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Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live.

jon357  72 | 23459
9 Jun 2024   #241
A black deer (really quite rare) has been spotted and filmed in Poland in a nature reserve at Dolina Baryczy (Barycz Valley) down in the south west.

Beautiful animals.
pawian  223 | 27184
10 Jun 2024   #242
A black deer (really quite rare)

Rarer than a white deer, spotted in Poland several times???

  • 1c9575b02389d2f5.jpg
jon357  72 | 23459
10 Jun 2024   #243
Rarer than

Melanism occurs in 1 in 100,000 deer. I'm not sure about albinism.

Though there are a lot of deer in the U.K. and a little over half as many in PL I've never personally seen either black or white in either country.
pawian  223 | 27184
22 Dec 2024   #244
For half a century, regulations protected wolves on our continent, now it will be possible to shoot them again. But for now - not in Poland. The European Commission has opened the door to wolf hunting, but the Polish government declares that it does not intend to use it for now. For now, the wolf remains a strictly protected animal in our country.
On December 4, by decision of the European Union, the wolf was moved from Annex II to Annex III, from a "strictly protected" species to a "protected" one, which means that it will be a game animal and can be shot.

It was Poland who enabled wolves colonise Central and Western Europe where the species had disappeared decades ago but revived again.
pawian  223 | 27184
4 Jan 2025   #245
Wolves are still fully protected in Poland. Despite complaints of local residents or farmers whose livestock or dogs are regularly killed by predators.
A large pack of wolves has appeared in the Jaświły county in eastern Poland Podlasie region. The predators lurk around buildings, kidnap dogs and attack farm animals. The mayor warns residents against entering the forest and wants to reduce the number of predators.

- The bull was lying gutted. After the night attack of wolves on heifers, only tracks in the field and remains of the victims remained - says Jan Pawełko from the Jaświły commune, whose cows were attacked by wolves. The victims of the wolves were three young heifers in total. Krzysztof Gudel noticed the devoured cattle in his field. - I suspect that there must have been a lot of these wolves, because from what I found here, there was practically nothing to collect. The heifers were very badly bitten and eaten - he says. It is possible that the wolves tried to get into the barn, because the cows fled in panic, overcoming the door security.

5 Jan 2025   #246
Europe admire Poland with jelosy for your wild nature . last wolf lived 200 years ago in Greet Britan.

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