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Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English?

pawian  223 | 27092
10 Sep 2022   #421
nor can they laugh at themselves

You are lying. I often laugh at myself. Ha!

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Miloslaw  20 | 5129
10 Sep 2022   #422
Polish people can't take constructive criticism when they are wrong, nor can they laugh at themselves when they make fools out of themselves

That just proves that you are so distanced from Polish people, that you just really don't get them at all!
pawian  223 | 27092
10 Sep 2022   #423
That just proves that you are so distanced from Polish people

Actually, he was partly correct coz he was talking about rightards who aren`t able to laugh at themselves. 15 years ago when German media compared one Kaczyński to a potato head, PiS considered it a diplomatic scandal and vehemently protested to the German ambassador. Amasing.
Alien  25 | 6355
11 Sep 2022   #424
Today he looks like a plate of cold fries, so wrinkled.
Paul Hennessy
14 Nov 2022   #425
so true god danm hate it theres currently one sitting next to me as i type this, and shes picking her nose!
Kashub1410  6 | 580
14 Nov 2022   #426
Well God gave him a unfortunate form of body with regard to height, so if they aren't going to be scared of him. They will laugh at him!
Miloslaw  20 | 5129
14 Nov 2022   #427
Polish people can't take constructive criticism when they are wrong, nor can they laugh at themselves when they make fools out of themselves

The above is a perfect description of you.

Why do you hate Poles so much?
efevberha  1 | 13
24 Nov 2022   #428
Do you mean disrespectful to English Language?hahah... The poster comment is based on speculation!
Lyzko  44 | 9703
26 Nov 2022   #429
If that's the case, the Poles surely don't own a monopoly on dissing the English language!
jon357  72 | 23424
26 Nov 2022   #430
15 years ago when German media compared one Kaczyński to a potato head,

To be fair, they were right.

the English languag

Indeed, it has a life of its own, all around the world. I do wish Poles wouldn't make up words like "trainings" or "tipsy" (which is actually an adjective meaning drunk" though.
Joker  2 | 2397
26 Nov 2022   #431
but they do not like us. It feels really very disrespectful.

You know what is disrespectful? Drunken Brit stag parties where they act like complete idiots. They use Poland to misbehave bc they would get in trouble back in the UK. It comes to no surprise they give Brits dirty looks.
pawian  223 | 27092
26 Nov 2022   #432
where they act like complete idiots.

Hmmmm....... When they put on American Borat garb and parade in streets of Polish cities, they act as American idiots, don`t they???????

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jon357  72 | 23424
26 Nov 2022   #433
stag parties

Have you seen many? You're hardly ever here in PL!

Anyway, Poland is old hat; the stag parties go elsewhere. Worth mentioning that the stag parties wouldn't have come at all if it weren't for specific adverts placed in bridal mags and 'lads mags' by Polish stag party organisers specifically encouraging them to come and making it very clear what's on offer,

they would get in trouble back in the UK

No, they wouldn't.

And Poles themselves have stag/hen parties too which are often even rowdier. Have you been down Nowy Świat or Chmielna on a Friday night lately?

So stop trolling.
Joker  2 | 2397
27 Nov 2022   #434
Have you seen many?

When I was in Krakow. I seen a bunch of drunk Brits harassing the girls who drives the horse buggies, mooning people, no shirts, swearing out loud and puking.

That's all I need to know. I believe my own eyes.
jon357  72 | 23424
27 Nov 2022   #435
I seen

I saw.

And you didn't.

Why do Poles advertise stag weekends then complain when they happen?
Novichok  5 | 8825
27 Nov 2022   #436
Have you been down Nowy Świat or Chmielna on a Friday night lately?

I used to live within a 5-minute walk from there. I left and faggots took over. This is terrible...
Joker  2 | 2397
27 Nov 2022   #437
And you didn't.

Are you saying don't believe my lying eyes?? You sound like Biden.

Why do Poles advertise stag weekends then complain when they happen?

So, I'm right then. Thanks:)

The clubs may advertise but the locals hate it. Rude and obnoxious is what they told me.

4:30 am in Poland....Were you doing some coke tonight? Haha
pawian  223 | 27092
23 Jan 2025   #438
so disrespectful toward the English?

And why not if some English expats in Poland behave so stupidly?? It is their own fault. They lie, cheat, argue, diminish and spread false rumours about you.
No decent Polish man or woman can put up with it for long and they end the case by kicking those English hooligans out. To which the latter cry out: How rudely I was treated!!!!

Home / UK, Ireland / Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English?
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