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Poland in photo riddles - part 3

Alien  22 | 5460
28 Apr 2024   #241
yes, it was supposed

How can you replace leek with beer? This is the real riddle?
OP pawian  219 | 24592
28 Apr 2024   #242

It wasn`t beer - political correctness or simply the law prohibit promoting alcohol to youngsters. It was incorrectly spelled leer. Most guessers saw it but couldn`t catch on that leek.
mafketis  38 | 10867
28 Apr 2024   #243
It was incorrectly spelled leer.

The way the student connected the l and e looked more like 'be' in vegetables than the le in lettuce....
OP pawian  219 | 24592
28 Apr 2024   #244
Thank you for your persistence. :):):)

Another riddle. Where is a mistake in the shown vocabulary?

  • DSCN6516Kopiowanie.jpg
mafketis  38 | 10867
28 Apr 2024   #245
Where is a mistake in the shown vocabulary?

I would take issue with some of the pronunciations.... (where's the h in whale?) p

when speaking of a canine I would not normally say "poor dog!" but rather "poor doggie!" For me "poor dog" would more be about an unfortunate man (especially one whose dog-like behavior has caught up with him...)

Maybe it should be "Away from class" or "Outside the classroom" "Outside of class" rather than "Out of class" (skończyła się (komuś) klasa)
OP pawian  219 | 24592
28 Apr 2024   #246
I would take issue with some of the pronunciations

No, the riddle concerns translation. One word is translated clumsily. And it is in the first column on the left.
mafketis  38 | 10867
28 Apr 2024   #247
One word is translated clumsily.

Iguana? Legwan is the usual word in Polish.... it looks like it comes from French -- l'iguane...
Alien  22 | 5460
28 Apr 2024   #248
dog - pies
piesek - doggie
Was it translated incorrectly?
OP pawian  219 | 24592
28 Apr 2024   #249
Iguana? Legwan is the usual word in Polish.

Yes, exactly!! Stupid translation - like pizza which means pizza. hahahaha

The species` name in Polish is legwan zielony.

I am moving to other threads with my riddles. See you there.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
28 Apr 2024   #250
I am moving to other threads with my riddles. See you there.

Before I do, let me remind you there is still one unsolved riddle in post 67 on the page 3.
Why is the man acting like that???? What is he exactly?? Where???
jon357  72 | 22778
28 Apr 2024   #251
was supposed to be leek

It doesn't look like leek. That isn't a K.

where's the h in whale

Silent since about 1870 and never universal. Queen Victoria did pronounce the silent h after w however she was brought up in deliberate isolation by her German mother and German servants.

I would take issue with some of the pronunciations

Me too. The phonetics for rabbit are just plain wrong.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
28 Apr 2024   #252
It doesn't look like leek. That isn't a K.

Of course it isn`t K. That`s what the riddle was based on - a spelling mistake which changed the meaning. Are you with us or still drifting away on a lazy Sunday afternooner??? hahahaha
jon357  72 | 22778
28 Apr 2024   #253

It's neither a riddle nor a k.

lazy Sunday afternoon

It's more like Monday evening where I am right now. The working week goes from Sunday to Thursday and nobody works much after 2pm.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
28 Apr 2024   #254
a riddle

You still refuse to admit you had no idea what we were talking about?? Why are you behaving in such an unmanly fashion??? :):):) Simply amaSSing!

t's more like Monday evening where I am right now.

Yes, you are still in Africa. That is why I correctly guessed you were selling us tall stories about your being in Warsaw a few days earlier. :):):)
jon357  72 | 22778
28 Apr 2024   #255
refuse to admit

Don't be daft. It was a particularly weak 'riddle'..

till in Africa

Not "still" but "again". I returned several days ago.

tall stories about your being in Warsaw a few days earlier

Until last week I was at home in Warsaw drinking bland and fizzy beer, eating gherkins and pushing a trolley around Biedronka. Then a few days in the U.K. and now back here for a while.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
28 Apr 2024   #256
It was

You are too weak to admit you had no idea and are blaming me instead. That`s not how a proud Brit should behave. Show some dignity or I will believe those opinions which claim that the UK and all its citizens have gone to the dogs and become pathetic losers, especially after Brexit. hahahaha

With Fenix as a noble exception., of course. Follow her example - when she doesn`t know sth, she says it sincerely and doesn`t blame anybody.
jon357  72 | 22778
28 Apr 2024   #257

There you go again...


There was no 'idea' to have.

proud Brit should behave. Show some dignity or I will believe those opinions which claim that the UK

Why on Earth would anyone care what outsiders think about their country unless they have some sort of "cultural cringe" inferiority complex?

And it still doesn't say "leek"...
OP pawian  219 | 24592
28 Apr 2024   #258

Yes, it does. Remember, leek is good for you. Don`t reject it so easily. hahahaha
Show more dignity at last. :):):)
Be a proud courageous Brit like Nelson`s sailors were at Trafalgar. If Nelson had had such soldiers like you, he wouldn`t have won a sea battle even against the navy of Czech Republic! hahahaha buhahahaha
jon357  72 | 22778
28 Apr 2024   #259
Don`t reject it so easily

I use it in cooking probably far more than you.

Show more

Don't be a doilum. There are enough of those here already.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
28 Apr 2024   #260
Don't be

Don`t be ciamciaramcia. Do be a proud Brit at last.:):):)
jon357  72 | 22778
28 Apr 2024   #261
Do drink a black coffee and neck a paracetamol.

Did you see my question about adjectives in the other thread. Not a hard one (B2-ish) but not so easy if asked out of the blue.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
28 Apr 2024   #262
Did you see my question about adjectives

Most probably I haven`t.
mafketis  38 | 10867
28 Apr 2024   #263
Silent since about 1870
The phonetics for rabbit are just plain wrong.

I usually pronounce the h, especially in isolation or stressed. A lot of Americans think of it as being more British (see Cool Whip jokes on Family Guy) but it's far more common in the US.

I didn't have a problem with that since the distinction been the schwa and unestressed ɪ is mostly lost in the US (a process that I think began in the west and spread Eastward). Would you pronounce 'gentleman' and 'gentlemen' differently? I don't think I do most of the time....

The traditional "RP" transcription system (although almost universally used for teaching 'British' pronunciation) is soooo weird, especially the way it has long vowels marked : without short equivalents.... I could understand [ka:t] (cart) and [kat] (cot) but the backwards a makes no sense....

But British linguistics has always been more into phonetics and matching exceedingly subtle vowel distinctions to discrete symbols while American linguistics is much more about phonemics (mental categorization) so the exact symbols used aren't so important....

(Rant off).
jon357  72 | 22778
28 Apr 2024   #264
I usually pronounce the h

Same, though almost never in wh unless I'm trying to give a particular impression. And always pronounce it in herb and hotel unless speaking in my local dialect which doesn't use h at all.

Would you pronounce 'gentleman' and 'gentlemen'

Not really. The distinction is almost inaudible.

but the backwards a makes no sense...

It's a tricky one. There's that, there's the one that looks like the letter æ and a few others. The sound differs. I've found that some Poles (especially ones who did English courses at Warsaw university in the 80s/early 90s - I met their "famous" and genuinely excellent teacher and he spoke like Dame Celia Volestrangler [worth looking out on YouTube] so they probably got it from him) pronounce it in a ridiculously exaggerated way, cet rather than cat. It sounds almost South African or like someone from the Channel Islands. There's also a snobbishness inherent in Polish language and society which leads to a distorted idea of what's "correct" or not when speaking. I've seen people correct each other while speaking which would just lead to a headbutting where I'm from.



There are a few sounds that are awkward enough to give linguists nice doctorates to frame on their wall.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
28 Apr 2024   #265
I use it in cooking probably far more than you.

You use it in cooking while I munch on a few fresh leeks of my own production a week. ):):)
jon357  72 | 22778
28 Apr 2024   #266
You use it in cooking

Of course.


I munch on a few fresh leeks

A few leeks??? Crikey, that's a lot unless they're mini-leeks Presumably you mean raw rather than fresh (I'd not use unfresh ones at all) however you must be tholeeked up.

I'm not bothered for raw ones though occasionally put a little butter n a green salad.

Try making Glamorgan Sausage (use strong Cheddar not mild cheese and leek not onion. Use English mustard or Ukrainska rather than Polish). I do them sometimes and they always go down well in PL.
mafketis  38 | 10867
28 Apr 2024   #267
snobbishness inherent in Polish language and society which leads to a distorted idea of what's "correct" or not when speaking

Easily understandable from history... surrounded by larger countries that tried to marginalize or eliminate the language rallying around the standard is a perfectly understandable response. And the very rational nature of Polish spelling makes that easier (adopt a spelling pronunciation and you're good to go.... while the chaotic nature of English spelling locks people into their birth dialects to a much larger extent...

The distinction is almost inaudible.

So what's wrong with a schwa in rabbit?
jon357  72 | 22778
28 Apr 2024   #268
surrounded by larger countries that tried to marginalize or eliminate the language rallying

That and war/political change making a fragile bourgeoisie feel more fragile yet and determined to preserve what they feel distinguishes them from hoi polloi.

So what's wrong with a schwa in rabbit?

Wouldn't that be a different word? Perhaps it exists in some dialects.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
30 May 2024   #269
Still nobody has guessed the riddle from post 67. Here is another version of the situation. What exactly?

Feniks  1 | 509
30 May 2024   #270
What exactly?

What time frame are we talking? That is Zbigniew Ziobro. Is this from when he was justice minister when PiS were in power ? There are recent corruption allegations but that is since the riddle was posted in #67.

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