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Poland in photo riddles - part 2

OP pawian  219 | 24592
12 Jan 2021   #421
but it didn't say what model it was.

Yes, I know because I had the same problem. :):) But finally I found it coz I use this tank when I play old strategic games like Steel Panthers or Panzer General. hahaha

It is the Czech-Slovak tank which Germans acquired after occupying Czechoslovakia in 1939. Later they used it against Poland and France.

That was a difficult riddle, indeed.

cultural stuff etc

Here you are. We are still at the Air Picnic: a re-enactment group showing American soldiers from the Cold War era displayed some old magazines at their post. Who is this woman?

  • 15520aaaa19.jpg
16 Jan 2021   #422
That was a difficult riddle, indeed.

Made especially so by the fact that you knew full well that there was no mention of what model it was on the only other available photo! Boohoo.

Who is this woman?

Looks like Ali McGraw to me, but I'm not 100%.
mafketis  38 | 10868
16 Jan 2021   #423
Looks like Ali McGraw to me

To me as well.... which would probably date it around 1970-71 (maybe 72)
16 Jan 2021   #424
probably date it around 1970-71

I think you're right. Probably 1970 going by the Nixon and Cambodia feature on the cover. I only really remember Ali McGraw from Love Story to be honest!
OP pawian  219 | 24592
16 Jan 2021   #425

Don`t hold a grudge. I don`t do it on purpose. :):) I know you are not a fan of WW2 weapons but I was hoping sb else was. Unfortunately, not.

Yes, this is Allie Mc Graw after Love Story becamse s a big hit. The magazine is from August 1970. Funny that none of other American posters knew her.

Where is it?

  • 2752019.JPG

  • 2762019.JPG
16 Jan 2021   #426
I know you are not a fan of WW2 weapons but I was hoping sb else was.

I'm surprised Dolno didn't get the planes or tank. Much more up his street than mine. I will have to think about the latest photos. The arches remind me of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, but it's not that. The photos were taken on National Warsaw Uprising Remembrance Day though.

Is that wicker figure meant to be based on a goat?
OP pawian  219 | 24592
16 Jan 2021   #427
Well, the date isn`t important. Yes, it is a famous goat.
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
16 Jan 2021   #428
I'm surprised Dolno didn't get the planes or tank.

No I have visited some places but still so much of Poland to discover, I do like museums, and probably focus too much on the war years anyway I am getting back into photography so I hope to be able to make some contributions to this thread in the summer.

Meantime thanks Pawian , guys and girls for the interesting and varied content on this thread.
mafketis  38 | 10868
16 Jan 2021   #429
it is a famous goat.

Matołek? To me, he always seemed... a little light in the loafers if you get my meaning....
16 Jan 2021   #430
Is it Koziołek Matołek?
OP pawian  219 | 24592
16 Jan 2021   #431
Yes, it is Matołek He-Goat. As for that idiom, I checked it and got a surprise coz it never occured to me. No, he isn`t like you said, his main problem is he is a bit dumb and naive.

Hint: the inside of that arcade building:

  • 2832019.JPG

  • 2842019.JPG
16 Jan 2021   #432
so much of Poland to discover,

Yeah, I have a bucket list for places I want to go to.

I hope to be able to make some contributions to this thread

Great! Not that many people contribute so it will be nice to have someone else to upload photos.
Paulina  16 | 4384
17 Jan 2021   #433
The building with arcades is spa "Marconi" in Busko Zdrój :) It was built in 1836 and designed by a renowned Warsaw architect with Italian roots, Henryk Marconi - hence the name. Koziołek Matołek stands near the building, because Busko Zdrój is not that far away from Pacanów - his home city :))

Dolno, it would be great if you posted some photos too :)

Btw, Chemikiem, I'm really in awe of your guessing skills and knowledge about all things Polish!
jon357  72 | 22778
17 Jan 2021   #434
spa "Marconi" in Busko Zdrój

Wow; I've been there but didn't recognise it. Busko and Pińczow are both well worth a visit.
17 Jan 2021   #435
spa "Marconi" in Busko Zdrój :)

Aha! I was guessing it might be near to Panaców. Looks like a palace from photos, very grand. I wouldn't mind a spa break there!

I'm really in awe of your guessing skills and knowledge about all things Polish

Thanks Paulina :)
mafketis  38 | 10868
17 Jan 2021   #436
No, he isn`t like you said

I dunnoo.... all that skipping....

roller skates and dancing with no shirt.....

what perverted thing is about to happen here?
Lenka  5 | 3471
17 Jan 2021   #437
Btw, Chemikiem, I'm really in awe of your guessing skills and knowledge about all things Polish!

I think we all are. The best side of PF is shown here
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
17 Jan 2021   #438
Yeah a neutral unpolluted ground, a DMZ in fact.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Jan 2021   #439
Here's an interesting one.

I'll give a clue: it's not just an ordinary peak, but rather it was quite an active place in the past. It's also in Lower Silesia.

gumishu  16 | 6181
17 Jan 2021   #440
must be remnants of a basalt volcano - there were a handful of them in Lower Silesia
johnny reb  46 | 7516
17 Jan 2021   #441
Yes, i visited there.
The Miocene Soœnica Hill volcano.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Jan 2021   #442
must be remnants of a basalt volcano

Yup! But which one? ;)

Miocene Soœnica Hill

17 Jan 2021   #443
which one?

Not too sure about this one, but is it Grodczyn?

@ Lenka, thanks for your kind words :)
17 Jan 2021   #444
which one?

I've changed my mind. I think it is Wielisławka.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Jan 2021   #445
Nope and nope, although your second guess was close :)
johnny reb  46 | 7516
17 Jan 2021   #446
I changed my mind too, it is the Wilcza Góra near Zlotoryja.
@Paulina, Thanks for the kind words.
Paulina  16 | 4384
18 Jan 2021   #447
@Jon357, it was an easy one for me because it's my region and I photographed that building from all sides, outside and inside, in order to draw it for a highschool project. I'd probably recognise it if someone woke me up in the middle of the night and showed me only that photo with the arcades lol I see you know the Holy Cross region pretty well :) Yes, Pińczów has an interesting history for such a small place :)

Looks like a palace from photos, very grand. I wouldn't mind a spa break there!

Yes, it's pretty and the garden around it is pleasant too :)
Btw, I called Pacanów a "city" despite the fact that it's more like a town, because it had city rights since 1265 until 1869, when those city rights were taken away due to tsarist repressions after the January Uprising. Pacanów got back its city rigts in 2019.

what perverted thing is about to happen here?

I think the crocodile wants to eat Koziołek Matołek lol Btw, I remember me and my brother had one comic book with Koziołek Matołek going on a ship to Africa, I think, but that's probably not this one...

The best side of PF is shown here

True, Lenka... Maybe I'll post some riddle-photos too, if I have time :)

@Johnny_reb, I have no kind words for you, you must've mistaken me for someone else. Leave your personal issues with me out of this thread.
Paulina  16 | 4384
26 Jan 2021   #448
I don't know the answer to delph's riddle, so I'll just post mine:

Where was this photo taken?

  • zagadka1.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
26 Jan 2021   #449
Where was this photo taken?

Zakłady Wytwórcze Warsaw
Paulina  16 | 4384
26 Jan 2021   #450
Nope, you got the city right, but the riddle is - where was this photo taken?

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