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Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live.

jon357 73 | 22653
9 Jun 2024 #241
A black deer (really quite rare) has been spotted and filmed in Poland in a nature reserve at Dolina Baryczy (Barycz Valley) down in the south west.

Beautiful animals.
pawian 221 | 24284
10 Jun 2024 #242
A black deer (really quite rare)

Rarer than a white deer, spotted in Poland several times???

jon357 73 | 22653
10 Jun 2024 #243
Rarer than

Melanism occurs in 1 in 100,000 deer. I'm not sure about albinism.

Though there are a lot of deer in the U.K. and a little over half as many in PL I've never personally seen either black or white in either country.

Home / Travel / Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live.

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