The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Support and advice for travelers and visitors to Poland. Talk about your Polish travel experience!

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Sticky: Why do you visit Poland?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
Białowieża on the ground
UK Car in Poland
Poland in photo riddles - part 3  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14
Transport adventures in Poland
About cars, electric and combustion in Poland.
Camping / Fishing / Mountains / Biking - Poland travel suggestions
Kielce and the area - amazing Polish Pocket Knives live there  2  3  4
105 - The insurance company should pay....

Travelpawian - 19 Aug 2023 Alien - 14 Jul 2024
Collection of dress codes in Poland - what to wear?  2  3  4
96 - She could wear whatever she wants....

Travellms224 - 27 Jul 2007 Alien - 13 Jul 2024
Poles as tourists in foreign countries  2  3
Jazz in Poland
Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures)  2  3  4  5  6
155 - It sports pretty gardens and the whole place brings to mind the Versailles. :...

Travelpawian - 21 Dec 2012 pawian - 23 Jun 2024
What is the weather like in Poland where you are now?  2  3  4  5  6  7
192 - Wrong picture. This cabin isn`t on the slope. Ha!!...

Travelpawian - 9 Jul 2011 pawian - 20 Jun 2024
What is interesting in Poland ?
Lovely trips to Poland - Warsaw and Wrocław, Krakow and Warsaw, Poznań and Gdańsk  2
Hiking around Zakopane/ Tatra mountains
Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live.  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
E36 from Germany to Poland - possibly the worst stretch of tarmac in the World?
8 - E36 got a new surface along its entire route in Poland....

TravelMorrisey - 18 Apr 2015 Alien - 9 Jun 2024
Greatest Old Towns in Poland  2  3
5 days in Poland
Looking for a good map of Poland on the Net
Starting 2024 Visa's will be required to visit Poland from the U.S.A.
21 - How many points do you need to get accepted?...

Traveljohnny reb - 20 Jul 2023 Alien - 21 Apr 2024
Why most taxis in Warsaw cheat foreigners to get more money?  2
38 - How do you get taxis now? The rule used to be never take a taxi unless it's company...

TravelIamConfused - 17 Apr 2011 mafketis - 6 Apr 2024
How to get Polish entry/exit stamps in passport when entering the Schengen area in a country other than Poland
Visiting Lodz, I have few questions?
5 - True true. I will consider the history of the car, thank you alot !...

TravelRobin1988 - 7 Mar 2024 Robin1988 - 7 Mar 2024
Finding local football in Gdansk / Tricity
My comments about Poland after staying there.
28 - Yes, because in Poland only monkeys and horses laugh....

TravelLoOd4EVeR - 30 Jan 2011 pawian - 23 Feb 2024
Warsaw weather in april?
13 - Stop joking. You don`t read historical stuff. You only read the PF....

Travelbcarter90 - 19 Mar 2018 pawian - 22 Feb 2024
What are the best countries to live in?  2  3  4  5  6
152 - Tough. He can stay there. And never return....

TravelMiloslaw - 15 Oct 2021 jon357 - 19 Feb 2024
Travel to Poland - The Eastern Border from Bialystok to Zab
Leaving baggage unattended in Chopin Airport
Fishing in Poland - where to go, what to catch?  2  3
Collecting at Polish Post Office
What's next from Chopin's Warsaw?
13 - I agree....

TravelNoahhon - 15 Dec 2022 Lyzko - 7 Nov 2023
× Poland in photo riddles - part 2  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56
Gdynia to Bournemouth/Southampton
Unusual architecture - bulidings and structures in Poland
Best place to exchange money in Poland?  2  3  4
Krakow during Easter - good or bad idea?
Photos from Poland  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
258 - I saw it in Świnoujście...

Travelespana - 22 Apr 2007 Alien - 25 Sep 2023
Tourism in Poland
× Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16
467 - Just read their hate posts. It's quite simple....

TravelUKPapz - 27 Jan 2015 jon357 - 31 Aug 2023
Being Straight and Visiting Gdańsk
Krakow is better than Prague
Buying a car in Poland for short term use and then sell it afterwards
Special stories / anecdotes about Gdansk
Storks - the Symbol of Poland  2
Cheapest Way from Warsaw to Chopin Airport ?
15 - The PKP website mentions building work at Zachodnia so Centralna is your best bet....

Travelsuperuser1999 - 19 Nov 2014 jon357 - 10 Aug 2023
Poland's Super Hub Airport
Changing trains in Poznan
What can Poland do to attract more tourists? Llamas farm?  2  3
65 - Russian Asians, next to China and Iran....

TravelMr Grunwald - 4 Nov 2011 Bobko - 24 Jul 2023
What do people think about German people in Poland?
How to go to Frankfurt from Poland?
Things to do in KROSCIENKO
7 - In short, you can be bored to death....

Travelcoppermouse - 20 Mar 2013 Alien - 15 Jul 2023
Driving from UK to Poland
The tick in Poland are very dangerous is it true?
ZAPROSZENIE? (visiting our Polish friend this summer)
8 - Under communism, of course, and the passport was Polish....

TravelAussieSheila - 17 Feb 2010 Alien - 29 Jun 2023
Scuba in Poland
Weird and wonderful Polish train fares  2  3
Pot in Poland for tourists  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
285 - Agreed. Another bunch of losers!...

Travelwroclawpotsmoke - 5 Jul 2012 Miloslaw - 29 Apr 2023

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