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Poland in photo riddles - part 2

Alien 22 | 5397
4 Feb 2023 #1561
Kind in German = child in English
Alien 22 | 5397
5 Feb 2023 #1562
Art in English = Kunst in German
OP pawian 220 | 24664
5 Feb 2023 #1563
Currently I have run out of riddles.

But a new supply has just arrived:

What is it for?

8 Feb 2023 #1564
Buns to go with the tatar you ate a couple of days later? Although by then I wouldn't have thought they would taste that good.....

Or buns to go with burgers?
OP pawian 220 | 24664
8 Feb 2023 #1565
Not tatar.

But those burgers are close......

Hint: my fave fast food from communist times.....
8 Feb 2023 #1566
OP pawian 220 | 24664
8 Feb 2023 #1567
Sorry, no. Sth more Western..... :):):)
8 Feb 2023 #1569
Sth more Western...

I can only think of Polish kielbasa version of hot dogs for something western but I didn't think that meat was widely available in PRL times. Plus, the bread is burger shaped not hot dog shaped.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
8 Feb 2023 #1570
I can only think of Polish kielbasa version of hot dogs for something western

Yes, excellent! Communist hot dogs! hahaha

Plus, the bread is burger shaped not hot dog shaped.

Exactly! But...... are you sure you know everything about communism??? :):):):)

See you in another thread of explanation.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
13 Feb 2023 #1571
Who, where and why???

Hint - it is an annual event

Alien 22 | 5397
13 Feb 2023 #1572
Love Parade or Juwenalia.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
13 Feb 2023 #1573
Nope. Never trust appearances. :):)
15 Feb 2023 #1574
Is this in Zawiercie?
OP pawian 220 | 24664
15 Feb 2023 #1575
Zawiercie? Sorry, no. Why Zawiercie??? ):):)

Another photo from the event which reveals an important hint:

15 Feb 2023 #1576
Why Zawiercie??? ):):)

I think you know why I thought that :)
I thought of this before but disregarded it because there was a lack of rainbow colours. Is it one of the annual equality ( pride ) marches?
OP pawian 220 | 24664
15 Feb 2023 #1577
I think you know why I thought that :)

I realy have no idea why. I swear! :):):)

annual equality ( pride ) marches?

Of course not!!! I already told Alien it wasn`t a Love Parade etc. :):):)

If you thought the hint was the people in the foreground, then no. Sth else is. Try to look again. Carefully this time! Engage your famous brilliant deduction skills! ):):)
15 Feb 2023 #1578
the people in the foreground,

I was looking at the woman in blue on the left wearing a rainbow thingy. I will have to think some more.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
15 Feb 2023 #1579
woman in blue on the left wearing a rainbow thingy

I see. I must admit I overlooked her and it completely.

But in my previous post 1577 I offered you another important hint. Where exactly? What?
Wow, a riddle within a riddle! Amasing!!! That`s what I love best!! hahahahaha
When we reach the third layer of riddling, it will be a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. Shortly speaking, like Russia. hahahaha
Paulina 15 | 4355
15 Feb 2023 #1580
Another photo from the event which reveals an important hint:

Since it's on the beach it made me think of sea hazing... perhaps for winter swimmers?
15 Feb 2023 #1581
deduction skills!

They're failing me on this one. If it's nothing to with the people in the foreground or the woman in blue, the only other thing that stands out is that they are all appear to be on a beach. Sopot? Gdansk? Warsaw?

When we reach the third layer of riddling,

I will be banging my head against the wall :)
OP pawian 220 | 24664
15 Feb 2023 #1582
to be on a beach

Yes!! And that`s what matters here!

perhaps for winter swimmers?

Yes!!! They are called walruses in Poland.

15 Feb 2023 #1583
for winter swimmers?

Congrats Paulina, I wouldn't have got that.

They are called walruses in Poland.

Bonkers. No way I'd be in there!
Paulina 15 | 4355
15 Feb 2023 #1584
Congrats Paulina

Thanks :))

I wouldn't have got that.

Don't you have such tradition in your country?
In Polish it's called "otrzęsiny" or "chrzest".

For winter swimmers:

For kids being for the first time at summer holiday camp at sea:
16 Feb 2023 #1585
Don't you have such tradition in your country?

Yes, we have equally crazy people here too :) Boxing Day, December 26th, seems to be popular for it :-

I don't know why but I just couldn't get the link between the beach and people in costume for some reason. Thanks for the links, some great costumes on display!
OP pawian 220 | 24664
16 Feb 2023 #1586
What dish is it going to be?

OP pawian 220 | 24664
16 Feb 2023 #1587
What`s the matter?

Miloslaw 20 | 4773
16 Feb 2023 #1588
What dish is it going to be?

Dunno, but it looks yuk.....
Alien 22 | 5397
16 Feb 2023 #1589
the matter

Confession line?
OP pawian 220 | 24664
17 Feb 2023 #1590
No confession. They were queining yesterday.

but it looks yuk.....

You eat a lot of foods which look the same when being prepared. Ha!

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