The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Hołownia - a rising star in Polish politics?  2  3  4
Swedish Love for Poland  2
"Dirty Polish" - I want to buy this book
2 - Hmm, looks tempting!...

Studysimpleboi95 - 10 Jun 2024Lyzko - 10 Jun 2024
Its decided. If Germany interfere in Silesia, Russia would support Poland. New winds
E36 from Germany to Poland - possibly the worst stretch of tarmac in the World?
8 - E36 got a new surface along its entire route in Poland....

TravelMorrisey - 18 Apr 2015Alien - 9 Jun 2024
Toxicity of SOME Polish Mothers Towards Their Daughters  2
Poland-Tea or coffee land?  2  3  4
Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious?  2  3  4  5  6  7
Polish Golabki (Golomki) Recipe  2
Polish patriotic tattoos  2
Does Poland have any particular artistic style in regard to paintings/drawings?
4 - @jon357 Great Jacek Yerka Googled it . Fantastic!...

Lifeshekofte - 30 Jan 2014shekofte - 6 Jun 2024
Polish Government of runs on 2 engines: Bribery from EU and Polish inferiority complex about being Polish
I need help finding my Crobak family, if anyone survived.
2 - Maybe try searching for records in Catholic parishes in Tarnowskie Góry?...

GenealogyChimkin - 1 Jun 2024Paulina - 2 Jun 2024
Polish guy canceled 3rd date on me, is he uninterested or am I reading too much into it  2
43 - ...they need it when they want something. Like a husband......

LoveAmericangirldoll - 31 Mar 2024Novichok - 2 Jun 2024
Poznać w Polska kobieta
Polish Silesian Autonomy movement  2  3
Zloty lifts Poland's Economy  2
Is there a self-help movement in Poland?
12 - Yes, probably....

LifeZlatko - 24 Jun 2020Lyzko - 31 May 2024
Why Poles are so much different than other slavic nations? Poland must return to mother Poland.  2
Mishmash facts about Poland and Poles  2  3  4  5
Greatest Old Towns in Poland  2  3
Polish songs with religious motifs
The restoration of Polish cities from WW2 destruction  2  3  4  5
Honoring - Otto Schimek  2
47 - Still don't get what your game is, but it's getting really annoying!...

HistoryMr Grunwald - 17 May 2024Lyzko - 29 May 2024
Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
243 - You're obsessed....

HistorySire Brenshar - 14 Jun 2010jon357 - 29 May 2024
Income Earned 100% In USA and Poland Taxes
Dating Polish guy
Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  ...  21  22  23
Northern Lights in Poland  2