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Poland in photo riddles - part 3

OP pawian 221 | 24284
20 Feb 2024 #151
Guys, stop laughing at the death of a great man whose heart was ripped out for Poles and Polesses to honour it in one of their temples. It is a serious matter.
jon357 73 | 22653
20 Feb 2024 #152
whose heart was ripped out

Probably really dry now.

You'd need to marinade it, perhaps in red wine, then simmer for a few hours.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
20 Feb 2024 #153
Jon, I was talking about honouring, not devouring. We aren`t cannibals like some Russians in Ukraine.

Ok, so you have both guessed the painting shows the death of Chopin. They didn`t paint taking out his heart yet.

What about the riddle in 133?
jon357 73 | 22653
20 Feb 2024 #154
Is it a sień?

It's made of shingles but I've forgotten what they're called in Polish.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
20 Feb 2024 #155
I've forgotten what they're called in Polish.

Yes, that`s what the riddle is all about. I am asking it coz the name is funny and has curious background.
Feniks 2 | 379
14 Mar 2024 #156
how do you call this low roofing?

OP pawian 221 | 24284
14 Mar 2024 #157
Wow, welcome back!
Sorry, no. Sth much funnier. :):)
We are talking about low roofs, not about what covers them. Gont means shingles.
Feniks 2 | 379
14 Mar 2024 #158
Dach z przypustnicą? I don't think it's right but can't think of anything else.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
15 Mar 2024 #161
Dach z przypustnicą?

Sorry, no.


Sorry, no. Ganek is a roofing over the front door, while here it spreads along the entire wall of the church.


No, it is just covering on the roof.

Let me repeat - I mean the whole construction of a low roof which is attached to the external wall of the church, practically encompassing the whole of it.

Hint - it originated to protect the believers who had to stay outside the church (eg. waiting for or during the mass service ) from adverse weather conditions.
Feniks 2 | 379
15 Mar 2024 #162
welcome back!


it originated to protect the believers who had to stay outside the church

Arcades called Soboty. Named for people who arrived on the Saturday for the Sunday service.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
15 Mar 2024 #163
Arcades called Soboty.

Yes, exactly! Soboty spelled with lower case s means saturdays. :)::):)

What is it about?

Feniks 2 | 379
15 Mar 2024 #164
Soboty spelled with lower case s means saturdays.

Interesting. In England days of the week are always capitalized. Didn't realize they weren't in Poland.
johnny reb 47 | 7287
16 Mar 2024 #165
Yes, exactly! Soboty

We call them Ganek (porches) in the U.S.
Alien 22 | 5225
16 Mar 2024 #166
called Soboty

I've never heard it in that sense.
Feniks 2 | 379
16 Mar 2024 #167
What is it about?

Is this a special occasion as such and the phones are being collected so that everyone can actually talk to each other without distraction? A wedding or Wigilia for example. From the little I can see of clothing, the men are wearing shoes and trousers so it appears to be a formal setting. Either that or maybe teachers confiscating student phones?
mafketis 37 | 10789
16 Mar 2024 #168
What is it about?

OP pawian 221 | 24284
16 Mar 2024 #169
In England days of the week are always capitalized.

So are they in Poland. :):) I was talking about soboty aka arcades not Soboty aka Saturdays. hahaha

We call them Ganek (porches) in the U.S.

Ganek is different - it is usually elevated while soboty aren`t.

teachers confiscating student phones? matura

Yes, collecting phones before the exam. The photo was taken about 5 years ago, funny boxes aren`t used anymore - today students simply mustn`t enter the exam hall with any devices like that.
Alien 22 | 5225
16 Mar 2024 #170
So are they in Poland

And that's where you're wrong. We write the days of the week with lowercase letters. However, there are exceptions. Do you know what ones?
OP pawian 221 | 24284
16 Mar 2024 #171
there are exceptions

Exactly! And those exceptions are more important than the remaining standard usages. Ha!!!! E.g, Sobota spelled with a capital letter is in two weeks` s time!! I can`t wait! :):):):)
OP pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #172
What is going on???

mafketis 37 | 10789
30 Mar 2024 #173
Poor potatoes waiting too long for buyers and their tears take the form of sprouts?

Or.... being sold to be planted to grow more ptoatoes....
Ironside 50 | 12345
30 Mar 2024 #174
What is going on???

That is your pay, tusk decided that from now onward spouts are the official currency of Poland.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #175
Or.... being sold

Maf, you are close. But remember I take photos of my stuff mostly.

That is your pay,

mafketis 37 | 10789
30 Mar 2024 #176
Maf, you are close

Potatoes you're going to plant...
OP pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #177
Yes, Maf! I already planted them last week and a new much bigger batch is getting ready in the house`a warmth. :):):)
OP pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #178
What is taking place???

Alien 22 | 5225
30 Mar 2024 #179
taking place???

Blessing of eggs
OP pawian 221 | 24284
30 Mar 2024 #180
Alien, where can you see any eggs??? ):):)

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