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Womans day in Poland?

Patrycja19 62 | 2683
9 Oct 2010 #121
Hope that young lady in the video above helped you some.

I hope she helped you some. I hope someone helped you period cause its
pawian 221 | 24284
9 Oct 2010 #122
Let`s be careful. Some of the posters pretend to be female while others pretend to be male. For fun. Everything they say should be taken with a grain of salt.

I know it from a sure source and once I personally knew a poster who was female though had male in profile.
wildrover 98 | 4431
9 Oct 2010 #123
Some of the posters pretend to be female while others pretend to be male.

I have never pretended to be male on this forum...well... maybe i hinted at it...
Patrycja19 62 | 2683
10 Oct 2010 #124
Let`s be careful. Some of the posters pretend to be female while others pretend to be male. For fun. Everything they say should be taken with a grain of salt.

well thats sad that someone would pretend like that , so in essence this isnt the best
place to come and learn from others because so many are fake??
ZIMMY 6 | 1601
11 Oct 2010 #125
Okay, I admit it. I'm a 20 year-old female supermodel. ... but I broke a nail today so I blamed a man, I cried too.
monika87 - | 55
11 Oct 2010 #126
Here's the thing about Poland, if you don't come with flowers you might as well not come at all. Always flowers, all the time. A gift would be too forward, but flowers are nearly mandatory.

Indeed. Kwiaty is a must ;-)

Yes, Poland had grandmothers day, grandfathers day, namesdays

Zgada się, and if it's not mother's day, grandmother's day, grandfather's day, can be found in every pub someone who celebrate his name-day, birthday. There is always something to celebrate. A day without celebrating is a wasted day, isn't it? ;-)
1 Mar 2011 #127
Merged thread:
International Womans day

I want to send my Polish girlfriend some flowers for womans day on March 8th. Is there a special flower or mix of flowers I should send. I can see that in some countries this is important but I can't see anything for Poland and Polish girls.

Can anyone help me ?
JaneDoe 5 | 114
1 Mar 2011 #128
Send her whatever flowers she likes.
But if you don't know what she likes: roses are always safe. Tulips are pretty. Freesias smells pretty.
Barney 16 | 1689
1 Mar 2011 #129
I want to send my Polish girlfriend some flowers for womans day on March 8th. Is there a special flower or mix of flowers I should send. I can see that in some countries this is important but I can't see anything for Poland and Polish girls

Just phoned a Polish friend who said and I quote

"You are asking the wrong question........You are a man you are supposed to know"

Can anyone help me ?

Sorry no.

Can anyone help me I need a hitman for March the 8th!
1 Mar 2011 #130
And make sure she remembers what 14 March is!
gumishu 14 | 6202
1 Mar 2011 #131
must be your birthday Harry ;)
1 Mar 2011 #132
No but supper is the same as for my birthday.
Alien 22 | 5228
8 Mar 2024 #133
Warmest wishes on Women's Day to everyone on the Polish Forum who considers themselves women.⚘🍾
Atch 21 | 4159
8 Mar 2024 #134
How kind :)

Bobko 25 | 2077
8 Mar 2024 #135
Happy International Women's Day, ladies!

Wishing you all manner of womanly happiness on this day)

Novichok 5 | 7804
8 Mar 2024 #136
Happy International Women's Day, ladies!

Thank you, Bobko.

Let me know when Men's Day will be celebrated so I will trans back to a man.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
8 Mar 2024 #137
Happy International Women's Day, ladies!

Especially es our board girls have proven to be a tough bunch! Congrats! :)
Novichok 5 | 7804
8 Mar 2024 #138
Congrats! :)

We congratulate achievements. Is being a woman an achievement now?
Joker 2 | 2233
8 Mar 2024 #139
Warmest wishes on Women's Day

Not recognized in the USA same as those silly name days. Birthday, Nameday, womens day. Sounds like crying for attention. Are you supposed to buy gifts now?

Lets cancel Valentines Day then!

When is international mens day?
Lenka 5 | 3526
8 Mar 2024 #140
Thank you for the wishes :)
Atch 21 | 4159
8 Mar 2024 #141
This Women's Day lark is a Commie thing but as I'm not only a woman, but a lady, I smile and say 'thank you' when wished the happiness of the day by poor, deluded foreigners.

We don't take any notice of it in Ireland :))
johnny reb 47 | 7288
8 Mar 2024 #142
Lets cancel Valentines Day then!

Very good point.
And Mothers Day also.

I smile and say 'thank you' when wished the happiness of the day by poor, deluded foreigners.

If that is the case I will just start referring to you as Atch again instead of Ms. Atch showing my deluded respect.
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
8 Mar 2024 #143
March. Women's History Month.


grandpa Bidon (as Russians call him) with Shaq celebrates Women's History Month
Bobko 25 | 2077
8 Mar 2024 #144
This Women's Day lark is a Commie thing

Not a Commie thing per se, but Socialist instead.

By the time the USSR adopted it as an official holiday in the 1920s, it had been recognized as an official holiday in Austria, Germany and other places.

To us - Valentine's Day is the grotesque, materialistic, recent import.

Incidentally, how do you square the fact that women achieved a more equal status in backwards and primitive Russia, first, before the women of the West?

1) Russia was the first major power to grant its women the right to vote.
2) Abortion was made legal in 1920.
3) In 1922 marital rape became illegal.
4) First legally-mandated maternity leave
5) First public child care centers
6) Constitutionally enshrined equality of men and women
7) First sniper ace woman
8) First woman in space

Your Western countries only moved towards feminism, to keep pace with the Soviet Union on the moral front.

We were the first country in the world to take seriously the question of equality between genders.

Lenin wrote: "To effect [woman's] emancipation and make her the equal of man, it is necessary to be socialized and for women to participate in common productive labor. Then woman will be the equal of man."

This position was built atop Marx's earlier theorizing regarding the role of women.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
8 Mar 2024 #145
To us - Valentine's Day is the grotesque, materialistic, recent import.

...or Halloween!

In Berlin you can see them sometimes now too....but it never took hold! Foreign, strange clad kids and adults ring an unknown door and cry for sweets. Not to mention that most buildings here are blocks of flats where the visitor has to ring the main street door to get into the building in the first place, which in most cases stays shut since they don't belong to anyone of the folks in this house....after all this years of advertising it's still just strange and abit embarrassing for all....and of course sad for the little ones!
Alien 22 | 5228
8 Mar 2024 #146
We know well that women were just as persecuted as men in the USSR. This remains to this day.
Bobko 25 | 2077
8 Mar 2024 #147
just as persecuted as men

Equal opportunity persecution, is a good indicator of gender equality.

Also, despite us:

1) Putting our women in uniform
2) Making them fight at the front
3) Making them toil in the factories
4) Doing everything to strip them of every remaining feminine aspect

... our women still take care of themselves, us, and the kids much better than your Western women.

The traditional gender roles in family and romance have been preserved, while progress was achieved in other fields - and nothing happened!

You've managed to turn your women into men, which is not the same as equality.
Atch 21 | 4159
8 Mar 2024 #148
.but it never took hold!

No reason why it should. It's not part of your culture. It's the ancient Irish Harvest festival with strong connections to our spiritual pre-Christian past and our mythology. Why on earth would you be celebrating it in Germany?

@ Bobko, sadly, I don't have time to address your nonsense now. I might find a moment over the weekend. Have a lovely evening everybody!
Bobko 25 | 2077
8 Mar 2024 #149
It's the ancient Irish Harvest festival

Now Halloween is Irish?

don't have time to address your nonsense now

I figured.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
8 Mar 2024 #150
Why on earth would you be celebrating it in Germany?

All these sweets and the costumes, money of course....and the industries are globalized and connected in many ways!

I'm all for recognizing and acknowledging pagan holy days, it's the tradition of sending your kids out to ring on unknown doors which is just strange!

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