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Polish Tutoring Options in Melbourne

ozdan  8 | 67
18 Jan 2008   #1
Hi There,

I've just recently returned from my second trip to poland and have decided i would like to make an effort to learn the language.

so i'm looking for someone who can teach me polish. or alternatively if there is anyone that can advise if there is a language school in the area that teaches the polish language.

wiak  - | 1
6 Feb 2008   #2
I too would like to learn Polish in Melbourne. Have had a look for language schools but can't seem to find any. Does anyone know of any?

Syrena  7 | 73
7 Feb 2008   #3
Me too!!
davidpeake  14 | 451
7 Feb 2008   #4
where in Melbourne are you, i know a few polish people living there who might be interested.
Syrena  7 | 73
7 Feb 2008   #5
I'm in the northern suburbs and work in inner suburbs
davidpeake  14 | 451
7 Feb 2008   #6
i used to live in Glenroy...
Syrena  7 | 73
7 Feb 2008   #7
scary... me too...
davidpeake  14 | 451
7 Feb 2008   #8
hmm interesting, do you shop at the Polish Deli in Glenroy, was back there over chrissy
King Sobieski  2 | 714
7 Feb 2008   #9
I too would like to learn Polish in Melbourne. Have had a look for language schools but can't seem to find any. Does anyone know of any?


CAE used to have a polish course but have not seen one in their guide's for at least 2 years.

maybe a uni would have a polish course that you could just walk in on.

hmm interesting, do you shop at the Polish Deli in Glenroy, was back there over chrissy

geez, my dad grew up in glenroy as well...small world.
davidpeake  14 | 451
8 Feb 2008   #10
big polish community around that area, quiet a few in Craigieburn too
OP ozdan  8 | 67
9 Feb 2008   #11
hi davidpeake!

I'm in the melbourne CBD. Near melbourne central. Where abouts are your friends situated?
davidpeake  14 | 451
9 Feb 2008   #12
she is in outer subusrbs, but i will email her and ask her if she is intersted.
OP ozdan  8 | 67
9 Feb 2008   #13
cool. thanks for that! :)
Syrena  7 | 73
10 Feb 2008   #14
I've searched the net and can't find any adult polish language schools in Melb- may need to ask polish friends if they know of someone who is somewhat qualified enough to teach us all!!!
OP ozdan  8 | 67
10 Feb 2008   #15
hmmm.. maybe there are some cd's i can get for my car! :P
davidpeake  14 | 451
10 Feb 2008   #16
if you have family in Poland, get them to send you some cd's from here..
Syrena  7 | 73
11 Feb 2008   #18
that's not nice....
davidpeake  14 | 451
11 Feb 2008   #19
lol, well its not far from that, but come on, have you been around Oakleigh, Springvale, Dandy, hmm anymore...
King Sobieski  2 | 714
11 Feb 2008   #20
the arse end of the world

my sisters ex lives there, when one of his sisters had a party he had to hang around with a baseball bat to make sure no one gate crashed.
davidpeake  14 | 451
12 Feb 2008   #21
lol,, thats true, they are a different breed up that way
chicon  - | 1
16 Feb 2008   #22
Language Champs is a melbourne language school. If you give them a call on 9555 5355 they could source a polish tutor for you.
Syrena  7 | 73
16 Feb 2008   #23
I've ordered a cd-rom and will give that a go.. will be interesting!
davidpeake  14 | 451
18 Feb 2008   #24
Syrena, look at the other threads, there is a Polish girl who just joined, she maybe interested..
Syrena  7 | 73
18 Feb 2008   #25
Thanks DP, but actually i dont have much time after work during the week to attend classes, im also studying. But, never say never...
OP ozdan  8 | 67
23 Feb 2008   #27

have you got your cd's yet? would be interested to see if they are helpful.
Syrena  7 | 73
23 Feb 2008   #28
Hi Dan, yes i did! Just taking a look at it now. I think its going to be very helpful. I have a good understanding of the language, can read well and write OK - but talking daunts me!! The best thing about it i think is that its spoken by native speakers - no funny accents. Another good bit is that as you go a translation happens below if you need it. When i get a chance to use it fully I'll let you know - but it seems worth the $. I got it from for $99. Its called Learn Polish Now! This version comes with a cd to download onto your ipod too.
Taya  - | 2
27 Feb 2008   #29
I too would like to learn Polish as a beginner. I called Language Champs and they said they require 3 adults to enrol for a class to commence. Anyone interested???
King Sobieski  2 | 714
27 Feb 2008   #30
i am sure syrena would be interested along with myself. i could also maybe get my sister along.

where would these classes be held? city or suburbs?

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