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English girl meeting boyfriend's Polish friends

29 Dec 2023 #1
Any advise please?
I'm English and my boyfriend is Polish, we live in England.

Today we're meeting his Polish friends who have lived in England several years.
We're staying over but they speak hardly any English and I try to speak Polish but don't speak much either.

I'm worried what to do? I feel I may be sat there just listening to them not knowing what's going on.

Any advise appreciated.

Thank you
Ironside 50 | 12345
29 Dec 2023 #2
Tell the lazy sods to learn English or learn Polish. Other than that you will do fine.
Alien 22 | 5225
29 Dec 2023 #3
Any advise appreciated

Drink the first beer, then have the second one, and suddenly you will all be able to communicate.

Home / UK, Ireland / English girl meeting boyfriend's Polish friends

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