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Poland in photo riddles - part 3

OP pawian 220 | 24664
13 Jan 2024 #61
What is a funny language mistake which some people in Poland make when talking about the holiday???

Nobody has solved it yet??????? Amasing! :):):)

Hint: When is the holiday exactly? And how does it contribute to the language mistake???
johnny reb 46 | 7365
13 Jan 2024 #62
The holiday is held on January 6th every year.
There is no language mistake unless you are referring to the different accents in Poland when the country comes together to celebrate it.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
13 Jan 2024 #63
The holiday is held on January 6th every year.

Exactly!!!! And the date has an erroneous impact on some people!!!
What exactly???

There is no language mistake

Sorry, there is. Think harder - you are able to solve it coz you are an intelligent person.
Lenka 5 | 3513
13 Jan 2024 #64
What is this and what was it used for?

OP pawian 220 | 24664
13 Jan 2024 #65
Wow, an excellent riddle. I need more time to guess it. :):):)
Poloniusz 4 | 833
13 Jan 2024 #66
What is this and what was it used for?

It could only be what is most near and dear to any feminist.

"Emergency contraception" pills used to terminate pregnancies.

Women Want Action on Abortion After Ousting Polish Nationalists

But its not like you've never had access.

'Abortion drone' delivers pregnancy-terminating pills to women in Poland
OP pawian 220 | 24664
13 Jan 2024 #67
'Abortion drone' delivers pregnancy-terminating pills to women in Poland

Wow!!! Amasing!!! :):):)
Torq 8 | 1132
13 Jan 2024 #68

Bed linen buttons (spinki do pościeli)?
Paulina 15 | 4355
13 Jan 2024 #69
What is this and what was it used for?

Buttons for bedclothes from PRL times?


Oops, Torq was first :))
Lenka 5 | 3513
13 Jan 2024 #70
Sorry no, you are as useless in this as in everything else.

Torq & Paulina

Correct! Inspired by Atch and my laundry :D

Paulina 15 | 4355
13 Jan 2024 #71

I was thinking about making a riddle about them too - great minds think alike! :D
OP pawian 220 | 24664
16 Jan 2024 #72
3 old riddles are still waiting.

A new one:

OP pawian 220 | 24664
25 Jan 2024 #73
Who does this communist era toy soldier represent?

Alien 22 | 5397
25 Jan 2024 #74
soldier represent?

A knight from the times of Mieszko1
OP pawian 220 | 24664
25 Jan 2024 #75
Knight, yes, but not Mieszko times.
Btw, provide the knight`s name. :):):)
Alien 22 | 5397
25 Jan 2024 #76
knight`s name. :):)

Bolesław Chrobry?
OP pawian 220 | 24664
25 Jan 2024 #77
Sorry, know.

Hint - this image of the mounted knight with his arms raised yielding weapons is famous in Polish culture.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
25 Jan 2024 #79
Sorry, no.
Hint: by culture I meant art more precisely.
Paulina 15 | 4355
25 Jan 2024 #80
famous in Polish culture.

Władysław Jagiełło?
Ironside 50 | 12345
25 Jan 2024 #81
, Duck' Witold leader of the Great Dutchy of Lithuania.
Paulina 15 | 4355
25 Jan 2024 #82
Yup, sorry, I'm guessing that's Witold - from the "Battle of Grunwald" painting by Jan Matejko ;P 🤦
OP pawian 220 | 24664
25 Jan 2024 #83
Yes, Władysław`s brother, Witold!!! My son`s name is Witold coz it symbolizes a brave man.

Check this famous art:

Ironside 50 | 12345
25 Jan 2024 #84

he lost every battle he was in charge of.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
25 Jan 2024 #85
Maybe, but still was a brave warrior. HA!
OP pawian 220 | 24664
25 Jan 2024 #86
Guys and guysses, thank you for this enthusiastic reaction to my latest riddle about the toy soldier.

What about the 3 pending riddles? Do you really have no idea or you missed them????

I mean these:

A difficult one, indeed: But think logically again - if it is not for eating, what is it for? What is the partner of eating??????????????????

There is still one riddle pending in post 6. Hint - I said it is food but not for eating. What for then???

This one is easy for a person who knows Polish culture
What is this Christmas time custom which I am exploiting to make fun of a relative who dropped by with presents?

The last one should be also easy for a Polish culture oriented person:

Three Kings` Holiday in Poland. What is a funny language mistake which some people in Poland make when talking about the holiday???
jon357 73 | 22477
25 Jan 2024 #87
funny language mistake which some people in Poland make when talking about the holiday???

This one's on the tip of my tongue. I used to know and it's gone from my mind.

Edit, is it t( form of the word król? I forget which way round it is but it's an exception. Krolów or Kroli? Probably Kroli because Krolów sounds right and I've an idea thatit isn't in this case.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
25 Jan 2024 #88
This one's on the tip of my tongue

I could be imprecise when I suggested a language mistake. Let`s call it a slip of the tongue. :):):)
Hint - When some Poles say the incorrect name of the holiday in Polish, they show that they see double.................... :):):) As if they were drunk.......... :):):)
OP pawian 220 | 24664
26 Jan 2024 #89
But think logically again - if it is not for eating, what is it for? What is the partner of eating??????????????????

It is drinking!!!!

Funny nobody guessed it. :):):)

Here is the second picture from the dreg series: What is going on?

Alien 22 | 5397
26 Jan 2024 #90
What is going on?

Are you making moonshine?

Home / Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3

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