The BEST Guide to POLAND
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The proper behavior an American should show when visiting Poland  2  3  4
Drobinski, Szczesny - Polish battle of Britain pilots & R.A.F squadrons
10 - Thank you! If anyone has any information about him please email me at

Genealogyomahadogred - 13 May 2007Addison devall - 11 Aug 2022
What to do in Wroclaw!  2
49 - I recommend "Panorama Racławicka"....

TravelPaulHawkins - 13 May 2007Alien - 25 Jan 2023
Electricity in Poland: plug and voltage?  2  3
Popular Polish blog and chat sites  2  3
65 - Any chat sites or the like out there for German speakers?...

LifeLt Navy - 9 May 2007Lyzko - 10 May 2021
Superstitions in Poland  2
I am 1/8 Polish on my mother's side - not Polish enough / Lithuania and Zmudz in Poland's ancestry  2  3  4
Spelling "aunt" in Polish  2  3  4  5
142 - Ha,ha, sorry Prof. służy and good....

Languagerommy - 28 Apr 2007Alien - 4 Jan 2022
Are there any Polish people in Florida?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11
Photos from Poland  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
258 - I saw it in Świnoujście...

Travelespana - 22 Apr 2007Alien - 25 Sep 2023
What are common Polish character traits?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  ...  12  13  14
Poland's January Uprisings of 1863  2  3
86 - What the heck is this post all about? What does it mean? How does this have anything to...

HistoryPatrycja19 - 13 Apr 2007marion kanawha - 7 Jul 2024
Czajka name? And Poland questions.
"Hej Sokoly" - song research
Does anyone have any relatives who served with 1st Polish Armoured Division (Gen. Maczek)  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11
1 bedroom apartment prices of rent in Los Angeles for a Polish guy? :)
What kind of American food do Poles like most?  2  3
Parczew / Volhynia - Marriage Kingdom of Poland-Imperial Russia Question
Polish slang phrases - most popular.  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  ...  19  20  21
History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing!  2  3  4  5
134 - What we need is a new site ; History and Future of Poland......

Historybartek212 - 21 Mar 2007Alien - 21 Nov 2021
Hip Replacements in Poland
Why Polish girl is very easy to approach and be in relationship?  2  3
Kocielko surname - I would appreciate any info  2
Shipping a car from USA to Poland  2  3
80s Polish TV Shows
Polish EU Drivers Licence - can I get one the easy way (by paying for it)?  2  3  4  5  6  7
I'm polish and have a darker complexion - WHY?  2  3
78 - Something got lost in the translation along the way, as usual:-)...

Genealogylitteldev0tion - 28 Feb 2007Lyzko - 9 Jan 2021
Polish Nursery Rhymes  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  ...  16  17  18
Claiming WW2 medals for Polish father  2