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Do you think these renowned Poles are hot?

pawian  219 | 24592
11 Jan 2013   #1
It just occured to me to start such a thread and I`d better do it now before I forget.

Let`s exchange opinions on the physical appearance of Polish well known men and women.

are you sure you aren't homosexual smurf :)

Politicians shall go first.

Robert Biedroń, left liberal party Parliament member .Poland politician.
11 Jan 2013   #2
Robert Biedroń

not hot at all.
gumishu  16 | 6181
11 Jan 2013   #3
Robert Biedroń is hot hahha

zeti you are prejudiced not to use a stronger word that ends with phobic :P

I just wonder if he is a girl or a boy :P
natasia  3 | 368
11 Jan 2013   #4
erm, not quite my taste. He is intense, but looks like his elbows might be a bit spikey.

I prefer the slightly more elastic type, with some evidence of musculature. I don't mind a small paunch, as it is comfortable for resting the head. I like a man of some physical substance - not just intellectual/energy.

(And of course this thread has absolutely nothing to do with my subjective preferences, but still : )

Show us some more pictures and I will be more than happy to contribute my thruppence worth.
11 Jan 2013   #5
Will next be... Piękny Marian? ;)
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Jan 2013   #6
I prefer the slightly more elastic type, with some evidence of musculature.

Yes, Biedroń is of delicate built.

not hot at all.

Even when young?:

Robert Biedroń is hot

11 Jan 2013   #7
Show us some more pictures and I will be more than happy to contribute my thruppence worth.

Instead you should ask for a sample of his voice ;D

Even when young?:

I liked boys from "Just 5" when I was 12... now I'm bit older, do you know?
Lenka  5 | 3471
11 Jan 2013   #8
Even when young?:

He looks definately hot on this pic :)
gumishu  16 | 6181
11 Jan 2013   #9
on this pic :)

in this pic
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Jan 2013   #10
Instead you should ask for a sample of his voice ;D

What`s wrong with it?
From 1:00

I liked boys from "Just 5" when I was 12... now I'm bit older, do you know?

Lenka  5 | 3471
11 Jan 2013   #11
in this pic

Gumishu,not again,please.I have to blush when you correct me and it really doesn't suit me :)
Just joking.Thanks for pointing out my mistake.

What`s wrong with it?

It's to girly.
gumishu  16 | 6181
11 Jan 2013   #12
Thanks for pointing out my mistake

that's all right
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Jan 2013   #13
Lenka: in this pic :)

in this pic

Gumi, could you do the correction of posters` mistakes through PM? We already all know that you have mastered your English. But you don`t need to embarass members. Thank you.
gumishu  16 | 6181
11 Jan 2013   #14
Gumi, could you do the correction of posters` mistakes through PM?

I wouldn't dare

btw my English is far from perfect
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Jan 2013   #15
So you prefer to go public and embarass people? Hopeless.

btw my English is far from perfect

So why are you correcting others? Daj se coś na wstrzymanie, chłopie czy kobito, kimkolwiek tam jesteś. Relax, man or woman, whatever.
gumishu  16 | 6181
11 Jan 2013   #16
Daj se coś na wstrzymanie, chłopie czy kobito,

chłopie - I am getting relaxed when I point somebody else's mistakes ;)
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Jan 2013   #17
Will next be... Piękny Marian? ;)


Beauty Donald! Premier! The most powerful man in Poland.

Poland Tusk

Women think he is hot because he kisses their hands!

Poland Germany
gumishu  16 | 6181
11 Jan 2013   #18
these whole kisses don't work apparently - Angela is unmoved by our prime minister charms
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Jan 2013   #19
Angela is unmoved by our prime minister charms

How long have you been the trustee of her personal life? :):):)
gumishu  16 | 6181
11 Jan 2013   #20
I don't mean personal life but politics
Paulina  16 | 4384
11 Jan 2013   #21
Biedroń is handsome but not hot. The prime minister - also not hot ;)

Will next be... Piękny Marian? ;)

Haha ;D
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Jan 2013   #22
I don't mean personal life but politics

Could you read the title of this thread? Again and again? Until you understand what it is about?
Lenka  5 | 3471
11 Jan 2013   #23
Beauty Donald! Premier! The most powerful man in Poland.

The first picture is really good (those eyes.hmmmmmm) but he's not hot.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Jan 2013   #24
The prime minister - also not hot ;)

The first picture is really good (those eyes.hmmmmmm) but he's not hot.

Power doesn`t turn you on? I thought it is common for all women....
Paulina  16 | 4384
11 Jan 2013   #25
Men and their thinking... :))))
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Jan 2013   #26
Ok, I presume you still don`t realise that men with power turn you on. :):):):)
Paulina  16 | 4384
11 Jan 2013   #27
Men and their presumptions... :))))))
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
11 Jan 2013   #28
Politicians shall go first.

Both Biedron and Tusk are not, but I can think of several that are smokin. I will start with the cabinet first (I can't seem to be able to copy the image url, sow pawian you are going to have to do the image search and post them for me, please:

Joanna Much
Slawomir Nowak
Jacek Cichocki
Lenka  5 | 3471
11 Jan 2013   #29
Power doesn`t turn you on?

A little bit but he's not hot no matter how much power he has.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
11 Jan 2013   #30
pawian: Ok, I presume you still don`t realise that men with power turn you on. :):):):)
Men and their presumptions... :))

You certainly need to get more education on the matter! :):)

Preferring Powerful Males
David Carrier, a University of Utah biology professor, explains why in the animal kingdom, females prefer powerful males: "From the perspective of sexual selection theory, women are attracted to powerful males, not because powerful males can beat them up, but because powerful males can protect them and their children from other males."

What physical power and brute strength is to the animal kingdom, political power is to the human race. And the greater the amount of power and control, the greater the access to desirable females and the more opportunity to mate.

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