We embrace as our own the heritage of Polish Jews, many of whom have enhanced the international stature of Poland."
What is your evidence that Jews have "enhanced the international stature of Poland"?
Which Jews are you talking about? Be specific.
Do you mean those old Leftists Jews (mostly Polish Jews) in the US who proudly went on national TV mocking and ridiculing Polish people as having less then human intelligence back in the day (and once in a while today) like:
-Joan Rivers
-Don Rickles
-Henny Youngman
-Sid Caeser
-Joey Adams
-Jerry Lewis
-Buddy Hackett
(these are just the tip of the iceberg)
Or maybe Bruce Helford the producer of the Drew Carey show, where the Polish Lady was portrayed as a low-life slob and there was another slob who made an arse out of himself while calling himself "The Polish King".
Or maybe you mean Norman Lear who had a show which he claimed was supposed to be "against bigotry" but actually promoted the denegration of Polish people with the constant sound bites of the Polish character being described over and over and over again as a "dumb Polack", "Meathead Polack" and on and on.
Or maybe Neil Simon the producer of "Biloxi Blues" where the Polish character is portrayed as a backward slob.
Or maybe Larry Wilde who wrote many books on Polish people having subhuman intelligence, oh excuse me.....Polish jokes. I must be politically correct here.
Then since the 90's, media slander against Poles changed a little bit and it went to big Lies about Poles such as the abusive use of the term "Polish Death Camps" where there have actually been reports of people hearing this from the media and then concluding that "the Poles must have created them since they keep hearing that phrase"
Sadly many many of the people in the media who have used that term and continue to do so are Jews.
"Polish Death Camp" controversy
When students were asked who the Nazis were and When asked who built concentration camps in Poland, they reply: "They're Polish camps-so, it was the Poles." en.auschwitz.org.pl/m/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=8
Use of the anti-Polish term "Polish Death Camp" a mistake by the media or DELIBERATE?
Polish American complains about Wall Street Journal using term "Polish Death Camps"
"Polish Death Camp" phrase used to slander Poland
Polish Concentration Camps Do not exist but ACCORDING TO PARADE MAGAZINE THEY DO
Poland RENAMES Death Camps NAZI GERMAN Death Camps in response to International Media calling them POLISH DEATH camps and implying the Poles created them
Now of course we all know that there is good and bad in all groups of people. There are many Jews who have spoken out against this anti-Polish slander by other Jews.
But really. To suggest Jews have "helped the international stature of Poland" is quite ridiculous.
Even the Jews in Poland like that one rabbi Mr. Shuldrich or something like that, gets an adrenaline rush by running to the Leftist Jews at the New York Times or Washington Post and slamming Poland as being "anti-semtic this" and "anti-semitic that" while refusing to explain why Jews CHOSE to LIVE in Poland for hundreds and hundreds of years.
I think Polish Christian Auschwitz survivor Michael Preisler sums of pretty well what the media has been doing to the Polish people.
Michael Preisler - Polish Christian Auschwitz survivor