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Polish immigrants in the UK - victims or criminals?!

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
20 Apr 2010   #31
You live in Fermanagh, yes?

erm no, but keep thinking that ;)

Next you will try to convince me you are actually Irish.....again! gotta love a player eh!
grubas  12 | 1382
20 Apr 2010   #32
Why not instead of whinning how bad they treat you abroad, give them same treatment in PL?.I am heading for PL soon and I promise to give "westerners" the same treatment they give you, if I only come across any of them.And I don't give a flying phuck how big or whatever they are since they are on my territory.I say "westerners" coz I dont have a problem with ppl from other parts of the globe, including Amis (99 out of 100 welcome me here in US), they don't have this "I am better" attitude.Probably some good ppl (judging from this forum there is a few among them) will get hurt in the process ,well to bad.And Susila if I was you I would find another bf coz your current one seems to be one of the "superior"scumbags.So brytole,irole,wiatraki ,greek herders and the rest of you "western" europeans see you soon ,we will talk some more in person.
plk123  8 | 4119
20 Apr 2010   #33
They forget that this is a nation that was made and forged by immigrants.

yes but mostly legal ones and it is possible to immigrate to usa lagally.. most of the people here got here legally, ok?

I think that all immigrants in all countries will sooner or later feel uncomfortable with the treatment they receive in their new home.

not really.. no issues here

wrong forum


yeah... me too...

what? you're a pretty big guy? lol
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
20 Apr 2010   #34
who now no longer work and express their inferiority through racism.

there, there......
pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Apr 2010   #35
what? you're a pretty big guy? lol

and why not... ;)
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
20 Apr 2010   #36
Why not instead of whinning how bad they treat you abroad, give them same treatment in PL?.

That's it. Fight fire with fire ,and no, I am not being sarcastic. If Brits treat Poles as bad as they say, then Poles ought to do the same.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
20 Apr 2010   #37
They dont, most Poles have a reasonable life here and are treated well, thats why they're still arriving. Never heard of a Pole being set up on either, as for theives and rapests, of course there are, chances are if a huge amount of people move to another country there are going to be a few bad apples...

Sounds like the OP just had some bad experiences and that was unfortunate.

So I suppose they are victims and criminals, but that goes for the indiginous population too.
Spaceman77  3 | 58
20 Apr 2010   #38
yes but mostly legal ones and it is possible to immigrate to usa lagally.. most of the people here got here legally, ok?

Back in those days... Even Bin Laden would've been able to come to the U.S. legally. There was no immigration enforcement. Ok?

not really.. no issues here

Yeah right!
plk123  8 | 4119
21 Apr 2010   #39
and why not... ;)

now, you're scaring me, ok? ;)

Yeah right!

now you're telling me that people treat me differently then they actually do? how the hell would you know? i have never had an issue because someone found out i am polish, never. it almost always sparks interest, nothing more..

Back in those days... Even Bin Laden would've been able to come to the U.S. legally. There was no immigration enforcement. Ok?

not back in those days.. even today.. plenty of people immigrate to usa legally.. the thing is that you have to have something to offer the country.. otherwise it may be hard.. nothing wrong with that..
grubas  12 | 1382
21 Apr 2010   #40
That's it. Fight fire with fire ,and no, I am not being sarcastic. If Brits treat Poles as bad as they say, then Poles ought to do the same.

I wish it was that easy!But its not .There are idiots and azzholes everywhere .I think every nation has a fair share of them and it's simply unfair to hate the whole nation only coz someone gave you hard time.I have been there and I know what I am talking about.And as much as I am sick of "Polish ppl this or Polish ppl that" I also realize that giving Brits in Poland same treatment as some of my countryman recive in UK would hurt some innocent ppl.I think that if you decide to live abroad ,you have to take into account that from time to time you will meet someone who will be "sending" you home or giving you hard time just bcoz you are foraigner,just try to avoid them.I was angry writing my previous post but giving bad treatment to all Brits living in Poland regardless,wouldn't be fair coz there are some Wildrovers or SeanBMs among them.

i have never had an issue because someone found out i am polish, never.

I find it hard to belive.

yes but mostly legal ones and it is possible to immigrate to usa lagally.. most of the people here got here legally, ok?

Being myself an immigrant or expat I would not (and I don't) talk about immigration issues in US.Many of those who are unlawfully present here would never get any kinds of visa and I am sure you are well aware of this.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
24 Apr 2010   #41
Per capita, whom is more inclined to commit crime? Poles or Brits? Please provide stats.

The million or so Poles who have come here in the past five years definitely came to work. They are three times more likely to be law-abiding than the average British resident, and the 134 Polish Catholic churches are packed. The most dreaded words for a Polish priest are not "mortal sin", but "fire regulations".

True, many Poles now go to school here, are treated by the NHS and some receive child benefit, but only three per cent are eligible for other subsidies. There is an extra burden on local health and education authorities and police associations: many of these social costs however are covered by their £1.9 billion a year contribution to the Exchequer in income tax and national insurance, and that figure does not include their contribution to council tax.

Hopefully this will satisfy you, so in summary they are more law abiding than the natives, harder working than the natives, do not claim as much benefit as the natives and according to this more intelligent than the natives, those with the thick accents anyhow. SO ALL YOU TEACHERS OUT THERE TAKE NOTE!
13 Sep 2011   #42
i am english my boyfriend is polish..............he came here to the uk to london 3 years ago..........paid for a security course ..started work as security.......

told people tnot to smoke where they should not be smoking ..the people said to him f...k off back to your own country your taking an english mans job.......he was really upset as he works every day and as never claimed benefits .....anyone can do work if they want he is a scaffolder and paid for that from his security job and the scaffolder course in london was £1000 in london for 10 days .then he had to do his cscs working at heights test which he paid for ....also bought all his scaffolding equiptment at over £200.......he only wants to work and have a good quality of life.........he rang a scaffolding job and the man asked where he was from .guess what he never got got a call back.luckily he has a job working for a good scaffolding company but its been hard .and he has never been a criminal.........people see that a lot of polish are criminals and that a lot of polish are in prisons here in the uk but they are not all the same..........there is good and bad in every nationality............
Cardno85  31 | 971
13 Sep 2011   #43
You should go back to Poland. Why stay in a country that is going to hate you? Don't you have any self respect? Is Poland really that bad? Let me guess, you went there to snag a rich westerner?

I'm a bit late on the uptake here. Bit of an ironic post saying that they should have more self respect and seeming all supportive and then saying she's a gold-digger. Beautiful sentiment.
teflcat  5 | 1024
13 Sep 2011   #44
I am heading for PL soon and I promise to give "westerners" the same treatment they give you, if I only come across any of them.And I don't give a flying phuck how big or whatever they are since they are on my territory.

Your territory? I thought you were American. Anyway, how are you going to give us a hard time?
isthatu2  4 | 2692
13 Sep 2011   #45
By taking up half the pavement with his arse?
By swinging a punch at you,missing completly and knocking out 2 of his mates?
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
13 Sep 2011   #46
The Polish invasion of 2004 was the biggest mistake the British government has made in a very long time. Keeping wages down, by , siphoning money out of the UK economy back to Poland, taking jobs from hard-working working class Brits like myself, They have taken 50 % of construction jobs in my area since 2004.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
19 Sep 2011   #47
Get out of my country "Dave the taig".

Perhaps you should save the sectarian cr*p for the marching season.

The million or so Poles who have come here in the past five years definitely came to work.

Where is "here"? Adelaide?

If you don't even live in the UK then it's none of your business anyway.

They are three times more likely to be law-abiding than the average British resident

Not every "British resident" is truly "British", if you see what I mean. Whereas virtually every "Polish resident" is Polish.

The UK is a very high-crime country with mass immigration from a vast number of nations, many of which are even more crime-ridden, and whose citizens often bring their "issues" with them. Poland isn't subject to this (yet).

and the 134 Polish Catholic churches are packed.

Where do you get these figures from?

I've attended most of the Polish churches in London, as well as those in four major cities outside London. Adding the others that I am aware of would give a total which is nowhere near that figure, yet represents the majority of Polish people in England. There are still many English churches which hold services in Polish, but these are not "Polish churches". There are apparently fewer than 120 Polish priests in the UK, and each church tends to have two priests, or more where the congregation is particularly large (Ealing, for example). So who runs the other churches, then?

Hopefully this will satisfy you, so in summary they are more law abiding than the natives, harder working than the natives, do not claim as much benefit as the natives and according to this more intelligent than the natives, those with the thick accents anyhow. SO ALL YOU TEACHERS OUT THERE TAKE NOTE!

You've clearly got an agenda, so save us the lies. It doesn't appear that you are Polish, so you won't know the community as well as I do. if you did, you would know that many older immigrants and their descendants are fed up of mass Polish immigration, and also understand that previous immigrants of all races in the UK are suffering due to mass immigration. If immigration is so good for the economy, then why are we bankrupt? Please don't give me that "immigrants also pay taxes" line, because most of the recent immigrants are in poorly-paid or comparatively low-paid jobs, which may even attract tax credits, so how does that make the economy better - especially if a lot of the money is sent home, or saved for when they plan to return?

Most British people are hard-working as well, so stop the predictable anti-British media prejudice. The difference here is that Poles have more incentive to work hard if they plan on going back home. If I could move to another country and earn £100K a year for what I do over here, I'd have an incentive for working extra-hard (or give my employer the impression that I'm a "better worker") as well!
BritishRobin  - | 4
19 Sep 2011   #48
A few things need to be said here. A little clearing of the air.

Now I got nothing against Polish people wanting a better life. It's a human right BUT...
Not at the unfortunate expense of others.

Perhaps you Poles aren't really aware that there are now holes in British labouring jobs due to stingy employers only willing to hire cheap Polish labour.

Is it really a surprise that this causes anger, and resentment?

If life is so god damn tough at home, why don't you pledge and pledge to make things better in your own country you know? Blood sweat and tears, rise above the status quo; be a contrarian.

Become an entrepreneur, go back to Poland, and create work over there, and you will get nothing but respect for that.
The British worked damn hard for today, so don't leech on our system. We despise that kind of unaware, naive mentality.

The British (and French and Germans) are not here to look after everyone if a problem arises.
If you give a damn about your nationality, then make things better at home. Don't walk away and LEECH elsewhere.
hythorn  3 | 580
19 Sep 2011   #49
Perhaps you Poles aren't really aware that there are now holes in British labouring jobs due to stingy employers only willing to hire cheap Polish labour.

What exactly do you mean? are you referring to digging holes?

Become an entrepreneur, go back to Poland

are you an entrepreneur? surely it is easier for you to pull yourself up by the bootstraps in the land of milk and honey that is the UK

rather than bemoan the lack of labouring jobs
BritishRobin  - | 4
20 Sep 2011   #50
Perhaps you Poles aren't really aware that there are now holes in British labouring jobs due to stingy employers only willing to hire cheap Polish labour.

HOLES as in GAPS as in SPACES. Meaning lack of work comprendre?
And no I'm not an entrepreneur, I work at a garden centre, which is of low pay. I have no desire to be one either.

No matter where I work or what my pay is, it doesn't change the fact that there are leechers, and I don't like that.

Whether of Polish, or of Pakistani ethnicity doesn't matter.

It seems people are too lazy to fix problems at home, so take the easy option, at the expense of others.
It is simply unfair.

But as Darwin has demonstrated. It's survival of the fittest. So why would anyone care?

Just don't be surprised at continued ill treatment of Poles in the UK if the trend continues.
Polish girls are a bit of aright, but it doesn't justify an invasion.

Give us a break already, try out Spain or Portugal.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
20 Sep 2011   #51
HOLES as in GAPS as in SPACES. Meaning lack of work comprendre?

Sorry chum, but what you said implies that there are gaps in the job market, ie,plenty of jobs to be filled, not lack there of,savy?

And despite the lack of any silly nationality tag in my screen name,make no mistake, I was born and raised here as were my ancestors .

Maybe what you should have said is " Why would anyone employ british workers who still expect to be paid a decent wage when there are plenty of stoopid Poles willing to work for peanuts?"

Disclaimer, by "stoopid Poles" if in 04 "you" lot had done a little homework into wages in the UK the young lad next door (and the Poles here too)would not be working a 12 hour shift in a warehouse for minimumn wage. Even in the 90s when I did warehouse work one student summer break I earned over £12.oo per hour basic, 15 years later and thanks to people willing to ,as I say,work for peanuts and live 15/20 to a house (as was in 04/05/06) people who had a decent wage to raise a family on are now reduced to earning £6.oo ph for longer hours and zero job security.

Not cricket.
Still,most rational people dont "blame" Poles or anyone else who came here,but put the blame firmly at No10.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
20 Sep 2011   #52
You've clearly got an agenda, so save us the lies.

No lies and no agenda. If you had bothered yourself to read all the links i had provided, you would have seen that I have got the quotes from British newspapers(: So first take the trouble of educating yourself before shooting off your mouth. My style of delivery is strictly influenced by the racists who have posted here before-whose rights to slander the Poles you seem so determined to uphold.

So what kinda of a Pole or Brit are you? Let me guess the type that lets his sentiments be guided by the direction of a weather cock.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
20 Sep 2011   #53
My style of delivery is strictly influenced by the racists who have posted here before-whose rights to slander the Poles you seem so determined to uphold.

Quoting from the Torygraph is about as legitimate as quoting from the Daily Fail as far as I'm concerned. You couldn't even provide links to support your comment about Polish church attendance. I've spent four decades around Polish people, so there's no way the likes of you will ever be able to tell me what to think when it comes to my community.

All that stuff about "better-educated", "more law-abiding", "harder-working" Poles is just anti-British rhetoric from politicians who wish to destroy this country, and bring down wages and living conditions for nearly everyone who lives and works here - whether they are Polish, English, Chinese, black or white. And idiots like you fall for it.

I'm Polish on both sides of the family, and everyone I know (from Poland or of Polish origin) can see what is happening. We should be pleased that there are more Poles around, but not if our living conditions have to worsen to make room for them.

We prefer our sentiments to be guided by experience, not the tabloid mouthpieces of capitalists and corrupt politicians - who are ultimately responsible for the mess the UK is in now.
BritishRobin  - | 4
20 Sep 2011   #54
Why would anyone employ british workers who still expect to be paid a decent wage when there are plenty of stoopid Poles willing to work for peanuts?"

Seeing as this thread touches on the supposed mistreatment of Poles then I will continue to shed light on this.
What you said basically highlights the problem.

Firstly, the Poles ARE at fault here because Poland is obviously failing at providing it's citizens with adequete work and pay, and the Poles are not doing enough themself to correct the situation.

This is NOT down to number 10, immigration law is the same throughout EU member countries. OPEN DOOR policy.

Yes the British may demand more for their work, but as we can see by your own comment, It isn't just Brits who want better pay, the Poles want it to, and they get it here, but are not demanding it enough in their home land. We all know it's easier to pack up shop and go elsewhere isn't it?...

There is clearly not enough opportunities in Poland, so hey come to Britain in your millions and continue this vicious circle.
It's like a Catherine wheel going around and around. It sounds like some of you Poles don't even care for Poland.

In short; this supposed "mistreatment" of Poles has a reason, it is justified, and should be expected to continue.
Poles should demand better at home, and Poland should supply it, and that is not happening right now.
So unfortunate young Brits will continue to suffer due to an obvious lack of empathy on the part of these Poles.

Why do Poles feel the need to disproportionately come to the UK and take our jobs? What's wrong with sunny Portugal?
Do you have something against us? Do you think we OWE you something?
20 Sep 2011   #55
Polish immigrants in the UK - victims or criminals?!

a little bit of both
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
20 Sep 2011   #56
I'm Polish on both sides of the family, and everyone I know (from Poland or of Polish origin) can see what is happening. We should be pleased that there are more Poles around, but not if our living conditions have to worsen to make room for them.

My god what mental confusion, so what are you Polish or British? Do make your mind up. I know what type of a person you are though, when surrounded by Englishmen you lay the boot in into Poles and vice versa, which in the end makes you nothing more than morally suspect.

You couldn't even provide links to support your comment about Polish church attendance.

And here it is you liar this is the qoute: " The million or so Poles who have come here in the past five years definitely came to work. They are three times more likely to be law-abiding than the average British resident, and the 134 Polish Catholic churches are packed. The most dreaded words for a Polish priest are not "mortal sin", but "fire regulations".

and this is the source:

The one that you were to lazy to read.

How can anybody trust a turncoat like you? I could use stronger words to describe people like you.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
20 Sep 2011   #57
Seeing as this thread touches on the supposed mistreatment of Poles then I will continue to shed light on this.

I didnt say the Poles had been mistreated,I just said that the effect of people coming here who didnt know what wages to demand has led to a drive down in a lot of wages.....everyone therefore is being "mistreated" in that respect.

Firstly, the Poles ARE at fault here because Poland is obviously failing at providing it's citizens with adequete work and pay

So,you think its young Tomek stacking shelves in Aldi's fault that his country didnt have the economic advantages ours did in 04 then? Very rational I must say....

and the Poles are not doing enough themself to correct the situation.

Give over.... what are YOU doing,in your position in a garden centre, to correct the economic situation in Britain? What do you think you could do?

This is NOT down to number 10, immigration law is the same throughout EU member countries. OPEN DOOR policy.

Doesnt matter how many words you put in capitols,you are still wrong. In 04 ,untill last year infact, it was only the UK that allowed free movement to Poles to come and work here,Germany and France etc did NOT have an open door policy,so,yes,it was OUR governments fault.

So unfortunate young Brits will continue to suffer due to an obvious lack of empathy on the part of these Poles.

Now you are just being a pillock.
BritishRobin  - | 4
20 Sep 2011   #58
Seeing as this thread touches on the supposed mistreatment of Poles then I will continue to shed light on this.

You have completely missed the point by turning this into Poland vs Britain. It's always the same with you people.
I'm not going to waste energy on such a measly topic.

I hope that the situation changes in Poland, so that it is attractive to it's own citizens. This will be a win for Polish people.

when the UK economy is also better it will be a win for British people. See how that works?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
20 Sep 2011   #59
Firstly, the Poles ARE at fault here because Poland is obviously failing at providing it's citizens with adequete work and pay, and the Poles are not doing enough themself to correct the situation.

Yet again Robin i find that your intelligence is letting you down on this thread as well. How can you fault the Poles for seeking to make a better life for themselves, would you blame all Englishmen working abroad as well? And since you think that is it so easy to 'Pack up shop and move' as you've put it, I take it you know that to be the case from personal experience, have you ever tried moving to another country and learning another language? Now we have already established that you are not the brightest chap around, so i fancy you would find it quite hard-especially with your regional accent which I am almost certain you have (in my experience low intelligence and that usually go together in the UK, as does stupidity and voting Labour) so in short I am sure you would find it quite hard to communicate in your own language, and yet you seem to think that moving abroad is easy?

As for Poland's economic situation, I can assure you that the country is going from strength to strength and continually improving, so don't worry there will come a time in the not to distant future when Poles will stay in their own country instead of moving abroad and putting up with bigots like you, and a lot of them will come back as well. So people like yourself won't have to compete with somebody more intelligent and motivated, you will afforded the luxury of sitting on your ass claiming benefits and voting Labour again-and complaining about the very expensive bill you just received for renovating your porch.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
20 Sep 2011   #60
with your regional accent which I am almost certain you have

Whats that got to do with the price of fish? Everyone in Britain has a "regional accent".......stick to the side of angels with your argument and Im with you all the way, insult my regional accent and yer on yer own lad :)

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