PiS, which rules in Poland, is terrified of colored immigrants. What are they actually up to. It is true that colored immigrants in Poland do not live on benefits as in Western Europe, but work hard for their livelihood. So what's there to be afraid of?
Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries?
PiS, which rules in Poland, is terrified of colored immigrants.
What evidence do you have of this? For a few years before the pandemic (and now again) they were handing out work permits in places like Nepal and the Philippines like candy... there's a number of bus drivers where I live recruited from India...
The thing is using the word 'immigrant' makes things very muddy, what's needed is a taxonomy of people who move to other countries.
Non-whites who arrive in Poland are either gastarbeiters (want to work for more money temporarily and not necessarily integrate) or stepping stoners (my own term for those who come to Poland for work or study but ultimately want to move on to a richer country)
Almost all who end up in Germany are primarily resource seekers whose primary aim seems to be to receive social benefits unavailable in their country of origin... German migration policy is hopelessly broken (as Andrew Hammel frequently points out) since the state seems to be completely unable to remove those that is has ruled have no right to stay in Germany...
What evidence do you have of this?
Last week, the Polish Prime Minister, just after the adoption of a new agreement on emigrants by the EU, said that Poland would not comply with it anyway and would not accept, for example, culturally alien immigrants.
Evidence? He is yet another mindreader, auntie A.
Evidence? He is yet another mindreader, auntie A.
Kashub1410 6 | 580
15 Jun 2023 #5
I have a hard time imagining american, African or Asian migrants as being culturally native or "non-alien" to Poland...
Poland after it's partition and history has it's main responsibility towards Poles and anyone identifying themselves as Polish. The world kind of proved not only once but, several times to be unable or disinterested towards the fate of Poles as a nation and wouldn't mind quite happily and rejoicingly to put Poland in unwanted situations.
Poland has no obligation or need to care for the wants of any non-Polish human being except by own conciusness. Any "suggestions", orders or dictates from abroad can put their finger where their hole don't see sunlight
I have a hard time imagining american, African or Asian migrants as being culturally native or "non-alien" to Poland...
Poland after it's partition and history has it's main responsibility towards Poles and anyone identifying themselves as Polish. The world kind of proved not only once but, several times to be unable or disinterested towards the fate of Poles as a nation and wouldn't mind quite happily and rejoicingly to put Poland in unwanted situations.
Poland has no obligation or need to care for the wants of any non-Polish human being except by own conciusness. Any "suggestions", orders or dictates from abroad can put their finger where their hole don't see sunlight
He doesn't care about it, you are missing the point here, I wouldn't be surprised if auntie Alien would have been a bona-fide racist. This thread exist because he cannot control his urges and that includes throwing manure at PiS.
He doesn't care about it, you are missing the point here, I wouldn't be surprised if auntie Alien would have been a bona-fide racist. This thread exist because he cannot control his urges and that includes throwing manure at PiS.
Kashub1410 6 | 580
15 Jun 2023 #7
Well that's part of dirty side of politics, the leftist/centrist opposition uses tools and vices of shame and defamation mostly due to them being concerned of other human beings and peoples opinions. So they think they hit them hardest by slamming their reputation and renown and trying to manipulate peoples opinion of them.
One can say a lot about PiS, but Poland still stands and has not been invaded under their leadership, and that's a fact.
Thanks to the efforts of both PO and PiS of course. It's just PO would gladly point out that it's them being behind it mainly or solely.
PiS has the self respect to be able to point out that fact and give credit to all parties involved easily I reckon. Mainly because PiS has been reigning during the occurring crisis. Here we are, yet still standing.
That's called a historical triumph in context of Polish history
Well that's part of dirty side of politics, the leftist/centrist opposition uses tools and vices of shame and defamation mostly due to them being concerned of other human beings and peoples opinions. So they think they hit them hardest by slamming their reputation and renown and trying to manipulate peoples opinion of them.
One can say a lot about PiS, but Poland still stands and has not been invaded under their leadership, and that's a fact.
Thanks to the efforts of both PO and PiS of course. It's just PO would gladly point out that it's them being behind it mainly or solely.
PiS has the self respect to be able to point out that fact and give credit to all parties involved easily I reckon. Mainly because PiS has been reigning during the occurring crisis. Here we are, yet still standing.
That's called a historical triumph in context of Polish history
Any "suggestions", orders or dictates from abroad can put their finger where their hole don't see sunlight
Unless it involves accepting foreign money.
All immigrants are human coloured
Poland has no obligation or need to care for the wants of any non-Polish human being
That's a rather uncharitable attitude coming from a practising Catholic.
colored immigrants in Poland do not live on benefits as in Western Europe,
I think that they're a mixed bag all over Europe. Many of them come to Europe specifically to work, some in professional roles, some in unskilled or low level of skills. Those who come to work manage ok wherever they go.
Kashub1410 6 | 580
15 Jun 2023 #10
Poland needs every penny it can get it's claws on. Why you ask? Cause of Russia, if Poland was north of U.S.A then having a large military wouldn't be that necessary or warranted besides trade relations and diplomatical efforts.
In a rough neighbhoor with gangsters holding nukes, ain't gonna think much about fairness, feelings or nice pictures. Just what keeps people alive and the cogwheels running
Before Catholics from outside of Poland try to lecture Poland about Catholicism or any Pole about Catholicism, try imagining a Catholic Austria invading Poland, then starting a snowball with Prussia and Russia taking the rest basically.
Very few European Christians have much "moral" high ground towards any Pole.
Non-European Christian's are welcome to comment however. If that's Christian enough for ye?
Poland needs every penny it can get it's claws on. Why you ask? Cause of Russia, if Poland was north of U.S.A then having a large military wouldn't be that necessary or warranted besides trade relations and diplomatical efforts.
In a rough neighbhoor with gangsters holding nukes, ain't gonna think much about fairness, feelings or nice pictures. Just what keeps people alive and the cogwheels running
Before Catholics from outside of Poland try to lecture Poland about Catholicism or any Pole about Catholicism, try imagining a Catholic Austria invading Poland, then starting a snowball with Prussia and Russia taking the rest basically.
Very few European Christians have much "moral" high ground towards any Pole.
Non-European Christian's are welcome to comment however. If that's Christian enough for ye?
johnny reb 49 | 7888
15 Jun 2023 #11
So what's there to be afraid of?
Inner breeding.
It is true that colored immigrants in Poland
It's like fingernails on a chalkboard when I hear the word "colored" to describe people.
That derogatory word went out about the same time Polock did back in the 50's.
The only people that I hear use it 60 years later are Europeans.
All immigrants are human coloured
Wrong, White and Black are not colors.
Of course it does but with wants/desires/rights comes responsibilities. If Poland wants to be in the club of free nations governed by the rule of law it has to pony up, it has responsibilities.
@johnny reb
All humans are human coloured
Of course it does but with wants/desires/rights comes responsibilities. If Poland wants to be in the club of free nations governed by the rule of law it has to pony up, it has responsibilities.
@johnny reb
All humans are human coloured
Kashub1410 6 | 580
15 Jun 2023 #13
Another derogatory comment
Just like forcing Poland to accept minority laws past ww1. You people have no shame, what's next? Spain to send bills to pay out of fear Poland will create a inquisition? Or France will ban Polish produce out of fear of Poles beginning to massacre Protestants? Or maybe Germany to start embargo on Poland cause of fears of oppressed Poles putting the Sejm on fire? You guys cannot give Poland a break
Another derogatory comment
Just like forcing Poland to accept minority laws past ww1. You people have no shame, what's next? Spain to send bills to pay out of fear Poland will create a inquisition? Or France will ban Polish produce out of fear of Poles beginning to massacre Protestants? Or maybe Germany to start embargo on Poland cause of fears of oppressed Poles putting the Sejm on fire? You guys cannot give Poland a break
Another derogatory comment
I really don't know what you are talking about.
You seem willing to accept foreign money but not foreign people.
Kashub1410 6 | 580
15 Jun 2023 #15
Poland is willing to accept foreign people, just on the terms and conditions created by the elites of Dublin, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Madrid or Vienna cause they have no bloody clue about realities on the ground in Poland and are only adding more problems to resolve.
How would Spanish people feel about Warsaw forcing down a specified number of Ukrainian migrants to be settled in Spain? Or be paid if not done so? Tyranny! Ignorance! Stupidity!
Poland is willing to accept foreign people, just on the terms and conditions created by the elites of Dublin, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Madrid or Vienna cause they have no bloody clue about realities on the ground in Poland and are only adding more problems to resolve.
How would Spanish people feel about Warsaw forcing down a specified number of Ukrainian migrants to be settled in Spain? Or be paid if not done so? Tyranny! Ignorance! Stupidity!
If you dont like the club you are perfectly free to campaign to have the good people of Poland follow Britains lead and vote to leave. Perhaps Global Poland will have more luck than Global Britain.
Oh, and good luck paying for this huge military outside the EU.
If you dont like the club you are perfectly free to campaign to have the good people of Poland follow Britains lead and vote to leave. Perhaps Global Poland will have more luck than Global Britain.
Oh, and good luck paying for this huge military outside the EU.
Kashub1410 6 | 580
15 Jun 2023 #17
Maybe you want also to tell Poles that Poland never had any 3rd of May constitution or that Poland never was part of the Free world actually? That Poland is just some obscure place in the east? That Poland should be grateful for everything the west has given her?
Maybe also tell Poland how barbaric and savage it was? Do tell of Poland's vices towards the world. Can be advocated with mouths of Germans and Russians for all I care. I am waiting
Maybe you want also to tell Poles that Poland never had any 3rd of May constitution or that Poland never was part of the Free world actually? That Poland is just some obscure place in the east? That Poland should be grateful for everything the west has given her?
Maybe also tell Poland how barbaric and savage it was? Do tell of Poland's vices towards the world. Can be advocated with mouths of Germans and Russians for all I care. I am waiting
Very few European Christians have much "moral" high ground towards any Pole.
You need to read some Irish history. Heard of the Penal Laws?
Kashub1410 6 | 580
15 Jun 2023 #19
First time hearing about it, upon reading it I understand that Irish Parliament under pressure from Britain severed any chances of holding office in the army, having a profession or owning a horse worth a certain amount of money regarding Catholics.
Irish Catholics for sure got a thing or two to say. In my mind I was thinking mostly of the great powers of Europe that silently accepted the banishment of Poland from the theatre of Europe, happily forgetting about any membership card or seat reservation or ownership of the club at any given percentage.
While at the same time the Ottomon Turks gleefully mocking all Europeans, but especially the Russians about Poland's ambassador.
Being in Poland's position, and experiencing better treatment from her former enemies during social communication. One has to start to wonder, why?
First time hearing about it, upon reading it I understand that Irish Parliament under pressure from Britain severed any chances of holding office in the army, having a profession or owning a horse worth a certain amount of money regarding Catholics.
Irish Catholics for sure got a thing or two to say. In my mind I was thinking mostly of the great powers of Europe that silently accepted the banishment of Poland from the theatre of Europe, happily forgetting about any membership card or seat reservation or ownership of the club at any given percentage.
While at the same time the Ottomon Turks gleefully mocking all Europeans, but especially the Russians about Poland's ambassador.
Being in Poland's position, and experiencing better treatment from her former enemies during social communication. One has to start to wonder, why?
I didnt for a second suggest any of that, I simply pointed out reality. The EU is key to Poland building its economy and as I said above, with rights/desires comes responsibility. Poland has its own EU representatives both elected and appointed civil servants and its their job to network and then build alliances to get the result Poland wants.
In the past Ireland tried the pure sovereignty approach with "comely maidens dancing at the crossroads" etc and it was a disaster. PiS seem to want to re-enact this disaster in Poland.
I dont like the modern world with its mobile phones and Internet (apart from the bits I use) food deliveries and a list of other things several pages long but that's the way the world has gone. Poland will just have to get used to modern life.
I didnt for a second suggest any of that, I simply pointed out reality. The EU is key to Poland building its economy and as I said above, with rights/desires comes responsibility. Poland has its own EU representatives both elected and appointed civil servants and its their job to network and then build alliances to get the result Poland wants.
In the past Ireland tried the pure sovereignty approach with "comely maidens dancing at the crossroads" etc and it was a disaster. PiS seem to want to re-enact this disaster in Poland.
I dont like the modern world with its mobile phones and Internet (apart from the bits I use) food deliveries and a list of other things several pages long but that's the way the world has gone. Poland will just have to get used to modern life.
You must be a greedy materialistic person. Rather then aggravate kashup over some nonsense confess to be a bolshevic and tus someone uncapable of reasonable thought.
Dreaming about domineering? Hands off Poland!
You must be a greedy materialistic person. Rather then aggravate kashup over some nonsense confess to be a bolshevic and tus someone uncapable of reasonable thought.
Dreaming about domineering? Hands off Poland!
Kashub1410 6 | 580
15 Jun 2023 #22
Then you ought to visit Poland, cause Poland does handle modern life. Just wishes for degeneracy to be at bare minimum if possible.
Poland cannot afford anything close to it, especially comparing 1600-1700 Poland with modern Poland. Then I think most Poles do a splendid job compared to most of Poland's nobility of the past.
Partying and having fun, but not neglecting their responsibilities.
Poland is not forcing any of it's immigrants legal or illegal as far as I know upon other EU-member states, in fact does what it can as not even illegal immigrants that "just wants" to cross over to Germany to use and abuse Germany as much as they can, cause they are taking Germans for fools.
It's good that europe has a good heart, but just don't shut down the brain in the process
Then you ought to visit Poland, cause Poland does handle modern life. Just wishes for degeneracy to be at bare minimum if possible.
Poland cannot afford anything close to it, especially comparing 1600-1700 Poland with modern Poland. Then I think most Poles do a splendid job compared to most of Poland's nobility of the past.
Partying and having fun, but not neglecting their responsibilities.
Poland is not forcing any of it's immigrants legal or illegal as far as I know upon other EU-member states, in fact does what it can as not even illegal immigrants that "just wants" to cross over to Germany to use and abuse Germany as much as they can, cause they are taking Germans for fools.
It's good that europe has a good heart, but just don't shut down the brain in the process
Fitting the theme, today I said goodbye to 2 of my co-workers, an Egyptian and a Kurd. It will be very difficult for me to replace them.
it has responsibilities.
Which include lifelong support for anyone who can cross the border?
European migration laws are not fit for purpose and too dysfunctional to follow.
The AfD (personally I'm not a fan) is about to become the second biggest party in Germany because no party in the establishment even wants to recognize there is a problem....
First time hearing about it
Add to the list holding public office, attending university, teaching, owning land, bringing religious items from Rome into the country, publishing or selling Catholic works. And of course it was forbidden for priests to say Mass or for people to attend mass. People gathered in the open air at what became known as Mass Rocks, a stone, frequently a flat one that could be used as an altar and where it was possible to flee and get the priest to a place of safety in the event of being discovered. Fr. Mac Aidghalle was murdered while saying mass at a mass rock that still stands on Slieve Gullion, in County Armagh. The perpetrators were a company of redcoats (English soldiers) under the command of what known as 'a priest hunter'.
Bear in mind too that the Penal Laws were only the latest in a long line of persecutions of Irish Catholics and Catholic priests dating back to the 1500s.
Here's some nice reading for you:
its their job to network and then build alliances to get the result Poland wants.
Yes, but diplomacy is not a Polish strength. They're very good at both taking and giving offence. Some of the posts in this thread are a perfect example of that.
the great powers of Europe that silently accepted the banishment of Poland from the theatre of Europe,
Do you mean the partitions? I'd be more upset about being stitched up like a kipper after World War Two.
The AfD (personally I'm not a fan) is about to become the second biggest party in Germany
I hope not. Germany will die without immigrants. In addition, Germans sell their products all over the world, among others because they have a good reputation among emigrants.
I hope not. Germany will die without immigrants.
Far too many of those arriving in Germany aren't immigrants (defined as a person who is transferring their political and cultural and linguistic loyalty to the new country).
As I wrote earlier far too many are resource seekers that Germany is unable to dislodge....
case in point (lots more where that came from)
It is true that colored immigrants in Poland do not live on benefits as in Western Europe
Most don't in Western Europe.
Migration to the global north from the global south will only increase. It suits some politicians to exploit the fear that weak minded individuals have of change.
It suits certain groups to convince people that migration is a bigger problem than American 'investors' making more money from their labour than they are.
Perhaps Global Poland will have more luck than Global Britain.
Given that Britain is not in recession and the eurozone is, I'd say we're doing better than most people, including me, expected.
Add to the list holding public office, attending university, teaching, owning land, bringing religious items from Rome into the country, publishing or selling Catholic works
Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition.
the Spanish Inquisition.
I think we can agree that religion has always been used as a weapon and instrument of power by certain elements and such people, regardless of denomination, are all as bad as each other when push comes to shove.
just on the terms and conditions created by the elites of Dublin, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Madrid or Vienna
Oh boy... Ireland does not belong in that list.
I know "Poland Christ of All Nations", "The Virgin Undefiled" and all that... but Ireland? Ireland has suffered more than Poland at the hands of bigger neighbors for... oh well a thousand years or so. Holocaust? Meet the MULTIPLE English-engineered famines. Ireland has a population in 2023, that is lower than it was in the middle of the 19th century. Find me another country like that. You don't see the Irish weeping and moaning about it to anyone who will listen.
I doubt the Irish are trying to stuff Poland full of emigrants out of some colonial indifference. Will keep reading the thread, but seeing so much Barney and Atch here - I feel you know what you did wrong.
Edit: I see you've been taken to task ;)