in front of you with the bread. Oh and they eat Carp for Christmas.

It really is a seriously dangerous place. Best stick to Dagenham
Ranj  21 | 947
23 Jul 2007   #117
Thanks admin....would post a link but it brings up my actual subscribed page which I don't want others to have access to....hope this is alright?
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
23 Jul 2007   #118
Quoting: tornado2007
Poland is a country where the people are, up their own backsides, imperialists, nazi's, jealous, bitter and many other things due to the posts of a few lame excuses for people.

this is a pretty accurate description of a lot of people in poland...


This kind of hatred isn't helping anyone..I've just found out two of my Polish neighbours were attacked and stabbed last Sunday evening, one of them remains in hospital, all they did was go out for a drink and were walking home

I'm sure they were behaving very imperialistic... You know how the Poles are. :)

PS: On a more serious note I hope everything is OK with them.
lef  11 | 477
24 Jul 2007   #119
kinda like there aint a lot of respect going round for you lef... twat... if you want to wear the trousers make sure your a man first, biatch... erniewoopwoop bumpkin

lol mmmmm, here I was thinking I would have free (cheap) accommodation in Sopot and enjoying a nice cold beer with BubbaWoo, not to be. too bad too sad. I will have to spend the night at the local park with all the other drunks..

We can all laugh and abuse each other.. (all part of the fun) but make no mistake what I have stated in my previous post stands, the quicker Polish people understand that they are being short changed by overseas parasites who have no interest in the future of Poland but wish to feather there own nests the quicker Poland will grow to be a prosperous country.

I don't give a damn for your comments lef. Patriotism burned your brains out

Have you sobered up yet, when you grow up you may well have a different opinion.

reading the following article from the Warsaw Voice, I see a majority of Poles are beginning to welcome the changes brought on by being members of the EU (which, as stated somewhere else in this thread, is a give and take relationship with other members). Just my 2 cents....

thanks Raj for your comments and reference, I don't believe the Polish Voice reflects accurately of what the majority of polish people think. good try.
Lady in red
24 Jul 2007   #120
I don't believe the Polish Voice reflects accurately of what the majority of polish people think.

And you have better supporting information ? Please post so we can all look at it and make our own informed opinion on the subject.

Facts and supporting information please :)

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