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Why Poles are so much different than other slavic nations? Poland must return to mother Poland.

Blanketsniffer 1 | 25
20 Nov 2014 #1
Its really interesting , I have been in many slavic and east europe countries and poles are so much different than the people there like they are so warm if you know you and altough they are a bit cold if they dont know you , they are extremely kind when engaged.
Monitor 13 | 1810
20 Nov 2014 #2
It's the same reason why Syrian are different from Turkish.
OP Blanketsniffer 1 | 25
20 Nov 2014 #3
well honey , syrians are arabs but turks are not.for example turks in turkey and turks in middle asia are so similar. and what I said was why they are different from other slavs. other slavs are much more like each other.
Szalawa 2 | 239
20 Nov 2014 #4
what I said was why they are different from other slavs. other slavs are much more like each other.

Give some examples, I am not sure what you are talking about
Crow 157 | 9202
22 Nov 2014 #5
Why Poles are so much different than other slavic nations ?

no, not that different. Specific, yes. All Slavs are specific in their mutual differences and similarities.
Ktos 15 | 432
16 Apr 2016 #6
Merged: Polish must return to real mother Poland

We must reach deep within our Polish roots and beyond into our Slavic origins and take what is best from it. We should do more searching and analysing of our behaviours in the past and embrace the elements that in the past made Poland a culture that Polish could have been proud of. This is not quite the case now.
Kezcaisim 1 | 37
17 Apr 2016 #7
Yes, Poles in general are very nice, kind people. Even towards foreigners. Quite unlike the Czechs.
Alien 22 | 5227
19 May 2024 #8
Even towards foreigners. Quite unlike the Czechs.

This is only because Czechs think that everyone is laughing at their funny language that functions (sometimes) without vowels.
jon357 73 | 22653
19 May 2024 #9
their funny language

Really a very beautiful language.

Poles in general are very nice, kind people

Novichok 5 | 7804
19 May 2024 #10
Quite unlike the Czechs.

The Czechs are right. Foreigners, just like LGBTs, are tolerable only if the numbers are low. See London - 35% white Brits.

The rest - foreign-born cancer, slowly devouring once white country...
Lyzko 42 | 9479
21 May 2024 #11
Poles, along with Czechs, are perhaps the more Westernized among the Slavs!
First off, they're both Roman Catholic, secondly (and most significant), they use
Latin script.
Novichok 5 | 7804
21 May 2024 #12
Thirdly, Czechs are smart. Poles are dumb.

66,000 vs 137 deaths during German invasions of Poland and Czechoslovakia.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
21 May 2024 #13
Again with the useless, nasty stereotyping!
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
21 May 2024 #14
See London - 35% white

Wrong!53.8% white.
johnny reb 47 | 7288
21 May 2024 #15
- See London - 35% white Brits.

Thats correct Novi.
Novichok 5 | 7804
22 May 2024 #16
Again with the useless, nasty stereotyping!

Stereotyping is always correct because perceptions are developed over time and are based on a large number of cases.

For example....

White IQ is significantly higher than black.
Czechs have a better instinct for self-preservation than do Poles.
German women are uglier than women in Colombia.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
22 May 2024 #17
And greed is healthy, stereotypes are neat pegs upon which to hang inadequate experience etc. ad nauseum......
Come on, Rich, get a life already!!
Novichok 5 | 7804
22 May 2024 #18
White IQ is significantly higher than black.
Czechs have a better instinct for self-preservation than do Poles.
German women are uglier than women in Colombia.

Which of the above is not true?
jon357 73 | 22653
22 May 2024 #19
IQ is a test of acquired skills. It is impacted by given cultures and visual stimulus. It is neither inherent nor connected to DNA.
Novichok 5 | 7804
22 May 2024 #20
Hey, Lyzko, are you there?
Lyzko 42 | 9479
23 May 2024 #21
I'm here? Are YOU all there?
Alien 22 | 5227
23 May 2024 #22
Is there anybody out there?
Lyzko 42 | 9479
23 May 2024 #23
Indeed there is and I'd already responded to Rich who maintained the stereotype that Poles
are less intelligent than Czechs along with other assorted bilge!
Alien 22 | 5227
24 May 2024 #24
are less intelligent than Czechs

This was especially visible in the example of the good soldier Ċ vejk. Believe me, Czechs are like that.
Novichok 5 | 7804
24 May 2024 #25
During the German invasion...

Poles - 66,000 dead
Czechs - 137 dead

So who is a dumb ass?

Czechs are like that.

Lyzko 42 | 9479
24 May 2024 #26
That's no indicator, Rich, and you know it.
Cleverness and intelligence aren't mutually exclusive.
While intelligence is surely a part of cleverness, cleverness
in and of itself is not necessarily the same thing as intelligence!

Example. Someone is intelligent enough to realize that if one
enters a burning building, they too will probably get burned...or worse.
Someone who is clever will estimate which is the strongest section
of the structure and the proceed to either enter from there or simply
stay away.

A clever person might be able to outsmart another person, yet smart and
clever aren't the same thing either in and of themselves.

Second example. A smart person knows how to figure out the answers on
the test. A clever person might be able to figure out exactly what the teacher
wants the student to say/write.

See the difference?
Novichok 5 | 7804
24 May 2024 #27
During the German invasion...

Poles - 66,000 dead
Czechs - 137 dead

Which one would you rather be during the German invasion...A Pole or Czech?

I will not read anything beyond the first sentence.
Lyzko 42 | 9479
25 May 2024 #28
You troll incessantly like a child and expect that by repeating the same moronic question like a robot (or an idiot, take your pick!),
that you will arrive at truth, just like these ******* lawyers who like to badger the witness.

Geez Louise, give it a rest, Rich.
jon357 73 | 22653
25 May 2024 #29
You troll incessantly like a child and expect that by repeating the same moronic question like a robot (or an idiot, take your pick!),
that you will arrive at truth

I just ignore him, laugh at him, toy with him and occasionally tell him what a crazy cvnt he is.

He's not worth taking seriously (nobody else does) and his questions are best ignored.
Novichok 5 | 7804
25 May 2024 #30
Geez Louise, give it a rest, Rich.

Annoying slippery snakes is my mission and passion.

So, during the German invasions, which one would you rather be...(1) one of the 66,000 Poles or (2) 137 Czechks?

1 or 2, Mr. Weasel?

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