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Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries?

Novichok 5 | 7804
12 Feb 2024 #121
Migration, like it or don't, is a fact.

How many should Poland take?

Your whining won't slow it down.

Guys with guns or a high wall can. See Israel.

What an idiot...God, send a lightning...
Lenka 5 | 3526
12 Feb 2024 #122
your post appeared after Novichok's who I was of course addressing.

Now that makes sense
OP Alien 22 | 5228
4 Mar 2024 #123
"Polish" Muslim women cover their heads with a scarf but show their bare bellies. Such times have come.
pawian 221 | 24284
5 Mar 2024 #124
show their bare bellies.

Hmmmm...... I haven`t seen a belly dancer in Poland yet.
OP Alien 22 | 5228
5 Mar 2024 #125
It's high time to go to a belly dancing show.
pawian 221 | 24284
5 Mar 2024 #126
dancing show.

Pole or foreign??? hahahaha
OP Alien 22 | 5228
5 Mar 2024 #127
Pole or foreign??

Pole dancer..... I can accept it too.😀
pawian 221 | 24284
5 Mar 2024 #128
Very well. here you are!!!
A Pole dancer from Łódź exclusively for you!!!

OP Alien 22 | 5228
6 Mar 2024 #129
dancer from Łódź exclusively

As he does, I fear self-harm.
Robin1988 10 | 82
7 Mar 2024 #130
I don't want to be racists or anything but only share my own experiences I lived in 3 world country and I interacted with colored people for over 12 years most coloured people are capable of great deal of evil I don't know how to trust anyone or anything if they around. If this order to mix society and culture isn't from Jesus himself people should rebel against it. Unless they have some advanced technology that can read thoughts
Robin1988 10 | 82
7 Mar 2024 #131
except if they believe in Christ, because loving god purifies us.
Novichok 5 | 7804
7 Mar 2024 #132
I don't want to be racists or anything

Nature is racist. Have you seen wolves and sheep living in harmony?
Humans unite to be able to defend themselves better. That is why Indians were on one side and Europeans were on the other.
What unites humans is race, language, morality, and religion. This is how Poles and Poland survived for centuries - not through that gift from hell aka DEI.
jon357 73 | 22653
7 Mar 2024 #133
wolves and sheep

Different species.
Novichok 5 | 7804
7 Mar 2024 #134
US whites and blacks are different species, too. Want stats?
Let's start with murder rates... Black rate = White rate x 17. If a white guy is human, what is a black guy who statistically murders at a 17x rate? A subhuman?

How about rape? Blacks rape 35,000 white women every year. Whites rape 10 black women. See FBI.

The same with wolves and sheep. Just as US blacks need US whites to prosper, wolves need sheep for the same reason.
jon357 73 | 22653
7 Mar 2024 #135
whites and blacks are different species

No they aren't
Novichok 5 | 7804
7 Mar 2024 #136
Yes, they are. MRI scans reveal the difference. If you want to debate the meaning of "species" I am fine with that. So how about sub-species, like wolves and dogs?

Have you seen eagles and pigeons living in harmony? How about orangutans and chimpanses? Are they the same species?
Robin1988 10 | 82
7 Mar 2024 #137
I dont know if black and white are different, but white and indians>>arabs and asians. are not the same.
Novichok 5 | 7804
7 Mar 2024 #138
There is a reason why "America" was discovered by Europeans and why Europe was not discovered by American Indians.

How many patents are owned by Cherokees and how many by whites living next to them?
Robin1988 10 | 82
7 Mar 2024 #139
The first one to visit America officially was the Lord Christ according to Mormons.
jon357 73 | 22653
7 Mar 2024 #140

Culture/geography or race?
johnny reb 47 | 7288
7 Mar 2024 #141
US whites and blacks are different species, too.

Did you learn that in your Interracial Understanding class in high school in Ru$$ia back in 1955 ?
Novichok 5 | 7804
7 Mar 2024 #142
Culture/geography or race?

Culture comes from race. The better the race, the higher the culture. The white race is superior to any other race.
Walk into any hospital and check where all that life-saving equipment was invented. Also, who invented the life-ending objects like nukes?
A clue...Nukes were not invented by Africans, Asians, or Hindus.
Novichok 5 | 7804
7 Mar 2024 #144
Children, the easiest way to detect a moron is by the terseness of his posts and inclusion of "r*SSia".
jon357 73 | 22653
7 Mar 2024 #145
No it isn't.

Good that you're spelling r*SSi correctly though...
mafketis 37 | 10789
7 Mar 2024 #146
inclusion of "r*SSia".

When the correct form, of course, is..... Faggot Land.
OP Alien 22 | 5228
7 Mar 2024 #147
The white race is superior to any other race.

You forgot about the Chinese. They were once so progressive that they had to separate themselves from other peoples with a great wall.
Novichok 5 | 7804
7 Mar 2024 #148
No it isn't.

Based on your response with "Codswallop" to my:

Culture comes from race. The better the race, the higher the culture. The white race is superior to any other race.
Walk into any hospital and check where all that life-saving equipment was invented. Also, who invented life-ending objects like nukes?
A clue...Nukes were not invented by Africans, Asians, or Hindus. are a moron and I am a genius.

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