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Womans day in Poland?

Wersal 5 | 19
2 Mar 2008 #1
Czesc Everyone, my first post:-)

I have a question that i really need the answer to, i met a polish girl a while ago now who is currently back in poland studying, i have badly fallen in love with her (but she doesnt know this, maybe) so i need to know if it is ok to send flowers and a gift to her on womans day or do you think this is maybe to much?

In England this would be perfectly fine but i haven't got a clue about Poland? do they even celebrate this day? the girl is 20 years old so does this make a difference in terms of new vs old generations attitudes?
2 Mar 2008 #2
flowers will be great... you are not gf/bf so i wouldn't go with a present...
JustysiaS 13 | 2238
2 Mar 2008 #3
yeah dont wanna be too full on, get her a rose and maybe a card, dont splash out on anything cos she might think you wanna buy her love ha ha ;)
OP Wersal 5 | 19
2 Mar 2008 #4
WOW! now thats what i call a quick answer:-)
... i was going to send a gift but i will take your advice,
dziękuję bardzo:*
EbonyandBathory 5 | 249
2 Mar 2008 #5
Here's the thing about Poland, if you don't come with flowers you might as well not come at all. Always flowers, all the time. A gift would be too forward, but flowers are nearly mandatory.
krysia 23 | 3058
2 Mar 2008 #6
do they even celebrate this day?

Oh yes they do! very popular.
LondonChick 31 | 1133
3 Mar 2008 #7
I wish that it was celebrated in the UK <sigh>
Grounded 4 | 99
3 Mar 2008 #8
When is womans day? I only know Mothers Day ...........
LondonChick 31 | 1133
3 Mar 2008 #9
8th March.

This link will tell you all you need to know:
Grounded 4 | 99
3 Mar 2008 #10
oh dear, if this keeps going on i might just get a subscription of fleurop.

thanks for the Info though. Never heard of it before
LondonChick 31 | 1133
3 Mar 2008 #11
Virtual flowers are good enough for me LOL!
Grounded 4 | 99
3 Mar 2008 #12
Well thank you for your help :)
LondonChick 31 | 1133
3 Mar 2008 #13
Awww grounded <wipes a tear from eye>
lifesgood - | 2
3 Mar 2008 #14
So just to add to the original question...

Would flowers and a present be too much if sending them to someone who you like and likes you?
EbonyandBathory 5 | 249
3 Mar 2008 #15
What kind of present? A small present would probably suffice, but something too big could scare her away if you're only in the courting phase.
KasiaG - | 44
3 Mar 2008 #16
I agree ^^^ don't make her feel like she needs to reciprocate.. flowers are a great idea already. If you insist, add e.g. chocolates, but wait with something bigger, if it develops in the right way ;)

You know what.. I'd be thrilled to get good old pink carnations.. would feel like old times.. :]

*sentimental Kats..*
brian1411 3 | 12
3 Mar 2008 #17
What sort of things would you say to a woman on woman's day...would you write a special message in a card or just wish them all the happiness?
Kowalski 7 | 621
4 Mar 2008 #18
Definitely don't wish her just happiness. This day is to celebrate ALL women, womanhood, females. No need to particularly focus on ONE human being but rather celebrate her belonging to world of femine. Don't turn 8th March into Valentine Day, we celebrate Valentine, too.

Poles would often discuss what is female and what is male on this occasion and include their female pets plus wonder whether Moon is Her or Him.
brian1411 3 | 12
4 Mar 2008 #19
Thanks for the advise Kowalski.....what do Polish males say to the Polish women on Woman's day to celebrate her belonging to the world of femine?
Kowalski 7 | 621
4 Mar 2008 #20
On second thought: you may wish her happiness. It's a good wish, no doubt. Don't forget to say nice things to other women around in room if there are any. In fact all day to all women you may say some nice word and that would be appreciated by most but some feminist who might see that day as discriminatory and point for example to daily violence against women vs "stupid" flowers once a year.

Can't come up with any typical wishes other then .. Happy Women's Day Sweet Heart and similar, sorry.
Dice 15 | 452
4 Mar 2008 #21
Do young people celebrate March 8th, or is it remembered by the older generation only? I thought that was an old Communist celebration remembered only by the old folks?
JustysiaS 13 | 2238
4 Mar 2008 #22
everybody celebrates it, Dice. at school, boys buy girls flowers or sweets on Womens Day. then sometime in october its Dzień Chłopaka (boys day). we also celebrate grandmas and grandads day in january lol.
OP Wersal 5 | 19
4 Mar 2008 #23
Ok... after much thought i have finally decided what flowers to send her... so please dont laugh LOL. As you can see they are not roses because iam thinking it would be best not to send roses cos this may be to much for Woman's day... any thoughts on this???

this is a little poem to go with the flowers, i know it may be a little corny but i thought of this one myself so maybe im thinking its better than it actually is LOL???

Today is a very special day, and so what better way to convey, than to send this gift your way. Wszystkiego najlepszego i trzymaj sie (name)

Glim 5 | 30
7 Mar 2008 #24
Me and my girlfriend work together at a train station.. A regular passenger today gave a red rose to her and said she was beautiful and deserves the best life can give her. He then went on his way to catch his train.

This happened in front of me and afterwards she told me about 'Womans Day'..

I felt like a fool..

We laughed..

I wasn't aware of such a day..

I Agreed to do the washing up and cook dinner for a week instead of sharing the housework.

I feel like an idiot.

Sex is the best medicine for any situation such as this..
Dtami - | 7
7 Mar 2008 #25
How would you say "Happy Womens Day"....
RJ_cdn - | 267
7 Mar 2008 #26
Happy Womens Day"....

Szczęśliwego Dnia Kobiet
nikttaki 5 | 62
6 Mar 2009 #27
Yes, Poland had grandmothers day, grandfathers day, namesdays .... and womans day (coming soon)... my scottish colleague asked me today at work: does Poland have any day which is just a casual day, during which nothing is celebrated?

Well, it seems that no! LOL
szarlotka 8 | 2205
6 Mar 2009 #28
Womans day in Poland?

Great. I'll take three please.
LondonChick 31 | 1133
6 Mar 2009 #29
Oooh I remember this thread from last year... I'll be out and about tomorrow, so have a good one sisters :))
7 Mar 2009 #30
I would love a flower from my boyfriend but he doesn't even know womans day exists.

Home / Life / Womans day in Poland?
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