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Why Poles will never belong in England

31 Jul 2011   #91
I don't just identify myself as Canadian.

Of course, what's a Canadian? Canada doesn't have a National Identity.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
31 Jul 2011   #92
Poles don't care what the British think

Yes you are correct, so what exactly is the point of your rant anyway? since they obviously don't care what you think. The UK is a magnet to all populations especially those from the third world like Africa and the subcontinent, and that is obviously how it was meant to be because your country's leaders welcome it. Your problem with the Poles is the fact that on a subconscious level you think that they are better than you-and hence you consider them as competition, and no ill informed garbage you post will alter this so learn to live with it.


And by the way your women seem to love foreign man according to your former Home Secretary Jack Straw, they are really easy-here if you don't believe me read the BBC article.

"Former home secretary Jack Straw has said some UK Pakistani men see white girls as "easy meat" for sex abuse."

Is your mum or sister one of those easy women?

You wouldn't happen to know of any slappers who crave Pakistani man would you? It seems as though your country can't really defined as white anymore seeing as though the Poles are so much more whiter.

And that is how you defeat a racist my friends beat him by using his own twisted logic(:

That was too easy.
time means  5 | 1309
31 Jul 2011   #93
The link you have posted is about men raping girls many underage. So in your twisted mind rape victims are slappers.

You are even more stupid than the original poster.
Seanus  15 | 19666
31 Jul 2011   #94
To the OP: England is not a multi-cultural country?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
31 Jul 2011   #95
Nobody wants them here,

Really? "Nobody"?; not even 10 people?; five?

They can't escape themselves by coming to England, they will only live as an alien underclass, adulterate our culture and adulterate our blood.

You know, I"ve tried to "adulterate" my own blood but it never took. When I "adulterated" some English woman's blood, she just loved it; even left me a tip.

Poles don't care what the British think

Oh c'mon; they hang on every word that is muttered. In fact, Poles often quote Benny Hill when trying to think of wise things to say.

hey try to blend in because their skin is 'white'.

Why you sly devil you. I was "blending in" with an Englishwoman as recently as last night (not the same one who tipped me).

we don't want them to 'blend in'

...but my English lady friend was shouting "blend me", "blend me" for hours last night.

I regard Anglosaxon Protestants as white, not Slavic Catholics.

You picked up on that green tinge that Slavic Catholics have, eh? I'm surprised that its gone unnoticed for so long.

we don't want slavic genes in the British gene pool.

It's probably too late. Once slavic genes 'infect' the general population, not much can be done about it.
31 Jul 2011   #96
...ALL English, Germans as well as other Northern Europeans were Catholics prior to Henry (including Scandinavia) .
EdWilczynski  3 | 98
31 Jul 2011   #97
we don't want them to 'blend in'

...but my English lady friend was shouting "blend me", "blend me" for hours last night


Catholics prior to Henry

Wonder how he feels about the Irish/Scottish Catholics being in England?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866
31 Jul 2011   #98
...but my English lady friend was shouting "blend me", "blend me" for hours last night.

(quote from Zimmy)
for hours ZIMMY????? ha ha ha I am impressed...

oh and what about the english catholics? I expect he forgot about them...
PALOMA  1 | 15
1 Aug 2011   #99
I'm not interested in whether poles, asians, africans or who ever/ whatever want to be english, as long as they respect the laws of the country it's their personal choice!!!! I can however tell ENGLISHMAN exactly why they are in my area of Wales. BECAUSE THEY ARE WILLING TO GET OFF THEIR BACKSIDES AND WORK!!!!!!!!! I am sick of hearing about poles and other nationalities taking people's jobs or bringing wages down, the majority of people who are unemployed in my area are unemployed because they won't work! They won't work because they think they too good to get minimum wages in a factory or don't feel they should have to work if they only get a few £'s more than on the dole! No one in this world is owed a living and there is no such thing as a free lunch! If people don't want economic migrants in thr UK they should be prepared to work themselves!it was the same when west indians and asians came, they were prepared to do the jobs we weren't or in some cases not educated enough to do! I am not some left wing/ liberal, I don't foreigners who sponge off our benefit system any more than i like brits who do, but I am sick of the stupid xenophobic comments I hear about poles and other races who often contribute an enormous amount to our country. I am proud to be one of the hard working Brits and respect anyone who does a good days work but some people in this country need to get a life and a job and stop slagging off people who just want to improve their own lives. I would also like to point out that the British are very quick to interfere in other countries so crawl back under your stone ENGLISHMAN!!!
rychlik  41 | 372
1 Aug 2011   #100
Why isn't this topic deleted? Where are the moderators?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
1 Aug 2011   #101
The link you have posted is about men raping girls many underage. So in your twisted mind rape victims are slappers.

You are quite naive, they do not snatch them of the streets you know. Besides you might have missed the hint-but I am trying to use the sub logic of the OP since that is the only way you can get through to people-by speaking their own language.
Halloween  - | 30
1 Aug 2011   #102
we don't want slavic genes in the British gene pool.

too late, there is loads of slavic blood in British gene pool, mainly Russian.

or maybe you prefer paki and african blood in your gene pool? lol
modafinil  - | 416
1 Aug 2011   #103
You are quite naive, they do not snatch them of the streets you know.

Legally, screwing under 16 y.o. girls in England whether they consent or not is stat. rape.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
1 Aug 2011   #104
As it should be. but I don't see the relevance of this discussion to the thread. Besides when somebody who is underage and engages in sex with somebody who is also underage (as happens all to frequently in the UK if you go according to the stats) then it is not considered rape.

However for the girls mentioned to find themselves in the situation that they did-they would inevitably have had to have reciprocated a degree of interest to the entreaties made by the scum with which they chose to be associated with-which reflects poorly on their moral standards and character-(once again using the logic of the OP, only using a language he wouldn't be able to command-cos he kant speak propa Englesh-or write it)

That is why you have differences between aggravated and non aggravated rape. A point which poor Ken was trying to put across not too long ago
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
1 Aug 2011   #105
Poland is rubbish because Poles live there. They can't escape themselves by coming to England, they will only live as an alien underclass, adulterate our culture and adulterate our blood.

someone has a bug up their arse.. go take a poop

I think your jealous of People that work much harder then you.. I dont see why your so angry
about something that was not exclusive to Polish. Matter of fact was it not your govt that
opened its doors?? do you have people that are from India? Pakistan?Nigeria?China?or any other

its easy to blame one country.. when it was yours that joined the union.

no. they want to enjoy the opportunities offered by a new modern way of thinking. they share equal rights, which allows them to travel, make their fortune, return home an retain their nationality,

I agree Wroclaw.. and this isnt something new.. Polish have always went to other countries and
returned home. some stayed, but that is their choice.
1 Aug 2011   #106
Someone qouted that they don't want slavic blood in the english gene pool, well if you know your history, where do you think the JUTES came from when they arrived with the angles and saxons?
1 Aug 2011   #107
Thank GOD for someone who finally has the strength to speak the truth about the Polish people. I agree 100 percent.
They are blood suckers!

Why won't they just GO HOME! They have their own country, culture, language, history, religion, etc.
If Poland is such a great place then why are so many Poles jumping at the chance to leave the country?

The Polish people, or Poles (Polish: Polacy [pɔˈlat​͡sɨ]; singular: Polak), are a nation indigenous to Poland. They are united by the Polish language, which belongs to the Lechitic subgroup of West Slavic languages of Central Europe. The Polish word for a Polish person is "Polak" (masculine) and "Polka" (feminine).

The preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland defines the Polish nation as comprising all the citizens of Poland. Poland's inhabitants live in seven major historic regions: Wielkopolska, Małopolska, Mazovia, Pomerania, Warmia, Mazury and Silesia. A wide-ranging Polish diaspora exists throughout Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Belarus, Lithuania and Ukraine), the Americas (the United States, Brazil and Argentina) and Australia. Chicago, in the United States, has the world's largest urban Polish population after Warsaw.

Over a thousand years ago, the Polans of Giecz, Gniezno and Poznań — an influential tribe in Wielkopolska — succeeded in uniting Lechitic tribes under what became the Piast dynasty,[34] thus giving rise to the Polish state.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
1 Aug 2011   #108
Thank GOD for someone who finally has the strength to speak the truth

another bug up the arse..

the only thing strong around here is the smelly non registered people.

PS.. if you hate polish things then get off this Polish forum and go find yourself a british
forum or better yet one that really wants to hear your whining.. yeah go find a baby forum
and slap a diaper on while your at it..
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Aug 2011   #109
But the good ones can stay, right? ;) Right, that's settled then :) Oh, it was a headline? That's nice, then.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
7 Aug 2011   #110
Why is it when I make a harmless, saracastic, joke about someone, for not being able to use grammar properly and therefore wanting to go to Poland and teach a language that you are not great at yourself is a bad idea, my post is deleted? Yet A thread like this and some of the pathetic responces like the ones above are not?
7 Aug 2011   #111
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Aug 2011   #112
Said behind the safety of a computer. Why can't you just let them be? Do they interfere with your life? Where's your tolerance?
grubas  12 | 1382
7 Aug 2011   #113
Man,he is a inferiority complex ridden Nigerian smoluch also known on this forum as agugu6262,a citizen of US,Germany and Poland.I don't take him seriously,why would you do?
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Aug 2011   #114
This is a forum where people discuss things. Besides, I don't do IP checks ;)
7 Aug 2011   #115
All immigrants are scum and traitors to their country of origin.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Aug 2011   #116
We should be thankful that England is a nation of immigrants, then.
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Aug 2011   #117
Why traitors? Many go to get experience of the kind that they can be denied here. Experience counts in life.
7 Aug 2011   #118
We should be thankful that England is a nation of immigrants, then.

A nation of white immigrants. Before half of goulash land and the third world arrived into the UK en masse. Slavs are not white. The are mongoloids.
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Aug 2011   #119
Have you seen how brown and black some English are? Gulasz is Hungarian btw. Africans have been around for a while, yes. Many do well when given a chance in the West. Many Slavs are white.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
7 Aug 2011   #120
A nation of white immigrants.

not so. north africans are known to have settled in england back at the time of the crusades.

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