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Poland in photo riddles - part 3

OP pawian 221 | 24284
27 Apr 2024 #211
.... and nothing. :):):)

Ha, I got it by googling concrete monument dome inscription. It is a mausoleum to honour the victims of Majdanek death camp killed by Germans during WW2.

I didn`t know it coz there is another more spectacular monument in the same place which is more popular in encyclopedias and media:

Feniks 2 | 379
27 Apr 2024 #212
So this is a monument.

It is, but it's more than just a monument.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
27 Apr 2024 #213
I also added: mausoleum. :)
Feniks 2 | 379
27 Apr 2024 #214
It is a mausoleum to honour the victims of Majdanek death camp killed by Germans during WW2.

Yes. Well done. I knew you would get it quite quickly.

concrete monument dome inscription.

The inscription reads ' Los nasz dla was przestrogą.' Let our fate be a warning to you. Very chilling.

another more spectacular monument in the same place

I didn't choose that one because I knew it was the more well-known monument.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
27 Apr 2024 #215
I didn't choose that one because I knew it was the more well-known monument.

Again I must say how clever it is. :):):

The inscription reads ' Los nasz dla was przestrogą.' Let our fate be a warning to you. Very chilling.

Yes, chilling, but we know how useless are such inscriptions coz humans perpetuate the same horrid things endlessly.

One from me:

Primary school student`s notebook shows food vocabulary. What is the major spelling mistake he/she made copying the words from the black/greenboard???
Hint - by major I mean a really serious one!!!

Feniks 2 | 379
27 Apr 2024 #216
humans perpetuate the same horrid things endlessly.

Yes. We will end up destroying ourselves because we have learnt nothing from history.

by major I mean a really serious one!!!

I can't see anything that major.

There should be a 'z' instead of the 'c' after the 'r in wieprzowina.

Vegetables is spelt incorrectly.

I presume 'Letis' is to show pronunciation of lettuce.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
27 Apr 2024 #217
We will end up destroying ourselves

Hey, your pessimism throws me down into the dumps even further now! Why are you doing it to me????? :):)

should be a 'z' instead of the 'c' after the 'r in

No, it is z interconnected with r.
Besides, if it was c, it still wouldn`t be major. :):):)

I presume 'Letis' is to show pronunciation of lettuce.

Of course. It is called the phonetic transcript. :):):)

Vegetables is spelt incorrectly.

No, it isn`t. Look closer - the mistake has been corrected. :):)

Wow! My riddle is hard. :):):)

PS. Hint - a major mistake means the one which changes the meaning of the word. :):):)
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
27 Apr 2024 #218
We will end up destroying ourselves because we have learnt nothing from history.

Sadly, quite possibly true..... but what do you learn from history?
Stand up and fight or stand down and be subjucated?
OP pawian 221 | 24284
27 Apr 2024 #219

Subjugated. What is your British-based education???? Let me guess - primary school! hahahaha
Alien 22 | 5225
27 Apr 2024 #220
changes the meaning of the word.

veer/beer 🤔
OP pawian 221 | 24284
27 Apr 2024 #221

You are close...... Think harder... :):):)
Feniks 2 | 379
27 Apr 2024 #222
Why are you doing it to me?

You're just lucky I guess :)

it is z interconnected with r.

Yes. I forgot it's a digraph.

Think harder...

That could be interpreted as leer rather than beer.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
27 Apr 2024 #223
leer rather than beer.

You are even closer than Alien.
Still, think harder...... :):):) Warm warm major mistake change of meaning warm warmer and .....
Feniks 2 | 379
27 Apr 2024 #224
Are we still talking about the word beer? At a push I can also see rice/mice.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
27 Apr 2024 #225
Are we still talking about the word beer?

Yes,we are.
Except it is not beer. :):):)

Hint: Do you know British political correctness?? Yes, you do. Think about Polish one for a while. :):):)
Feniks 2 | 379
28 Apr 2024 #226
I'm stumped. You can only replace the 'b' in beer with the letters d, j, p, s, if it's not veer or leer.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
28 Apr 2024 #227
You can only replace the 'b' in beer

Do not focus on b so much. Try other letters. I said there is a clear spelling mistake, while you concentrate on carelessly written letters.

And think of PC all the time!!!!

if it's not veer or leer.

And think of foods all the time, too!
mafketis 37 | 10789
28 Apr 2024 #228
from the black/greenboard???

I see:

"lettuce * |letis|

pork - wierprzowina




vegatables" (though you say it's now vegetables)

hmmm since when is 'beer' food? especially in elementary school?

maybe the word was bean?
OP pawian 221 | 24284
28 Apr 2024 #229
I see:

Maf, don`t believe your eyes now!!! Use your intuition!

hmmm since when is 'beer' food? especially in elementary school?

Twice exactly!!!

Now, what is the spelling mistake which altered the meaning completely ???

Guys and guyesses, I must admit I am flabbergasted you still can`t guess it after so many clues and being so close as you already are. The easiest riddles are the most difficult it seems. :):):)
jon357 73 | 22653
28 Apr 2024 #230
spelling mistake

The phonetics are very wrong. Should be /ˈlɛtɪs/ although schwa is also acceptable for the second vowel albeit rare.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
28 Apr 2024 #231
The phonetics

This is primary aka elementary school, not university. :):):):)
Atch 21 | 4159
28 Apr 2024 #232
The phonetics are very wrong.

That's what I thought too. 'Letis' is very wrong indeed - especially for a Polish learner of English. Letys would be nearer the mark.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
28 Apr 2024 #233
Amasing! Native speakers have difficulty in solving a basic language riddle. ):):)
Atch 21 | 4159
28 Apr 2024 #234
The imperfectly formed letters in the child's handwriting leave a margin for doubt eg. rice could be read as vice, but I don't see anything that conclusively proves the child made an error in transcription. Pray enlighten us.
jon357 73 | 22653
28 Apr 2024 #235
This is primary aka elementary school,

We learnt the phonetic alpahbet (or a version of it) in the first year of primary school, aged 4/5.


That's how I'd do it for a Polish learner.

Leer is of course a word, and that's the only mistake in English, apart from in vegetables and it looks like they've corrected it. In any case, b can be written with an open loop and that would bre consistent with the way the kid writes p. Old-fashioned though. And wieprzowina is clumsily written but fine for a primary age kid.

I don't see anything major.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
28 Apr 2024 #236
I don't see anything

Amasing!!! You type leer yourself and still can`t see the mistake???

he child's handwriting leave a margin for doubt

No margin in case of our clear mistake.

I don't see anything

Yes, I can see that. Lazy Sunday afternooner, you've got no mind to worry
You close your eyes and drift away-a hahahaha

enlighten us.

Not yet. It is too easy to provide the answer so quickly.

jon357 73 | 22653
28 Apr 2024 #237
leer yourself and still can`t see the mistake?

Could read leer or equally beer which would be consistent with the poor and outdated style of handwriting.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
28 Apr 2024 #238
Could read leer or equally beer

Beer is out of question in primary school while leer is a mistake.
Come on, guys and gyesses, guess it at last coz I am experiencing a huge trauma now. :(:(:(:(
mafketis 37 | 10789
28 Apr 2024 #239
is it supposed to be leek?
OP pawian 221 | 24284
28 Apr 2024 #240
supposed to be leek?

At last!!!! yes, it was supposed to be leek!!! The primary school textbook promotes a healthy diet .:):):)

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