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"Browar Jabłonowo" beer, A Christmas word of warning

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Dec 2009   #1
Never, ever, ever buy a bottle of cheap "Browar Jabłonowo" beer from Auchan. Not only will you feel like you've been shot after drinking half the bottle, but your throat will also taste like someone has been scraping it with sandpaper and you'll generally feel like you've been drinking petrol.

Awful, awful stuff.

(yes, I bought it because I wanted to experience what cheap Polish beer was like...never again!)
BrutalButcher  - | 386
23 Dec 2009   #2
you've been drinking petrol.

Been there done that...ahhh, the old times.
jump_bunny  5 | 236
23 Dec 2009   #3
(yes, I bought it because I wanted to experience what cheap Polish beer was like...never again!)

No cheap beer will be nectar...
Nika  2 | 507
23 Dec 2009   #4
(yes, I bought it because I wanted to experience what cheap Polish beer was like...never again!)

you should try PL cheap wine, the so called jabol, now that is awful!!!!!
Although, they have some nice and innocent names, e.g. 1/2 śpiewu, sen sołtysa...
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Dec 2009   #5
No cheap beer will be nectar...

I didn't expect nectar, heck, I didn't even expect the quality of cheap Lidl beer in the UK (Fink Brau...the stuff of student days) - but this stuff is truly, absolutely awful :(

(still drinking it now....!)

you should try PL cheap wine, the so called jabol, now that is awful!!!!!

Is that the stuff that comes in plastic bottles? I have a British friend that mysteriously loves the stuff :(
Nika  2 | 507
23 Dec 2009   #6
Is that the stuff that comes in plastic bottles? I have a British friend that mysteriously loves the stuff :(

maybe. the ones I've had (the sins of my rebellious youth) came all in glass bottles though. Your friend loving jabol is, indeed, a mystery. :)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
23 Dec 2009   #7
Awful, awful stuff.

Yes it is, thinking about it just makes me wanna puke now! Tesco beer is good for a laugh :D

you should try PL cheap wine, the so called jabol, now that is awful!!!!!

I don't drink, so Im happy i wont be tasting that any time soon :D
mira  - | 115
23 Dec 2009   #8
I have a British friend that mysteriously loves the stuff :(

ahh, they have ciders in 1.5 litre bottles, I reckon this cheap wine is something similar
Think Twice
23 Dec 2009   #9
Please dont insult Cider.

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
23 Dec 2009   #10
Never, ever, ever buy a bottle of cheap "Browar Jabłonowo" beer from Auchan.

What were you expecting for 0.99 or something similar ? Anything below Bosman/Żubr etc. don't desrve to be called beer.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Dec 2009   #11
Last year in Poland I ran across a beer called Donner (brewed by Poland's VanPur brewery) that was quite inexpensive (1.39zł for 1/2 a litre) that was quite accceptable when well chilled. It was only 4% ABW but refreshing on a hot summer day. That's roughly the same strength of many of America's so-called "lite beers". Incidentally, most of my American fellow-compatriots have been brainwashed into thinking "lite beer" is only "less filling", but are shocked when they learn it is also roughly 1% weaker than the ordinary brew.
pawian  226 | 27364
23 Dec 2009   #12
I drink this beer from time to time. Yes, I know it is cheap, but I am mean, just as thrifty as stereotypes describe Krakowians, and I don`t like spending more than I need.

But I still remember the taste of beer available in communist times. There were incidents that consumers found flies or even mice in bottles. Compared to that beer, Jabłonowo from Auchan is delicious.

Do you know what I mean? :):):)

No beer produced in Poland today is worse than the one sold in communism.
mira  - | 115
24 Dec 2009   #13
Think Twice
Right, I apologise. I should rather compare polish cheap wine to english lambrini.
However, cider is not much better. We all know who drinks cider out of those 1.5 litre bottles...
mira  - | 115
24 Dec 2009   #15
Yeah, some of my mates actually like Żubr. Besides, it's not the cheapest beer in Poland. Go to Lidl or Biedronka and try some beer from lower shelves.
nana  - | 40
24 Dec 2009   #16
Zubr, okocim, zywiec, lech even tatra- the same Brewery either Heineken or Carsberg. ZThese beers were quite good and tasty, but it changed. now good bers are from local breweries like Van Pur, Dojlidy. I prefer Ciechan- it's popular more and more.

ps. jabłonowo is known very well, and they had good beer, maybe it has been changed as everything .
polkamaniac  1 | 482
9 Jan 2010   #17
I like the "okocim mocne"It has quite the kick with 7% alcochol

  • okocim.png
pawian  226 | 27364
7 Feb 2020   #18
It seems Jabłonowo Brewery offers quite a wide selection today. Including their strongest beer - 10%. Not so frequent strength in Poland.

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